Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for San Diego Gas &
Electric's (SDG&E) Vine Substation Project. This website provides information on the status of the CPUC's environmental review of the project,
as Lead Agency, under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). SDG&E submitted an application for a Permit to Construct Electrical Facilities with Voltages between 50 kV and 200 kV to the CPUC on May 27, 2014. Concurrently, SDG&E filed its Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the project on this date. A Supplemental PEA was filed February 25, 2015, which revised the proposed alignment of the 12-kV distribution line.
This website provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review of the Vine Substation Project.
The Vine Substation Project is proposed to be located within the southwestern portion of the City of San Diego, California near the
San Diego International Airport. A summary of SDG&E's proposed Project is provided below:
- Construct a new 69/12-kV Vine Substation at the southwestern corner of the intersection of Vine Street and Kettner Boulevard, just west of
Interstate 5 (I-5).
- Relocate approximately nine existing 12-kV distribution circuits utilizing a combination of existing and new underground distribution
conduit. The relocated distribution circuits would generally be placed within the franchise portion of City of San Diego public streets (public
rights-of-way) in the Project area.
- Loop in an existing 69-kV power line (TL604) to the proposed Vine Substation, which includes removing two existing wood poles and one stub guy pole near the corner of California Street and Vine Street, replacing one existing distribution pole with a new self-supported tubular steel pole (TSP), and installing two new TSPs adjacent to the eastern lane of Pacific Highway.
- To connect the proposed Vine Substation and Kettner Substation to SDG&E's telecommunication system, additional fiber optic cable would be
installed generally within the underground 12-kV distribution duct banks (approximately 2,850 feet), with an overhead connection (100 feet) into
the proposed Vine Substation.
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Assessment Supplement
Environmental Review Process
SDG&E’s Application was deemed complete by the CPUC on May 4, 2015. The CPUC determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) will be the appropriate document to be prepared for this project.
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
On September 21, 2015 the CPUC released a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Vine Substation Project, showing that the Proposed Project, as mitigated, would not have any significant effects on the environment.
The Draft MND and supporting Initial Study (IS/MND) underwent a public review period from September 21, 2015 to October 20, 2015.
Following the close of the review period (October 20, 2015), SDG&E informed the CPUC of a potential conflict with a planned sewer pipeline project. Therefore, SDG&E proposed an approximately 1,030-foot realignment option which would instead reroute the 12-kV line along India Street between West Redwood Street and West Palm Street, and then along West Palm Street to Columbia Street, thereby avoiding the segment of Columbia Street between West Redwood Street and West Palm Street. The IS/MND was revised to address this alignment option, as well as comments received on the original Draft IS/MND.
The Revised IS/MND underwent a public review period from December 4, 2015 to January 4, 2016.
On January 18, 2016 the CPUC released a Final IS/MND for the Vine Substation Project, showing that the Proposed Project, as mitigated, would not have any significant effects on the environment. The Final IS/MND details the Proposed Project, evaluates and describes its potential environmental impacts, identifies those impacts that could be significant, and presents mitigation measures to avoid or minimize these impacts. The Final IS/MND can be viewed here.
For Additional Information
To request additional information, please contact the CPUC, as follows: