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Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) web site for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of the proposed construction of Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) Paradise Area Reinforcement Project. This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review. BACKGROUND To respond to growth in electrical service demand and maintain system reliability, PG&E proposes to upgrade their existing 60kV power line and substation that serves the Town of Paradise and the surrounding communities to a 115kV power line and 115kV transformer at the existing substation site. The primary components of the project include a new double-circuit 115kV power line, approximately 6.1 miles long, that would extend between the existing Table Mountain-Butte #3 115kV line (southwest of the Town of Paradise) and the Paradise Substation (approximately 500 feet north of Elliot Road) and a new 115kV transformer and related operating equipment at the existing Paradise Substation to replace the 60kV equipment. For a detailed description of the proposed power line route and the substation upgrade, refer to Section 8 (Description of project) of the Initial Study. NEGATIVE DECLARATION & FINAL INITIAL STUDY Because approval of this action is discretionary on the
part of the CPUC, California law requires this CEQA review.
The APPENDIX COMMENTS For Further Information: Beth Shipley, Project Manager
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