Welcome to the
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) web site for the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of the proposed construction of
Pacific Gas and Electric's (PG&E) Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission
Project. An application for this project was submitted to the CPUC on
September 30, 2002. This site provides access to public documents
and information relevant to the CEQA review.
Background To respond to growth in electrical service demand and maintain
system reliability for the cities of Burlingame, Millbrae, San Bruno,
South San Francisco, Brisbane, Colma, Daly City, and San Francisco, PG&E
proposes to install a new, approximately In accordance with Public Utilities Code Section 1001, PG&E is seeking a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) from the CPUC identifying the selected route based on environmental review of the proposed route and alternatives and authorizing construction of the project. Proposed Route A map of the proposed route can be viewed here. PG&E's
Application and The Application and PEA may be viewed here. Environmental Review Notice of Preparation and Project Scoping The CPUC on January 21, 2003, issued a Notice of Preparation for an EIR on the Jefferson-Martin Project. In order to gather information on public and agency concerns about the project as proposed and recommendations about alternatives, four public scoping meetings were held. The Scoping Report was issued in April 2003. It summarizes all comments received and presents copies of all comment letters. Draft Environmental Impact Report The Draft EIR was released on July 16, 2003, and can be viewed here. Note that the maps included in the Draft EIR are not included on this website due to PG&E's security restrictions. Maps may be viewed at the public repositories listed in the Notice of Availability, or copies may be requested from the project e-mail account, jeffmartin@aspeneg.com. Final Environmental Impact Report The Final EIR was released on November 13, 2003, and can be viewed here. As with the Draft EIR, maps included in the Final EIR are not included on this website due to PG&E's security restrictions. Maps may be viewed at the public repositories listed in the Notice of Availability, or copies may be requested from the project e-mail account, jeffmartin@aspeneg.com. For Additional Information The CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, is managing the environmental review of the project. The CPUC's Project Manager in the Energy Division's CEQA unit is:
To request additional information, please contact us via
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