Proposed Miguel-Mission 230 kV #2 Project

(Application A.02-07-022, filed July 12, 2002)


Final Environmental Impact Report

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Title Page
Notice of Availability
1.  Introduction
1.1. Purpose
1.2. Organization of Final EIR
1.3. Decision Making Process
2.  Summary of Public Review Process
2.1. Public Involvement Milestones
2.2. EIR Information and Repository Sites
2.3. Public Review Period
2.4. Informational Workshops and Public Participation Hearings
3.  Responses to Comments
Table 3-1. Commenters and Comment Set Numbers
General Responses:
GR-1 Proposed Project Relationship to OMPPA Project
GR-2 Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) and Health Effects
GR-3 Undergrounding of Transmission Lines
GR-4 Property Values
GR-5 Aesthetic Impacts of the Proposed Project

Public Agencies, Part 1 of 2
Comment Set A - Padre Dam Municipal Water District
Comment Set B - Instituto de Informatica
Comment Set C - San Diego County Water Authority
Comment Set D - Helix Water District
Comment Set E - City of Santee

Public Agencies, Part 2 of 2
Comment Set F - Caltrans
Comment Set G - San Diego County Board of Supervisors
Comment Set H - Federal Aviation Administration
Comment Set I - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish & Game
Community Groups, Nonprofit Organizations, and Private Companies
Comment Set CC1 - Barona Band of Mission Indians
Comment Set CC2 - San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce
Comment Set CC3 - Border Generation Group
Comment Set CC4 - Barratt American, Inc.
Public Participation Hearings, May 10, 2004
Comment Set PPH1 - Santee City Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Comment Set PPH2 - Santee City Hall, 7:00 p.m.
Public Participation Hearings, May 11, 2004
Comment Set PPH3 - Spring Valley Library, 4:00 p.m.
Comment Set PPH4 - El Cajon Community Center, 7:00 p.m.
Private Individuals, Part 1 of 2
Comment Set 1 - Dalour Younan
Comment Set 2 - John Mood
Comment Set 3 - Bob Meijer
Comment Set 4 - Michael Bortoli
Comment Set 5 - Lonna & Mike Perry
Comment Set 6 - Mary E. England
Comment Set 7 - Jeff Bruhn
Comment Set 8 - Gregg Guenther & Ellen Holaway - Santee Citizens for Safe Power
Comment Set 9 - Arlen and Elaine Watt
Comment Set 10 - J. Michael Lowell

Private Individuals, Part 2 of 2
Comment Set 11 - Linda Kirk
Comment Set 12 - Ruth G. Jones
Comment Set 13 - Katherine L. Marsh
Comment Set 14 - Kevin Marsh
Comment Set 15 - Bob & Gail Crawford


The Applicant (San Diego Gas & Electric Company)
Comment Set SD, Part 1 of 5
Comment Set SD, Part 2 of 5
Comment Set SD, Part 3 of 5
Comment Set SD, Part 4 of 5
Comment Set SD, Part 5 of 5 (Responses)

4.  Revisions to the Draft EIR
Executive Summary
A. Introduction/Overview
B. Description of Proposed Project
C. Alternatives
D.2. Air Quality
D.3. Biological Resources
D.4. Cultural Resources
D.5. Geology, Soils, and Paleontology
D.6. Hydrology and Water Quality
D.7. Land Use and Recreation
D.8. Noise and Vibration
D.9. Public Health and Safety
D.10. Public Services and Utilities
D.12. Transportation and Traffic
D.13. Visual Resources
Visual Resources, Figure D.13-32. KOP 6 – Jamacha Elementary School, Proposed Project, Simulated View to North, revised
E. Comparison of Alternatives
F. Other CEQA Considerations
G. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
I. Report Preparation
Appendix 2. Alternatives Screening Report
Appendix 3. Biological Resources Technical Report

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