Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) web
site for the environmental review of the Siskiyou Telephone Company
(Siskiyou Telephone) Happy Camp to Somes Bar Fiber Connectivity
Project. The project was reviewed by CPUC in accordance with the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a FInal Mitigated
Negative Declaration (MND) was adopted by the CPUC on August 9,
2018, in Resolution T-17623, available here.
The project will be constructed under a grant from the California
Advanced Service Grant Program as funded by the CPUC to Siskiyou
The proposed project was also subject to review under the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), because it is located in both the
Klamath National Forest and Six Rivers National Forest. The United
States Forest Service is the NEPA Lead Agency, and it performed
a separate environmental review of the proposed project prior to
issuance of a Special
Use Permit.
This site provides access to public documents and information relevant
to the permitting, CEQA review, and construction of the Siskiyou
Telephone Happy Camp to Somes Bar Fiber Connectivity Project.
The Final MND was adopted by the CPUC on August 9, 2018 in
Resolution T-17623 that also authorized release of
CASF grant monies for the project. In accordance with CEQA, a Mitigation
Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Plan (MMCRP) was prepared
to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures approved in the
MND. The MMCRP is available here.
Pre-construction Compliance
Notices to Proceed (NTPs) are being issued by CPUC by subsection
of the project as requested by Siskiyou Telephone. NTP #1 for
Phase 1 construction and installation of a new fiber optic
broadband facility cable within or adjacent to State Highway 96
(Caltrans right-of-way) in the Klamath National Forest from mile
post (MP) 32.41 south to MP 24.0 was issued by CPUC on February 20,
2019, and is available here. Separate
NTPs will be issued for Phase 2 (MP 24.0 to MP 14.36)
and Phase 3 (MP 14.36 to MP 12.15). Issuance of NTPs is
contingent upon Siskiyou Telephone's compliance with pre-construction
requirements as specified by the approved mitigation measures and
responsible agency permitting requirements.
Other responsible agency permits required for construction are
listed in the MMCRP (see above). Prior to construction, Siskiyou
Telephone was required to submit the following surveys and plans/programs
to the CPUC for review and approval. Surveys will be field validated
by the CPUC Environmental Monitor on an ongoing basis.
- Special-status Plants, Wetland, and Riparian Zone Survey
- Reports; Maps of Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs)
- Bird Nesting Survey Reports (during breeding season)
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
- Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP)
- Horizontal Directional Drilling Frac-out Contingency Plan
- Fire Management Plan
- Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Plan
- Soil Testing Report for ADL
Construction Monitoring
and Minor Project Change Review
Construction is scheduled to start in March 2019 and will be monitored
by the CPUC Environmental Monitors. Monitoring Reports documenting
construction and compliance efforts will be available here.
As final engineering is completed or as construction necessitates,
Minor Project Changes (MPCs) may be submitted for the Project. Each
of these requests will be reviewed by CPUC to ensure that no new
impacts or increase to impact severity would result from the requested
Project Description
The proposed project involves the construction and installation
of 88,282 feet (approximately 16.72 miles) of fiber optic broadband
facility cable in and alongside State Highway 96, which is
maintained by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
Installation of the components of the fiber optic broadband facility
cable would occur within the asphalt and gravel roadways or within
the existing Caltrans right-of-way (ROW) adjacent to the travel
surfaces. Directional boring would be used along most of the route,
including when crossing creeks and culverts to avoid potential impacts
on jurisdictional waters.
The proposed project is partly funded by the California Advance
Services Fund (CASF). On December 20, 2007, in Decision 07-12-054
established the CASF program to provide grants that support projects
that will (a) provide broadband services to areas currently
without broadband access and (b) build out facilities in underserved
areas, if funds are still available. CPUC Resolution
T-17539 approved funding in the amount
of $3,645,085 from the CASF for the proposed project. The proposed
$3,595,071 funding for the fiber middle-mile link will improve network
reliability to the larger region by completing a critical segment
of fiber link. The proposed $50,014 funding is for constructing
last-mile connections to 10 unserved households. Links to Resolutions
T-17411 and T-17517 are provided above.
Project Location
The project site is located in Siskiyou County, approximately 70
miles southwest of Yreka, California. The project site begins at
Milepost (MP) 12.15 on State Highway 96 and proceeds northeast approximately
16.72 miles (88,282 feet) to MP 32.21 (note: a 3-mile
error in state milepost markers occurs between MP 16.38 and MP 19.64).
State Highway 96 is located in both the Klamath National Forest
and Six Rivers National Forest.
Environmental Review Process
On November 13, 2015, Siskiyou Telephone submitted an application
for CASF funding in the underserved areas along the State Highway
96 corridor between Somes Bar and Happy Camp. The CPUC evaluated
the project site and elements identified in the PEA dated January
2016. The CPUC approved funding for the project from the CASF on
December 15, 2016 in Resolution T-17539.
The CPUC determined that an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
(IS/MND) was the appropriate CEQA document to prepare for this project.
After it was prepared, the Draft IS/MND was published March 16,
2018, and the public and agencies had an opportunity to comment
on the document. The Final MND and supporting IS/MND was published
May 17, 2018. Resolution T-17623, authorizing
the release of CASF grant monies for the project and approving the
IS/MND, was issued August 9, 2018.
Proponent's Environmental Assessment
Resolution T-17539 stipulates that prior to receiving funds from
the CASF grant, the proponent is required to provide a Proponent's
Environmental Assessment (PEA) and the CPUC must complete CEQA review.
The PEA is here
Deficiencies, Data Requests,
and Responses
The CPUC reviewed the application and PEA to identify additional
data needed from the Applicant to complete the environmental review
CPUC Data Request #1, dated December 18, 2017, is here.
Siskiyou Telephone's responses to CPUC Data Request #1 are
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative
The CPUC released the Notice of Intent
to Adopt a Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft
IS/MND) for the proposed project on March 16, 2018. The public
comment period for this document was March 16, 2013 to April 16,
2018. Following the end of the public comment period, responses
to all comments received on the Draft IS/MND and submitted within
the specified 30-day review period will have been prepared by the
CPUC and included in a response to comments document, which together
with the Draft IS/MND, constitutes the Final IS/MND for the proposed
project, which was published on May 17, 2018.
The Draft IS/MND can be viewed here.
The Final IS/MND can be viewed here.
AB 52 Consultation
Pursuant Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52) and Public Resources
Code Section 21080.3.1, the CPUC sent formal notification letters
to California Native American tribes that have requested, in writing,
to be informed about proposed projects under review by the Commission.
In addition, notification letters were sent to organizations and
individuals identified by the Native American Heritage Commission
(NAHC) as traditionally and culturally affiliated with the geographic
area of the proposed project. Letters announcing the 30-day formal
notification process were mailed on February 612, 2018. No
tribal requests for formal consultation on the proposed project
were received.
Additional Information
Additional information will be posted as it becomes available.
The CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, has conducted an
environmental review of the project. For more information on theo
project, please contact:
Connie Chen, Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102