The Nevada Hydro Company's Talega-Escondido/Valley-Serrano 500 kV Interconnect Project

(Application A.10-07-001)


Proponent's Environmental Assessment - July 2010

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Appendix A. Organizing Documents
Appendix B. Project Plan
Appendix C. Programmatic Agreement
Appendix D. Prepared Testimony
Appendix E. Cost Estimate
Appendix F. Proposed Construction Schedule
Appendix G. EMF Management Plan
Appendix H. Forms of Notice
Appendix I. Financial Statements
Appendix J. Disclosure of Interests
Chapter 1. Proponent's Environmental Assessment Summary
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Major Conclusions of the PEA
1.3. Areas of Controversy
1.4. Issues to be Resolved
1.5. Inter-Agency Coordination and Public Outreach
Chapter 2. Project Purpose and Need
2.1. Overview
Chapter 3. Project Description (4.6MB)
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Project Location
3.3. Existing System
3.4. Project Objectives
3.5. Proposed Project
3.6. Project Components
3.7. Right-of-Way Requirements
3.8. Construction
3.9. Operation and Maintenance
3.10. Applicant Proposed Measures
3.11. Electric and Magnetic Fields Summary
Figure 3.1.1-4. TE/VS Corridor Maps (18.9MB)
Figure 3.1.1-5. 115 kV Corridor Plan
Figure 3.1.1-6. LEAPS Pumped Storage Component
Figure 3.6.1-7. Lake 500 kV Switchyard
Figure 3.6.1-11. Santa Rosa Substation Site
Figure 3.6.1-16. Case Springs Substation
Figure 3.6.3-2. Talega-Escondido 230 kV Line Upgrade Maps
(All other Chapter 3 figures embedded in document.)
Chapter 4. Environmental and Regulatory Setting (31.6MB)
4.1. General Environmental Setting
4.2. General Regulatory Setting
4.3. Aesthetics
4.4. Agricultural Resources
4.5. Air Quality
4.6. Biological Resources
4.7. Cultural Resources
4.8. Geology and Soils,
4.9. Hazards and Hazardous Materials
4.10. Hydrology and Water Quality
4.11. Land Use and Planning
4.12. Mineral Resources
4.13. Noise
4.14. Population and Housing
4.15. Public Services
4.16. Recreation
4.17. Transportation and Traffic
4.18. Utilities and Service Systems
4.19. Energy Resources
Figure 4.3.1-1. Regional Vicinity Map
Figure 4.3.1-2. Aerial Photographs (6 pages)
Figure 4.3.1-3. LEAPS Project - Scenic Integrity Objectives in the Cleveland National Forest and San Mateo Wilderness Area
Figure 4.3.1-4. Trabuco Ranger District Scenic Integrity Objectives
Figure 4.3.1-5. City of Lake Elsinore Landscape Viewshed Units
Figure 4.4.1-1. Trabuco Ranger District Existing Grazing Allocations
Figure 4.4.1-2. City of Lake Elsinore Farmlands of Significance
Figure 4.4.1-3. Riverside County General Plan Elsinore Area Plan
Figure 4.4.2-1. Williamson Act Contract Lands Western Riverside County (3 pages)
Figure 4.4.2-2. Riverside County Important Farmland 2004 / San Diego County Important Farmland 2004 (4 pages)
Figure 4.6.1-1. Critical Habitat Designations Quino Checkerspot Butterfly (embedded in document)
Figure 4.6.1-2. Critical Habitat Designations Coastal California Gnatcatcher Unit 10 (San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California) (embedded in document)
Figure 4.6.1-3. Critical Habitat Designations Munz's Onion (embedded in document)
Figure 4.6.1-4. Critical Habitat Designations Southwest Willow Flycatcher (embedded in document)
Figure 4.6.1-5. Critical Habitat Designations - Least Bell's Vireo (embedded in document)
Figure 4.6.1-6. Focused Special Status Plant Survey Areas
Figure 4.6.1-7. Arroyo Toad Focused Survey Areas
Figure 4.6.1-8. Southwest Willow Flycatcher and Least Bell's Vireo Focused Survey Areas (4 pages)
Figure 4.6.1-9. Coastal California Gnatcatcher Focused Survey Areas
Figure 4.6. 1-10. Riverside County Stephens' Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan Fee Assessment Area
Figure 4.6.1-11. Western Riverside County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan
Figure 4.6.1-12. Major Vegetation Types Located Within Camp Pendleton
Figure 4.6.1-13. Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Plant and Wildlife Species At Camp Pendleton
Figure 4.6.1-14. Talega-Escondido Transmission Line Vegetation Communities, Cover Types, and Special Status Botanical Species (6 pages)
Figure 4.6.1-15. Talega-Escondido Transmission Line Special Status Wildlife Species and Critical Habitat (2 pages)
Figure 4.6.1-16. South Coast Ecoregion South Coast Missing Linkages
Figure 4.6.1-17. Santa Ana - Palomar Mountains Linkage Design
Figure 4.7.1-1. 1901 USGS Topographic Quadrangle (embedded in document)
Figure 4.8.1-1. Physiographic Provinces of Southern California
Figure 4.8.1-2. City of Lake Elsinore Geologic Formations
Figure 4.8.1-3. Seismic Hazards
Figure 4.8.1-4. Liquefaction Susceptibility In The Lake Elsinore Area
Figure 4.8.1-5. Preliminary Geologic Map - Santa Ana 30' x 60' USGS Quadrangle (1999)
Figure 4.8.1-6. Major Structural Blocks of The Northern Peninsular Ranges Batholith
Figure 4.8.1-7. Geologic Map - San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30x60-Minute Quadrangles (2006)
Figure 4.8.1-8. Major Earthquake Faults
Figure 4.8.1-9. Geologic Map Elsinore 7.5-Minute Quadrangle (2003)
Figure 4.8.1-10. Geologic Map Elsinore 15-Minute Quadrangle (1959)
Figure 4.8.1-11. Geologic Map Fallbrook 7.5-Minute Quadrangle (2 pages)
Figure 4.8.1-12. Geologic Map Oceanside 30x60-Minute Quadrangle
Figure 4.8.1-13. General Soil Map Western Riverside County (3 pages)
Figure 4.8.1-14. Soil Survey Map - Upper Reservoir Sites
Figure 4.8.1-15. Soil Survey Map - LEAPS Powerhouse Sites
Figure 4.8.1-16. Portion of Fault Map of California
Figure 4.8.1-17. Willard and Wildomar Faults
Figure 4.8.1-18. Percent Slope Map
Figure 4.8.1-19. Soil-Slip Susceptibility Map Santa Ana 30'x60' Quadrangle
Figure 4.8.2-1. Earthquake Fault Zones - Alberhill Quadrangle
Figure 4.8.2-2. Elsinore Fault: (1 of 2) Glen Ivy and (2 of 2) Temecula
Figure 4.9.1-1. Skylark Airport Influence Policy Area
Figure 4.9.1-2. VFR Aeronautic Chart - Skylark Airport Vicinity / VFR and IFR Aeronautic Charts (3 pages)
Figure 4.9.1-3. Private Landing Strips
Figure 4.9.1-4. Camp Pendleton Aircraft Operations (Airspace)
Figure 4.9.1-5. Typical EMF Levels for Power Transmission Lines (embedded in document)
Figure 4.10.1-1. Lake Elsinore Elevations (1912-1990) (embedded in document)
Figure 4.10.1-2. Lake Elsinore Elevations (1992-2002) (embedded in document)
Figure 4.11.1-1. City of Lake Elsinore Sphere of Influence
Figure 4.11.1-2. City of Lake Elsinore Existing General Plan
Figure 4.11.1-3. City of Lake Elsinore Existing Land Uses (2001)
Figure 4.11.1-4. City of Corona Sphere of Influence
Figure 4.11.1-5. City of Corona Sphere of Influence Land-Use Plan
Figure 4.11.1-6. County of Riverside - Elsinore Area Plan
Figure 4.11.1-7. San Diego County General Plan - Land Use Policy Map
Figure 4.11.1-8. San Diego County General Plan - Community Planning Areas (6 pages)
Figure 4.11.1-9. Santa Margarita River Hydrologic Unit - Existing Land Uses
Figure 4.11.1-10. San Luis Rey River Hydrologic Unit - Existing Land Uses
Figure 4.11.1-11. Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit - Existing Land Uses
Figure 4.11.2-1. Cleveland National Forest Trabuco Ranger District Land Use Zones
Figure 4.11.2-2. Trabuco Ranger District Recreational Opportunity Spectrum
Figure 4.11.2-3. Trabuco Ranger District Inventoried Roadless Areas
Figure 4.11.2-4. Local Coastal Program
Figure 4.11.2-5. Military Operations Areas and Military Training Routes South Southern California
Figure 4.11.2-6. Camp Pendleton Restrictive Airspace R-2503b
Figure 4.11.2-7. Regional Aviation Airspace Profile - Special Use and Restricted
Figure 4.11.2-8. Camp Pendleton Ground Training Operations (combined with Figure 4.11.2-7)
Figure 4.12.1-1. Aggregate Availability in Southern California
Figure 4.12.1-2. Mineral Resource Zone Designations - Western Riverside County
Figure 4.13.1-1. 1996 Aviation Facilities Inventory for the San Diego Region (2 pages)
Figure 4.13.2-1. California Department of Health Noise/Land Use Compatibility Standards (embedded in document)
Figure 4.14.1-1. Top Ten Counties In Population Increase In 2003 (embedded in document)
Figure 4.15.1-1. Fire Hazard Severity Zones Local and State Responsibility Areas (2 pages)
Figure 4.15.1-2. Draft Fire Hazard Severity Zones (2 pages)
Figure 4.15.1-3. Areas of Wildfire Susceptibility Elsinore Area Plan
Figure 4.15.1-4. Fire History (1910-2006)
Figure 4.15.1-5. County of San Diego Fire Protection Districts
Figure 4.15.1-6. Riverside Unit Assets At Risk (combined with Figure 4.15.1-5)
Figure 4.15.1-7. Riverside Unit Fuel Types
Figure 4.15.2-1. Trabuco Ranger District Wildland Urban-Interface Map
Figure 4.16.1-1. Trabuco Ranger District - Recreational Opportunity Spectrum
Figure 4.16.1-2. Trabuco Ranger District - Recreation Fee Sites
Figure 4.16.1-3. Lake Elsinore Shoreline Zone Identification
Figure 4.17.2-1. Trabuco Ranger District Route Inventory Maps (5 pages)
Figure 4.17.2-2. Trabuco Ranger District Inventoried Roadless Areas
Figure 4.18.1-1. Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Service Area
Figure 4.18.1-2. Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Water Supply/Demand Forecast (combined with Figure 4.18.1-1)
Figure 4.18.1-3. Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Location of Existing Potable Water Sources
Figure 4.18.1-4. Elsinore Groundwater Basin
Chapter 5. Environmental Impact Assessment Summary (4.7MB)
5.0. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment Summary
5.1. Visual Resources
5.2. Agriculture Resources
5.3. Air Quality
5.4. Biological Resources
5.5. Cultural Resources
5.6. Geology, Soils, and Seismicity
5.7. Public Health and Safety
5.8. Water Resources
5.9. Land Use and Planning
5.10. Mineral Resources
5.11. Noise
5.12. Socioeconomics
5.13. Public Services and Utilities
5.14. Wilderness and Recreation
5.15. Transportation and Traffic
5.16. Fuels and Fire
5.17. Cumulative Analysis
5.18. Growth Inducing Impacts
Figure 5.1.1-1. LEAPS Transmission Only Alternative: Key Viewpoints
Figure 5.1.1-2. LEAPS KVP L1 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-3. LEAPS KVP L2 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-4. LEAPS KVP L2 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-5. LEAPS KVP L3 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-6. LEAPS KVP L4 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-7. LEAPS KVP L5 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-8. LEAPS KVP L6 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-9. LEAPS KVP L7 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-10. LEAPS KVP L8 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-11. LEAPS KVP L1 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-12. LEAPS KVP L2 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-13. LEAPS KVP L2 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-14. LEAPS KVP L3 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-15. LEAPS KVP L4 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-16. LEAPS KVP L5 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-17. LEAPS KVP L6 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-18. LEAPS KVP L7 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-19. LEAPS KVP L8 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-20. LEAPS Generation and Transmission Alternative
Figure 5.1.1-21. LEAPS KVP L3 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-22. LEAPS KVP L5 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-23. LEAPS KVP L9 Existing View
Figure 5.1.1-24. LEAPS KVP L10 Existing View and Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-25. LEAPS KVP L9 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-26. LEAPS KVP L3 Simulation
Figure 5.1.1-27. LEAPS KVP L5 Simulation
Chapter 6. Detailed Discussion of Significant Impacts (8.8MB)
6.1. Mitigation Measures Proposed to Minimize Significant Effects
6.2. Description of Project Alternatives and Impact Analysis
6.3. Growth-Inducing Impacts
Chapter 7. List of Potentially Affected Property Owners
Attachment 1
. Tower Placement, Data Information Tables and Location Information
Attachment 2. 3M ACCR Technical Information
Attachment 3. Tower Sites Environmental and Engineering Assessments
Attachment 4. Articles, Conditions, and Measures
Attachment 5. Applicant Proposed Measures
Attachment 6. Related Projects
Attachment 7. Environmental Impact Assessment Summary Form*
Attachment 8. Import Capabilities**
Attachment 9. Federal Communications
Attachment 10. Utility Data Request Letter
Attachment 11. Mile-by-Mile Description
    *PEA Table of Contents fails to mention Attachments 8 through 11.
**Mislabeled as Attachment 1.

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