- SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298
March 26, 1998
- Dean Shauers, Project Manager
- Pacific Pipeline System, Inc.
- 12201 E. Arapahoe Road, C10
- Englewood, CO 80112
RE: Amended Variance Request #57 - Allow for
construction seven days a week between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. at the
Gorman Slide directional drill sites and 24-hour construction
during the pull back operation, Los Angeles County (Segment 1).
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced Variance
Request and approve your request, based on the following factors:
- The Gorman Slide directional drill sites
(entry and exit) are located within rural Los Angeles
County, south of Gorman, approximately 50 to 100 feet
west of Interstate 5. These directional drill sites were
approved by the CPUC on January 14, 1998 (Clearance #23).
- The pull back operation is expected to be
completed within less than 48 hours, if no problems
arise, and is currently scheduled to commence on April 3,
- Under amended Variance Request #57, PPSI
is also requesting that if the directional drill gets
stuck, that a continuous 24-hour operation be allowed for
the completion of the drill. The directional drill at the
Gorman Slide has been underway since March 11 without
incident (e.g., drill has not gotten stuck).
- No residences or businesses are located
within 500 feet of either directional drill site. PPSI
has filed for and received an exemption from the Los
Angeles County Code, Building Construction Noise (Title
12, Chapter 12.12) thereby allowing Sunday and 24-hour
construction as stipulated in amended Variance Request
- The following measures shall be
- All applicable mitigation measures for
the project shall be implemented at the subject locations.
- All noise complaints received shall be
filed immediately with the County of Los Angeles and CPUC
Lead Environmental Monitor for consideration. Failure to file
any noise complaints shall result in the immediate cessation
of construction as granted under this variance approval.
- During 24-hour operations, lighting shall
be positioned at the directional drill sites in such a manner
as to not project light onto Interstate 5.
- As proposed, PPSI shall provide the CPUC
Lead Environmental Monitor with 48 hour advance notice of
pull back operations.
- Implementation of this variance in accordance
with the provisions noted above shall be verified on a random
basis by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.

- Andrew Barnsdale
- Project Manager
- cc: R. Borden, ANF
- H. Rastegar, Aspen
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