Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission
(CPUC) website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
review of Pacific Gas and Electric's (PG&E) proposed Delta DPA
Capacity Increase Substation Project (Delta Substation). An application
for this project was submitted to the CPUC on August 12, 2005 (A.05-08-022)
and a Certification of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) was
granted by CPUC on March 1, 2007. This site provides access to
public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review process.
PG&E filed an application with the CPUC to build a new three-bank
230/21 kV distribution substation on a 5.1-acre site in the City
of Antioch in eastern Contra Costa County. In addition, the Proposed
Project would include a new transmission tower in an existing transmission
right of way and a new paved access road from the intersection of
Heidorn Ranch Road and Sand Creek Road to the proposed substation
site. The temporary access road would require a temporary bridge
over Sand Creek. PG&E's project objective is to improve reliability
and meet projected electrical load requirements in the Delta Distribution
Planning Area (DPA), which includes the rapidly growing southern
and eastern portion of Antioch, the cities of Brentwood and Oakley,
and much of the remainder of unincorporated eastern Contra Costa
Proponent's Environmental Assessment
PG&E filed a PEA with the Application
in August 2005. This document provided a starting point for the
environmental review process conducted by the CPUC.
Environmental Review Process
The CPUC on September 22, 2006, released a Notice of Intent to
Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
(MND) for the Delta Substation Project, showing that the Proposed
Project, as mitigated, would not have any significant effects on
the environment. Public comments on the MND were accepted for 30
days until October 23, 2006. The CPUC on November 28,
2006 released a Final MND incorporating responses to the public
comments. On March 1, 2007, the CPUC granted a Certification
of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for the project
Construction of the project began on September 10, 2007, after
a Notice to Proceed with Construction was granted by CPUC on August
30, 2007. A CPUC Environmental Monitor will monitor construction
activities to ensure that they are conducted in accordance with
the approved mitigation measures and permit conditions. This site
holds all weekly reports documenting this
monitoring activity.
For Additional Information
Requests for additional information should be sent to:
Junaid Rahman, CPUC Project Manager
c/o Aspen Environmental Group
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 935
San Francisco, CA 94104-3002
E-mail: deltasub@aspeneg.com