- SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298
July 1, 1997
- Dean Shauers, Project Manager
- Pacific Pipeline System, Inc.
- 12201 E. Arapahoe Road, C10
- Englewood, CO 80112
RE: Variance Request #88 - Relocation of 2457
feet of fiber optic conduit from the east side to the west side
of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) right-of-way
between the Burbank Dog Pound exit location (station number
4646+96) and West Olive Avenue (station number 4671+53), Segment
3, City of Burbank.
Dear Mr. Shauers:
We have reviewed the above-referenced variance
request and approve your request, based on the following factor:
- The pipeline was installed in this area
using a directional drill; therefore, the fiber optic
conduit was not installed at that time.
- At the request of MTA, the relocation of
the fiber optic conduit to approximately 75 feet west of
the PPSI right-of-way has been requested to accommodate
MTA and City of Burbank construction activities. On
January 23, 1998, at the request of MTA, PPSI installed
822 feet of the fiber optic conduit between Magnolia
Boulevard and West Olive Avenue since a ditch had already
been excavated by MTA for the installation of their own
fiber optic conduit in this area.
- Installation of the remaining fiber optic
conduit would require an 18-inch wide, 4-foot deep
trench. The conduit would also be bored under the MTA
tracks at two locations. The subject portion of the MTA
right-of-way is currently under going major construction,
including building demolition and the construction of a
new roadway. By installing the PPSI fiber optic conduit
approximately 75 feet west of the originally proposed
location, no additional impacts would result due to the
current construction in the area.
- The following measures shall be
- All applicable mitigation measures for
the project shall be implemented at the subject location.
- Prior to fiber optic conduit
installation, PPSI and its contractor shall coordinate with
MTA and the City of Burbank on the appropriate timing for
conduit installation and railway safety.
- Fiber optic conduit installation at the
subject location shall completed within 15 working days.
- Implementation of this variance in
accordance with the provisions noted above shall be verified
on a random basis by a CPUC/ANF Environmental Monitor.

- Andrew Barnsdale
- Project Manager
- cc: R. Borden, ANF
- H. Rastegar, Aspen
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