- SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298
March 24, 1998
- Dean Shauers, Project Manager
- Pacific Pipeline System, Inc.
- 12201 E. Arapahoe Road, C10
- Englewood, CO 80112
RE: Variance Request #58 - Allow for 24-hour
construction, seven days a week, at the "Dog Pound"
directional drill sites, City of Burbank (Segment 3).
Clearance #28 (amendment) - 45 day time
extension for completion of directional drill operations at the
"Dog Pound" sites, City of Burbank (Segment 3).
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced requests
and approve your requests, based on the following factors:
- Use of the subject sites for the
directional drill operations was approved by the CPUC on
February 24, 1998 (Clearance #28). This approval
stipulated that the "use of the sites is limited for
drilling operations as described above and for less than
30 days upon the start of the drilling operations."
- On Saturday, March 14, 1998, the
directional drill being conducted at the subject sites
became stuck as a result of soil conditions in the area.
The request for a continuous drill operation has been
submitted to ensure that when drill operations recommence
(e.g., when the stuck pipe is freed, which has not
occurred to date) the drill operations can be completed
without further delay and associated construction impacts
(air quality and noise) can be minimized. A continuous,
24-hour, seven days a week, operation of the directional
drill would greatly increase the likelihood that no
further delays would occur as a result of the directional
drill again getting stuck.
- Given the delay incurred due to the
directional drill getting stuck, the directional drill
cannot be completed within the original 30 days granted
under Clearance #28.
- The Dog Pound directional drill site is
located within an industrial area along the Metropolitan
Transit Authority Railroad right-of-way. No residences
are located within 500 feet of the directional drill
sites. PPSI has filed for an exemption from the City of
Burbank Municipal Code, Section 2, Noise Control. City
staff (G. Ortega and B. Henslee) verbally notified PPSI
that the exemption would be approved since the Municipal
Code allows for 24-hour construction, seven days a week,
if there are not residences within 500 feet of the noise
- The following measures shall be
- All applicable mitigation measures for
the project shall be implemented at the subject location.
- Written approval from the City of Burbank
granting 24-hour construction, seven days a week, shall be
submitted to the CPUC Lead Environmental Monitor prior to the
commencement of such construction.
- All businesses within 500 feet of the
directional drill sites shall be notified of the proposed
24-hour construction, seven days a week, prior to the
commencement of such construction. All noise complaints
received shall be filed immediately with the City of Burbank
and CPUC Lead Environmental Monitor for consideration.
Failure to file any noise complaints shall result in the
immediate cessation of construction as granted under this
variance approval.
- Implementation of this variance in accordance
with the provisions noted above shall be verified on a random
basis by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.

- Andrew Barnsdale
- Project Manager
- cc: R. Borden, ANF
- H. Rastegar, Aspen
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