WEEKLY REPORT (May 25 through May 31, 1998)
TO: Andrew Barnsdale, CPUC/Rich Borden, ANF |
FROM: Hamid Rastegar/Kris Thorne |
RE: PPSI: Week 49 Report; May 25 through May 31, 1998 |
DATE: June 7, 1998 |
Construction continued on Segment 1 (Milepost [MP] 0 TO 33), Segment 2B (MP 56 to 73); Segment 3 (MP 73 to 99), Segment 4A (MP 99 to 108), Segment 4B (El Segundo MP 0 to 11) and Segment 5 (MP 108 to 118).
This segment extends southward from the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley (Emidio), through the Tejon Pass, to the northern perimeter of the Angeles National Forest. Construction will occur through agricultural fields, along roads and across very steep slopes. Segment 1 Environmental Monitor (EM), Lynn Stafford has been on-site during construction. PPSI has five craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contaminated soils monitor inspecting the work of approximately 65 contractor employees. Construction progress from May 26 through 29, 1998 included the following:
- Segment 1 Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- $ Pot-hole 21.45 to 20.65
- $ Coating 22.64 to 22.46
- $ Trench 22.64 to 22.30
- $ Conduit 22.74 to 22.52
- $ Lower-In 22.64 to 22.46
- $ Backfill 22.74 to 22.52
Segment 1 Comments:
No non-compliances occurred. Memorial Day holiday was observed on Monday, May 25. Backfill was completed at Stream Crossing #21 (EMP 27.81), including the use of cement slurry. Tie-ins continued at Stream Crossing #20 (EMP 27.43); 24-hour dewatering of bore pits was necessary because of ground water. Excavation continued at Stream Crossing #16 (EMP 22.74). Excavation and associated shoring of the bellhole was started for the tie-in welding of the Gorman Slide directional drill (EMP 28.65); 24-hour dewatering was necessary because of high groundwater. Soil contaminated with oil was discovered at EMP 22.50 to 22.46. Vacuum trucks were used to haul of contaminated water for appropriate disposal. Dirt plugs were installed in the trench to contain the contaminated water. One-way traffic along Lebec Road continued to be controlled by several flaggers and a pilot car. Paving repairs were begun on the California Aqueduct access road east of Copco Road.
Segment 1 Schedule for Next Week:
Continue work at Stream Crossings. Clearing and grading of I-5 bore sites on east and west sides of I-5.
This segment within the Angeles National Forest (ANF) involved very steep slopes and required significant time and additional equipment for trenching, stringing, and other pipe-laying activities. All construction activities to Templin Highway, except revegetation, were completed by November 9. PPSI to meet with ANF to finalize road repair and restoration schedules with road repairs anticipated to begin the week of June 1.
This segment is primarily in open lands and roadway right-of-ways from Castaic to Sylmar. Segment 2B EM, Chris Fazzari, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has six craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, and one Native American monitor inspecting the work of approximately 95 contractor employees. Construction progress May 26 through 29, 1998 included the following:
- Segment 2B Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- $ Pot-hole 66.46 to 67.18
- $ Conduit 65.19 to 65.21
- $ Trench 65.74 to 67.18
- $ Backfill 65.19 to 65.21
- $ Lower-In 65.24 to 65.36
- $ Paving 65.19 to 65.21
- $ Coating 65.24 to 65.36
Segment 2B Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Memorial Day holiday was observed on Monday, May 25. Tie-in were finished at Live Oak Road, where dewatering had been necessary. Bore pits for a tie-ins were excavated at Valencia Blvd (EMP 65.13) and The Old Road by Valencia Water Company (EMP 65.31). Boring operations were completed for the second (EMP 65.49) and third bores (EMP 65.58) between Valencia Blvd and McBean Parkway. A new technology, a pneumatic bore, was used to perform the third bore. These bores are being dug to prevent damage to numerous oak trees in the undeveloped lands.
Segment 2B Schedule for Next Week:
Continue working in undeveloped lands between Valencia Blvd and McBean Parkway. Crews will also be trenching in The Old Road from McBean Parkway to Pico Canyon Road.
This segment is mostly within MTA rail right-of-way from Sylmar to Alameda Street in Los Angeles. Segment 3 EM, Brooke Langle, has been on-site during construction. Segment 3 has two construction spreads, 3A which is San Fernando to Taylor Yard and 3B which is Taylor Yard (MTA maintenance facility) to Alameda Street.
On Segment 3A, PPSI has five craft inspectors, one part-time environmental inspector, two Native American monitors, and one contaminated soils inspector inspecting the work of approximately 90 contractor employees. On Segment 3B, PPSI has one craft inspector, one part-time environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contaminated soils inspector. Construction progress from May 26 through 29, 1998 included the following:
- Segment 3A Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- $ Pothole (no progress)
- $ Coating 94.69 to 94.86
- $ Trench 87.53 to 88.69
- $ Conduit 87.40 to 87.53
- $ Lower-In 94.69 to 95.21
- $ Backfill 87.40 to 87.53
Segment 3A Comments:
Two non-compliance events occurred. Memorial Day holiday was observed on Monday, May 25. Construction occurred along San Fernando Road in Burbank and in Taylor Yard. Boring of the railroad tracks at Goodwin Avenue in Glendale was begun. A memo was issued reminding personnel of the need to refuel more than 0.25 miles from the Los Angeles River.
Clean-up of directional drill site at Burbank Crossing (EMP 86.91 and 88.05) was completed.
Non-Compliance Events for Segment 3A
Mitigation Measure/PC Description/Non-compliance Level
First Observed
A.2.1 -All construction activities stay within the ROW at all times. Construction activities occurred outside approved 50-foot ROW - Level 3
A.2.1 -All construction activities stay within the ROW at all times. Construction activities occurred outside approved 50-foot ROW - Level 3
Under review by CPUC
Under review by CPUC
- Segment 3B Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- $ Pothole 98.50 (no progress)
- $ Coating 98.39 to 98.40
- $ Trench 98.43 to 98.50
- $ Conduit 98.39 to 98.40
- $ Lower-In 98.39 to 98.43
- $ Backfill 98.36 to 98.39
Segment 3B Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Memorial Day holiday was observed on Monday, May 25. Construction continued in Midway Yard. A below-ground valve vault was placed at EMP 98.48. Preparations were made for the bore under the railroad tracks near the 110 Freeway (EMP 97.46).
Segment 3 Schedule for Next Week:
Segment 3A crew to continue in Taylor Yard. Segment 3B to continue construction in Cornfield and Midway yards, with work expected to be completed mid-week.
This segment involves nighttime construction (8:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.) in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from downtown Los Angeles to Compton. Segment 4A EM, Christopher Meyer, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has five craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 75 contractor employees during construction. Construction progress from May 26 through 29, 1998 included:
- Segment 4A Activities:
- Activity Milepost (approximate)
- $ Pothole 102.24 to 102.31
- $ Coating 101.69 to 101.73
- $ Trench 102.08 (no progress)
- $ Backfill 101.55 to 101.62
- $ Lower-In 101.70 to 101.78
- $ Conduit 101.55 to 101.62
Segment 4A Comments:
One non-compliance event occurred. Memorial Day holiday was observed on Monday, May 25. There is little progress at the Arcadia Street/Hwy 101 overcrossing with excavation around underground utilities and discussion of pipe placement. Pipelaying and welding were completed at Washington Blvd. PPSI inspectors are working with contractor personnel to ensure that the traffic controls agree with the Traffic Control Plan. Crews have also begun working at the north end of the segment, EMP 99.38. Contractor continues to store project materials on 20th Street; a project memo was issued restating the conditions of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and MM T-8.
Non-Compliance Event for Segment 4A
Mitigation Measure/PC Description/Non-compliance Level
First Observed
SS.2 -Hand tools shall be used within 24 inches of underground structures A marked underground utility was hit during trenching
Under review by CPUC
Under review by CPUC
Segment 4A Schedule for Next Week:
The crew working at the Hwy 101 overcrossing will continue hand excavation on the south side of the overcrossing. Work will continue in the north in the vicinity of Commercial Street.
This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Watts Junction to El Segundo Refinery area. Segment 4B EM, Neda Fioozat, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has five craft inspectors, one environmental inspector, one part-time Native American monitor, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 70 contractor employees. Construction progress from May 26 through 30, 1998 included the following:
- Segment 4B Activities:
- Activity El Segundo Milepost (approximate)
- $ Bore pit 1.93 (Belhaven St)-continue
- $ Bore pit 2.53 (Avalon St)-welding
- $ Bore pit 4.34 (Budlong Ave)-complete
Segment 4B Comments:
No non-compliance events occurred. Memorial Day holiday was observed on Monday, May 25. Backfilling operations still occurring at Aviation Blvd (ESMP 9.59) directional drill. Activities at Santa Ana Blvd (ESMP 0.23) included backfilling and paving. Trenching moved to ESMP 0.35. While crew was trenching at ESMP 0.36, the ditch caved-in, breaking to exposed sewer lines. All notifications were made and the pipes repaired. West of Douglas (ESMP 10.07) crews are backfilling. Directional drill pullback at 110/105 interchange was begun Friday.
Segment 4B Schedule for Next Week:
Continue work at bore pits. Directional drilling at the 110/105 interchange is expected to be complete mid-morning Monday, June 1.
This segment involves construction in railroad and roadway right-of-ways through mostly industrial areas from Compton to the Long Beach Harbor. Segment 5C EM, Pete Messick, has been on-site during construction. PPSI has one craft inspector, one part-time environmental inspector, and one contamination inspector inspecting the work of approximately 15 contractor employees. Construction is complete on Segments 5A and 5B. Construction progress from May 26 through 29, 1998 included the following.
Segment 5C Comments:
No non-compliances occurred. Memorial Day holiday was observed on Monday, May 25. Localized construction activities continue. Crews began to trench through the dried-up pond (EMP 116.91). The bore under Sepulveda Blvd (EMP 116.80) was begun.
Segment 5C Schedule for Next Week:
Continue trenching through pond and bore under Sepulveda Blvd.
The following variances were approved by CPUC or ANF May 26 through 29, 1998.
Variance # |
Description |
Segment(s) Variance Applies |
Agency Decision |
8, Amended |
Refueling within 0.25 miles of the California Aqueduct and Verdugo Wash | 3 |
Approved |
78 |
Refueling with 0.25 miles of streams along Segment 1 (except Tejon Bench locations) | 1 |
Approved |
79 |
Refuel withing 0.25 miles of Cuddy Canyon Creek and Cuddy Canyon Tributary | 1 |
Approved |
85 |
Open cut trenching of Goodwin Avenue to install HDPE geomembrane protection | 3 |
Approved |
The following extra work space/equipment storage area was approved by CPUC or ANF May 26 through 29, 1998.
Request # |
Description |
Segment(s) Variance Applies |
Agency Decision |
12, Amended |
Extra work space for equipment storage. | 1 |
Approved |
Construction on Segments 1, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B and 5C will continue. Environmental training of Station workers be given.