October 17, 1997
RE: Variance Requests 17 and 24
Variance Request #17; Reduce the refueling distance requirements (0.25 miles) stipulated by Mitigation Measure B-AQ-1 at the following locations within Segment 1:
- - 14 Bored Stream Crossings (SC-1,2,4,5,8,9,12,23,25,27,28,29,30,31)
- - 3 Open Cut Stream Crossings (SC-14,17,18)
- - 3 Locations where ROW Parallels Streams
Variance Request #24; Reduce the refueling distance requirements (0.25 miles) stipulated by Mitigation Measure B-AQ-1 at Gorman Creek (Segment 1, SC-32).
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced variance requests, and deny your requests with the exception noted below. These requests have been denied since PPSI did not make a sufficient demonstration as to how the implementation of these variances would reduce unforeseen, additional significant impacts.
Variance Request #17 (14 bored stream crossings referenced above only) approved based on the following factors:
Since equipment requiring refueling within a bore pit would need to be removed from the bore pit by a crane in order to travel the required 0.25 miles for refueling, additional safety and air quality impacts would occur.
A bore pit would contain a spill if a spill were to occur at the vehicle being refueled.
The following measures shall be implemented:
- All applicable mitigation measures for the project shall be implemented at the subject locations.
- The following fueling kit shall be installed around each piece of equipment fueled within the 0.25 mile zone. The kit shall consist of an 8 by 8-foot area of plastic sheeting placed underneath or adjacent to the vehicle and the refueling truck. A 3 by 3-foot by 6-inch deep pan shall be placed underneath the vehicle being refueled. Each refueling truck shall also be equipped with automatic shutoff nozzles to prevent spillage from overtopping. In addition, absorbent material shall be placed around the filler pipe and the fueler shall be present throughout the entire fueling operation.
- Each refueling truck shall contain a fully stocked spill containment kit which includes absorbent pads, shovels, and appropriate spill containers.
- This variance request allows for refueling and routine maintenance at the subject locations only if the measures stipulated above are followed. Storage of fuel or other hazard materials, or vehicle/equipment repair shall not be allowed under the provisions of this variance.
- All drips, leaks, and/or spills from vehicles and/or equipment shall be excavated immediately and disposed of in appropriate, labeled containers.
- Implementation of this variance in accordance with the provisions noted above shall be verified on a random basis by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.