File Code 2720 Pacific
Date: June 4, 1998
- Dean Shauers, Project Manager
- Pacific Pipeline System, Inc.
- 12201 E. Arapahoe Road, C10
- Englewood, CO 80112
Via FAX 303-792-0227
RE: Variance Request #77 - Relocate the fiber
optic conduit from the project right-of-way to the northbound
lane of The Old Road, between station numbers 3227+20 to 3248+92,
Segment 2B.
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced Variance
Request and approve your request, based on the following factors:
- Pipe installation between the subject
stations numbers was conducted using a directional drill
(Castaic Creek Directional Drill) approximately 75 feet
to the west.
- Pipe and fiber optic conduit installation
to the north and south of the subject location has
occurred using open cut trenching within the northbound
lane of The Old Road. By installing the fiber optic
conduit between station numbers 3227+20 to 3248+92 within
the northbound lane of The Old Road, the appropriate
tie-ins to fiber optic conduit installed to the north and
south can be made. Installation within the shoulder of
The Old Road, northbound, is infeasible given the
steepness of the bank that comprises the shoulder.
- Installation of fiber optic conduit at the
proposed location would require the excavation of an
18-inch wide, 4-foot deep trench. Construction activities
are anticipated to be completed in approximately 15
working days. Regardless if fiber optic conduit
installation occurred within the original right-of-way or
75 feet to the east as proposed, similar construction
impacts would occur (air quality and noise). However, by
installing the fiber optic conduit within The Old Road,
additional traffic impacts would occur. These traffic
impacts would be short-term and mitigated to an
insignificant level with the implementation of the Los
Angeles County approved Traffic Management Plan for the
area; this Plan has been implemented during
pipeline/conduit installation to the north and south of
the subject location.
- The following measures shall be
- All applicable mitigation measures for
the project shall be implemented at the subject location.
- The Los Angeles County approved Traffic
Management Plan for the subject area shall be implemented
during fiber optic conduit installation.
- As proposed, installation of fiber optic
conduit at the subject location shall completed within 15
working days.
- Implementation of this variance in
accordance with the provisions noted above shall be verified
on a random basis by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.

- Andrew Barnsdale
- Project Manager
- cc: R. Borden, ANF
- H. Rastegar, Aspen
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