Edison, Cal/Nev Substation 

Application #97-06-047 
Project Manager: Bruce Kaneshiro, (415) 703-1187, e-mail: bsk@cpuc.ca.gov  
Southern California Edison (Edison) proposes the construction of a 115 kV substation and a 115 kV connection line (tap) into the existing Highgrove-Pepper 115 kV line.   The purpose of the substation is to provide the Calnev Pipeline Co. additional power, as requested by the company.  Calnev is presently served at 12 kV.   The proposed substation will occupy a 60 foot by 92 foot area within Calnev’s property, which is located 2051 E. Slover in the city of Colton.  The proposed 115 kV connection line will connect the new substation to an existing 115 kV line approximately 200 feet away from the substation location.  The connection line will require the installation of four 85 foot wooden poles.

Edison submitted its application for a Permit-to-Construct and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) on June 25, 1997.  The Energy Division found the PEA to be incomplete on July 23, 1997 and directed Edison to submit supplemental information on the project, the environmental setting and the potential impacts before an Initial Study is commenced by the Commission.  At this time, the Commission has not yet received Edison’s supplemental information.


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