- U.S.D.A. Forest Service
- Saugust Ranger District
- 30800 Bouquet Canyon Road
- Saugus, CA 91350
- (805) 296-9710
File Code: 2710 Pacific Pipeline
Variance Request No. 30
Date: November 6, 1997
- Dean Shauers, Project Manager
- Pacific Pipeline System, Inc.
- 12201 E. Arapahoe Road, C10
- Englewood, CO 80112
Via FAX 303-792-0227
Dear Mr. Shauers:
- This letter will approve
Variance Request No. 30 from Kenneth J. Lord, dated
- October 30, 1997, to
continue use of Segment 2A Staging Area 1 until November
26, 1997. This approval will allow orderly relocation of
supplies and equipment from the National Forest to other
construction segments. This approval is an exception to
my letter of October 30, 1997.
- This decision is subject
to administrative review under 36 CFR 251. Requests for
- review must comply with
that section and be filed with the Forest Supervisor
- 45 days.
- District Ranger
- cc: A. Barnsdale, 415-703-1184
- H. Rastegar, 818-597-8001
- R. Borden, 818-574-5233
- H. Sarkissian, 818-556-2749
- K. Lord, 714-448-0906
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