- SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298
July 10, 1997
- Dean Shauers, Project Manager
- Pacific Pipeline System, Inc.
- 12201 E. Arapahoe Road, C10
- Englewood, CO 80112
RE: Variance Request Number 5 and Segment 5
Construction Yard
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced requests,
and our decision follows. In addition, we have been informed that
the Angeles National Forest concurs with our decision in this
Variance Request Number 5: Sunday
construction, June 13, 1997, Segment 5A
Approved for construction between 223rd Street
and Sepulveda Boulevard for Sunday, June 13, 1997; however, the
following measure shall be implemented:
- Businesses in the vicinity shall be
notified that Sunday construction will be taking place
(since they were previously informed that construction
would occur only Monday through Saturday). Notification
must take place before 5 p.m. on Friday, July 11.
Note that this approval applies to the specific
date and location only, and should not be construed as setting
precedent for similar requests in the future.
Construction Yard and Offices for Segment 5
- 1909 Sepulveda Blvd. Carson, Los Angeles County, CA
Approved; however, the following measures shall
be implemented:
- All applicable mitigation measures for the
project shall be implemented for the site.
- The size of the site shall be limited to
the minimum space necessary for office trailers,
equipment and supply storage, and employee parking in
accordance with the provisions noted below.
- No clearing or grading activities shall
occur at the site.
- The location shall not be used for fuel or
hazardous material storage.
- All drips, leaks, and/or spills from
vehicles and/or equipment shall be excavated immediately
and disposed of in appropriate, labeled containers.
- Use of the site in accordance with the
provisions noted above will be verified on a random basis
by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.

- Martha J. Sullivan
- Project Manager
- cc: R. Borden, ANF
- H. Rastegar, Aspen
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