WILSON, Governor
September 3, 1997
RE: Variance Request Number 6 - Use of Alternatively Fueled Vehicles
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed your variance request for the use of alternatively fueled vehicles, as summarized below. This variance request was submitted to demonstrate compliance with Mitigation Measure A-4: "Use of alternatively fueled vehicles (methanol, natural gas, electricity) for transporting workers to and from work sites."
PPSI/ARB proposes to have a gas line and small refueling station for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) installed at the Segment 2 construction yard in Castaic. PPSI/ARB has been working with the Gas Company on the installation of the gas line. Once the gas line is installed and variance approval is granted, ARB will contract to have a compressor installed. Alternatively fueled vehicles (AFVs) for Segments 1 and 2 would be fueled at the Castaic site.
An existing Gas Company distribution line is located on the utility easement of the parcel at 32205 N. Castaic Road. Approximately four feet of one-inch service line was installed by the Gas Company to a metered stub on the subject parcel during the week of August 25th, 1997.
The proposed compressor (called a Fuel Maker) is a pre-fabricated unit made by Fuel Systems. This unit will be either purchased or leased by PPSI/ARB, and installed at the site by the manufacturer. Installation will require securing the Fuel Maker to a level 3' x 3' cement pad and connecting the unit to the one-inch stubbed service line and 220 volt, 15 amp hard wire circuit with switch and liquid proof conduit.
ARB is currently leasing one AFV from VPSI Leasing Services. However, at the present time, VPSI does not have any additional CNG vanpool vehicles currently available (VPSI letter dated August 14, 1997). VPSI is expecting 16 to 20 CNG vehicles to arrive at their office with the next 45 to 60 days. PPSI proposes to lease a VPSI vanpool vehicle for each construction segment. PPSI is expecting minimum nine month leases for each AFV.
Based on our review of the installation requirements for the fuel line and compressor, no significant impacts have been identified. Therefore, approval of this variance request is granted; however, the following measures shall be implemented:
1.Within two weeks of the date of approval of Variance Request #6, PPSI/ARB shall have the compressor installed and operational. PPSI/ARB shall begin using the Castaic construction yard CNG fueling facilities immediately thereafter for fueling of all AFVs for Segments 1 and 2, as they become available. If fueling facilities are not operational by the date specified, Non-Compliance Reports for Mitigation Measure A-4 will be issued until the situation is remedied or construction is suspended due to a pattern of non-compliances, whichever occurs first.
2. As they become available, PPSI/ARB shall use a CNG vanpool vehicle for worker transport for each construction spread (e.g., two AFVs would be required for Segment 2 if Segments 2A and 2B are being constructed simultaneously). By September 30, 1997, if AFVs are not being used on each construction spread, PPSI shall submit a letter from VPSI Leasing Services that discusses the available of CNG vanpool vehicles. If by October 15, 1997, AFVs are not being used on each construction spread, Non-Compliance Reports for Mitigation Measure A-4 will be issued until the situation is remedied or construction is suspended due to a pattern of non-compliances, whichever occurs first.
3. The one AFV currently being leased by PPSI/ARB shall be used for worker transport on Segment 5. This requirement will be effective 24 hours after the date of this letter. Once the fueling facilities at the Castaic construction yard are operational, this AFV can also be used at either Segment 1 or 2. PPSI must inform the CPUC/ANF Lead Environmental Monitor of the Segment that the currently available AFV is to be used.