September 23, 1998
RE: Variance Request #72 (Resubmittal) - Allow for open cut trenching (instead of boring) of Polk Street, City of Los Angeles, (Segment 3).
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced variance request, and our decision of approval is based on the following factors:
• This variance request was previously denied by the CPUC on May 16, 1998, because of insufficient information.
• PPSI is requesting a variance from the Project Description in the EIS/SEIR concerning the boring of "major roadways, interstate highways, and freeways..." to mitigate traffic impacts.
• Polk Street is a four-lane roadway (four through lanes, plus two westbound turning lane) that contains several subsurface utilities (12" water line, a 6" gas line, and GTE phone cables). Based on traffic counts provided by the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation, traffic along the subject roadway can be characterized as light to moderate.
• To mitigate potential traffic impacts on Polk Street during trenching, PPSI proposes to use standard open trenching methods, with half the roadway closed during construction. This portion, when completed, would be plated and the second portion of the roadway would be trenched and plated. Local traffic would continue to pass in both directions with minor delays. As proposed, trenching is anticipated to take four working days (boring at this location is expected to take 12 days).
• Given that traffic on the subject roadway is light to moderate (Polk Street is not considered a major roadway) and since impacts on local traffic would be temporary, no significant traffic impacts are anticipated with the implementation of the measures noted below.
• The following measures shall be implemented:
- All applicable mitigation measures for the project shall be implemented at the subject location, including dust abatement and traffic control.
- Prior to the commencement of construction within Polk Street, approval of the proposed construction method within the roadway (trenching versus boring) shall be provided by the City of Los Angeles, a copy of which shall be provided to the CPUC Environmental Monitor. All conditions of the City of Los Angeles approval shall be implemented (including use of non-skid plates if applicable).
- Construction within Polk Street shall be conducted during nonpeak traffic hours (8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.), unless otherwise approved by the City.
- As proposed, pipeline installation within Polk Street shall be completed within four working days.
- All overhead wires and adjacent utility poles shall be protected from damage.
- Implementation of this variance in accordance with the provisions noted above shall be verified on a random basis by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.