Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of the proposed construction of the San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Master Special Use Permit (MSUP) and Permit to Construct (PTC) Power Line Replacement Projects located in and around the Cleveland National Forest (CNF) in San Diego County, California. The CPUC and the United States Forest Service (USFS) serve as joint lead agencies on the MSUP/PTC Projects because the Proposed Projects are subject to review under both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Proposed Projects involves federal lands (the CNF) under the jurisdiction of the USFS and power lines in and around the CNF under the jurisdiction of the CPUC. This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA and NEPA review processes. BackgroundOn September 6, 2012, SDG&E filed an updated application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Lands (Standard Form 299) with the USFS. On October 17, 2012, SDG&E filed an application for a Permit to Construct the Cleveland National Forest Power Line Replacement Projects with the CPUC (Application No. A. 12-10-009). In addition to combining previously issued use permits and easements for existing SDG&E facilities within the CNF into one MSUP, the Proposed Projects include fire hardening along 11existing 69 kV power lines and 12 kV distribution lines, as well as the relocation and undergrounding of certain electric lines within and around the CNF. The CPUC and the USFS have developed and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (completed on January 23, 2012) that will govern the preparation of a joint Environmental Impact Report /Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for the MSUP/PTC Projects. The CPUC, as the lead agency under California law, and the USFS, as the lead agency under federal law, will prepare a Draft and Final EIR/EIS to comply with CEQA and NEPA. On June 26, 2013, SDG&E filed an amended PTC application. The CPUC requested that SDG&E add information to the Plan of Development (POD; Volume II of II of the application) in order to include additional details on two study corridors (transmission line 626 and distribution line C157) requested by the USFS, for the environmental review process. SDG&E’s proposed MSUP Project would consolidate over 70 previously issued special use permits and easements for 69 kilovolt (kV) power line and 12 kV distribution line facilities (collectively, electric lines), access roads, and other ancillary facilities within the CNF into one MSUP to be issued by the USFS. This would allow the continued maintenance and operation of SDG&E’s existing 69 kV power lines and 12 kV distribution lines and ancillary facilities, as well as approximately 45 miles of existing access roads required to operate and maintain the existing electric lines located within the administrative boundary of the CNF. The Permit to Construct, which requires CPUC approval, would include fire hardening along 11existing 69 kV power lines and 12 kV distribution lines, as well as the relocation and undergrounding of certain electric lines in and around the CNF. The location of the Proposed Project is shown in the Project Location Map. Application and Plan of DevelopmentSDG&E’s application was deemed complete by CPUC on August 7, 2013. Letter can be viewed here. The amendment to application (Volume I of II) and the Revised POD (Volume II of II), the original application (Volume I of II), and the Preliminary POD (Volume II of II) for the CNF MSUP Project are available here:
Data RequestsAs needed during the environmental review process, the EIR/EIS team will provide SDG&E with data requests for specific information during preparation of the EIR/EIS. These requests and SDG&E’s responses are published here, when available:
Other Documents AvailableMemorandum of Understanding - CPUC and USFSIn January 2012, the CPUC and USFS entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the purpose of documenting the cooperation between the CPUC and the USFS serving as joint lead agencies responsible for the CEQA and NEPA environmental analysis of SDG&E’s revised application for a Master Special Use Permit on the Cleveland National Forest and for related fire hardening in and around the Cleveland National Forest. A copy of the MOU is available here:
Other documents, such as the scoping report, Notice of Availability, and Notice of Intent, will be published here, when available. Environmental Impact Report (EIR)Draft EIRThe Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) will be published here, when available. Final EIRThe Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) will be published here, when available. Commission DecisionThe Commission’s Decision on the project will be published here, when available. Construction Progress and Mitigation MonitoringReports issued by the CPUC, reports on construction progress, and reports issued as part of the Mitigation Monitoring Program will be published here, when available. For Additional InformationThe CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, is conducting an environmental review of the project. To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email or phone, as follows:
The CPUC's project manager is:Lisa Orsaba The USFS Contacts:Robert Hawkins/Debbie Hobbs
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