Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website
for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of the proposed
construction of Southern California Edison's (SCE) Viejo System Project.
An application for this project was submitted to the CPUC on March 21,
2003 The purpose of the Viejo System Project is to improve reliability and
meet projected electrical load requirements in the rapidly urbanizing
south Orange County area. SCE proposes to construct a 220/66/12 kilovolt
(kV) substation (Viejo Substation) on a 12.5-acre site located in the
City of Lake Forest and a 3.1-mile 66 kV subtransmission line along the
corridor between the proposed Viejo Substation and the existing Chiquita
Substation located in the City of Mission Viejo. In addition, the project
would include the replacement of 19 double-circuit tubular steel poles
with 13 In accordance with Public Utilities Code Section 1001, SCE is seeking
approval of a Permit to Construct from the CPUC.
The proposed route can be viewed at the two links following:
The PEA may be viewed online here. The CPUC intends to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for
SCE's proposed Viejo System Project, and has prepared an MND and supporting
Initial Study (IS) describing the proposed project and its potential environmental
effects. Based on the IS, it has been determined that the proposed project,
as modified with mitigation, would not have any significant effects on
the environment, as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA). The proposed MND/IS was circulated for public review from March
10 through April 9, and may be viewed here.
The Final MND/IS is available to the public at the locations listed below,
and may also be viewed here. The CPUC, through its Environmental
Review Team, is managing the environmental
review of the project. The CPUC's Project Manager in the Energy Division's
CEQA unit is: Michael Rosauer, CPUC Project Manager To request additional information, please contact us via Project e-mail: viejosystem@aspeneg.com The State of California Department of Health Services and the Public
Health Institute have prepared a short fact
sheet on electric and magnetic field (EMF) safety issues as part of
the California Electric and Magnetic Fields Program. This document answers
some common questions about the safety of powerlines and appliances. |
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