Information Requested by |
Description of Information |
Mussey Grade Road Alliance (1/4/08) |
GIS data
showing centerline of proposed route and all alternative transmission
line routes (.zip format) |
SDG&E (1/18/08) and Center for Biological Diversity
(2/28/08) |
data for environmentally superior Northern and Southern routes
(.zip format) |
SDG&E (2/13/08) |
on greenhouse gas impact analysis |
SDG&E (1/4/08) |
to 1/4/08 information request on cultural resources, air quality monitoring
data, and biological resources maps |
SDG&E (1/18/08) |
GIS data
for all transmission line routes, including pull sites, access roads,
and other impact areas (.zip format) |
NRDC (2/27/08) |
to question regarding assumptions and calculations behind greenhouse
gas analysis |
California State Lands Commission (1/17/08) |
Excel spreadsheets listing 1. State-owned
parcels crossed by the Proposed Project and 2. State-owned
parcels crossed by alternatives |
SDG&E (2/8/08) |
Response to information request on tribal issues and
ABDSP land rights: (1);
(2) |
City of Chula Vista (1/25/08) |
to City's concern over repowering the South Bay power plant |
City of Santee (1/23/08) |
to City's concern over siting a power plant at MCAS Miramar |
Center for Biological Diversity (3/7/08) |
letter from USFWS and CDFG submitted to ALJ Weissman |
SDG&E (3/24/08) |
GIS files for fireshed
areas along the proposed route and alternatives (*.zip format) |