Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website
for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of the
proposed construction of The Nevada Hydro Company Inc.'s (TNHC)
Talega-Escondido/Valley-Serrano (TE/VS) 500 kV Interconnect Project.
This website provides access to public documents and information
relevant to the CEQA review process. The official Proceedings are
available at http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/published/proceedings/A1007001.htm.
On July 6, 2010, TNHC filed an application (A.10-07-001) for a
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) with the
CPUC to construct the TE/VS 500 kV Interconnect Project. The CPUC
is the CEQA lead agency for the TE/VS transmission line project.
The Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) was issued on March 14, 2011.
TNHC has filed an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience
and Necessity (CPCN) with the CPUC to construct the TE/VS 500 kV
Interconnect Project. The CPUC is the CEQA lead agency for the TE/VS
transmission line project.
The TE/VS 500 kV transmission line, as proposed by TNHC, would
be a 500 kV alternating current regional interconnection transmission
line with a nominal design capacity of 1,000 MW. The transmission
line would provide a transmission interconnection from the proposed
Lake Elsinore Advanced Pumped Storage (LEAPS) hydroelectric energy
storage facility to the transmission systems of Southern California
Edison (SCE) and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), and it
would interconnect the SCE and SDG&E systems.
The transmission line would be approximately 32 miles long and
would extend from the proposed LEAPS facility near the City of Lake
Elsinore, southward to SDG&E's existing 230 kV Talega-Escondido
transmission line in San Diego County, and northward to SCE's existing
500 kV Valley-Serrano transmission line in Riverside County. The
interconnection with SDG&E would be between SDG&E's existing
Talega and Escondido substations at a new substation adjacent to
Camp Pendleton. The interconnection with SCE's network would be
at a point between SCE's Valley and Serrano Substations, at a new
switchyard in the vicinity of Lee Lake. In addition to the improvements
described above, TNHC's TE/VS Interconnect Project would require
numerous upgrades to the SDG&E and SCE systems.
Application and Proponent's Environmental
Assessment (PEA)
In October of 2007, an application (A.07-10-005; A.09-02-12) and
PEA for the TE/VS project were filed with the CPUC. However, on
April 16, 2009, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) issued a
decision dismissing the application without prejudice as a result
of several deficiencies in the PEA:
of ALJ Karen V. Clopton
Attachment 1 (26.4MB)
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Subsequently, a new application and PEA
were filed on July 6, 2010. This application and PEA were deemed
complete by the CPUC on August 5, 2010. The CPUC acknowledged
this with a letter
to TNHC. On February 25, 2011, TNHC filed a revised
Chapter 3 to replace the Chapter 3 submitted in the
July 2010 PEA. This revised chapter and associated figures supersedes
the earlier version of Chapter 3.
On April 3, 2012, ALJ Minkin issued a Proposed
Decision to Dismiss the July 2010 application (A.10-07-001).
On May 24, 2012, the Commission voted to dismiss Application
10-07-001. The decision to dismiss was without prejudice, meaning
that the applicant may submit a new application for the proposed
project, subject to meeting a series of conditions laid out in the
decision to dismiss.
Public Scoping Meetings
The CPUC held two public meetings, on Tuesday, April 5, 2011
in Lake Elsinore, and on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 in Murrieta.
These meetings gave the public and interested parties an opportunity
to learn more about the proposed TE/VS Project and provided an opportunity
for them to comment on the scope of the Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) that is being prepared. Copies of the presentation and maps
that were shown at the scoping meetings can be downloaded here:
Meeting Presentation
Map - Regional
Project Location (5.0MB)
Map - Northern Part of Proposed
Map - Southern Part of Proposed
Map - Lake Elsinore
with LEAPS
Map - Lake Elsinore
115 kV Alignment
Mapbook for 500 kV Alignment
(6.8MB). Index map
Mapbook for 115 kV Alignment
(2.8MB). Index map
Comments made at these meetings or submitted subsequently will
be considered by the CPUC in defining the scope of the EIR. The
comment period will extend to April 29, 2011.
CPUC Data Requests on the TE/VS
For Additional Information
To request additional information regarding this project, please
contact the following:
Andrew Barnsdale, CPUC Project Manager
c/o Aspen Environmental Group
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 935
San Francisco, CA 94104
Email: interconnect@aspeneg.com