Construction of the Central Valley Gas Storage Project began in March
2011 with the establishment of construction yards, 10-acre compressor
station, 5-acre remote well pad site and three observation wells. Notices to
Proceed (NTPs) have been issued by the CPUC for each of these activities.
The majority of construction is expected to start in June 2011 once the CPUC
issues NTPs for each project component. Issuance of NTPs will be contingent
upon Central Valley compliance with pre-construction requirements as
specified by the approved mitigation measures and responsible agency
permitting requirements. NTPs that have been issued to Central Valley are
noted in the table below.
Notice to Proceed |
Construction Activities |
NTP Request Submitted |
NTP Issued |
1 |
Obtain site access and complete road and site preparation for existing observation wells |
Central Valley Request Submitted 02/28/11 |
CPUC NTP #1 issued 03/21/11 |
2 |
Southam #3, #4, and Sara Louise #1; inspection and work-over activities |
Central Valley Request Submitted 04/29/11 |
CPUC NTP #2 issued 05/13/11 |
2A |
Southam #2; inspection and work-over activities |
Central Valley Request Submitted 08/31/11 |
CPUC NTP #2A issued 09/02/11 |
4 |
Construction of 16-inch dual gathering lines and 24-inch pipe segment between compressor station and remote well pad site |
Central Valley Request Submitted 07/11/11 |
CPUC NTP #4 issued 08/03/11 |
5A |
Drill up to 10 injection/withdrawal wells at remote well pad site |
Central Valley Request Submitted 05/17/11 |
CPUC NTP #5A issued 05/17/11 |
5B |
Gas injection at remote well pad site |
Central Valley Request Submitted 07/25/11 |
CPUC NTP #5V issued 08/05/11 |
6A |
L-172 meter and interconnection |
Central Valley Request Submitted 05/13/11 |
CPUC NTP #6A issued 05/16/11 |
6B |
Remote well pad civil foundations, piping systems,
temporary compressor, and equipment installation |
Central Valley Request Submitted 05/18/11 |
CPUC NTP #6B issued 05/31/11 |
6C |
Compressor station civil foundations, piping systems,
temporary compressor, and equipment installation |
Central Valley Request Submitted 06/16/11 |
CPUC NTP #6C issued 07/07/11 |
6D |
Pacific Gas & Electric electrical pole relocation on
Southam Road and new electrical pole installation on McAusland Road |
Central Valley Request Submitted 05/27/11 |
CPUC NTP #6D issued 05/31/11 |
7 |
Installation of emitting equipment (compressors, dehydration, generators) at the compressor site |
Central Valley Request Submitted 07/25/11 |
CPUC NTP #7 issued 08/04/11 |
8 |
Site preparation and drilling of Zumwalt #2 observation well |
Pending |
Pending |
9A |
Test boring for at HDD locations for 24-inch pipeline |
Central Valley request submitted 05/11/11 |
CPUC NTP #9A issued 05/11/11 |
9B |
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) for 24-inch
pipeline |
Central Valley request submitted 07/11/11 |
CPUC NTP #9B issued 08/03/11 |
10A |
Installing berms to support preparation of 24-inch pipeline right-of0way |
Central Valley request submitted 04/12/11 |
CPUC NTP #10A issued 04/18/11 |
10B |
Preparation of 24-inch pipeline right-of-way |
Central Valley request submitted 06/30/11 |
CPUC NTP #10B issued 07/27/11 |
11 |
Construction of 24-inch pipeline between remote well pad and L-401 meter station |
Central Valley request submitted 07/11/11 |
CPUC NTP #11 issued 08/03/11 |
12 |
Complete test well and install saltwater disposal pipeline to remote well pad site |
Central Valley request submitted 06/10/11 |
CPUC NTP #12 issued 06/15/11 |
13A |
Construct L-401 meter station and pipeline connection to L-401 |
Central Valley request submitted 07/11/11 |
CPUC NTP #13A issued 08/03/11 |
13B |
Electrical work at the metering station |
Central Valley request submitted 08/18/11 |
CPUC NTP #13B issued 08/29/11 |
14 |
Commercial Operation of the Central Valley Gas
Storage Project |
Pending |
Pending |
The CPUC, in conjunction with Central Valley Gas Storage LLC, drafted a Mitigation Monitoring Compliance and Reporting Program (MMCRP) to ensure compliance with mitigation measures approved in the Final MND. Although changes may be made to the document as construction progresses, a current final version of the MMCRP document and attachments, including a map of the approved route with segments, is found here.
A CPUC Environmental Monitor (EM) is monitoring construction activities to ensure that they are conducted in accordance with the approved mitigation measures and permit conditions. Weekly reports documenting construction status and compliance activities will be posted here.
As defined by the MMCRP, at various times throughout project construction, the need for extra workspace or additional access roads may be identified. Similarly, changes to the project requirements (mitigation measures, specifications, etc.) may be needed to facilitate construction or provide more effective protection of resources (e.g., installation of additional erosion control outside of approved disturbance areas). The CPUC Project Manager, along with the CPUC EMs, will implement the variance procedures defined in the MMCRP to evaluate each proposed project change for its potential for creating significant environmental effects to determine whether supplemental California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and/or National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review is required. Variance requests processed to date are provided in the table below.
Request |
Requested |
Issued |
Segment |
Description |
1 |
04/06/11 |
04/25/11 |
Natural Gas Connecting Pipeline (Segment A) |
Three sections of the gas pipeline alignment will be rerouted to reduce
impacts to irrigation systems and farming operations. |
2 |
07/01/11 |
07/20/11 |
Natural Gas Connecting Pipeline (Segment A) |
Additional temporary work space for pipe staging adjacent an HDD site.
Area within a fallow rice field. |
3 |
07/12/11 |
07/20/11 | Compressor Station |
Install 4 new poles to connect power to the compressor station via PG&E
Line along Southam Road. |
4 |
07/08/11 |
08/08/11 |
Natural Gas Connecting Pipeline (Segment A) |
Utilize HDD to cross the NRCS wetland to avoid surface impacts. |
5 |
07/12/11 |
07/20/11 |
Offsite |
Offsite area in the City of Colusa to be utilized by Pipeline contractor
for office trailers, materials staging, and storage of equipment. |
6 |
07/28/11 |
08/09/11 |
Natural Gas Connecting Pipeline (Segment A) |
Construct four new power poles and relocate one existing power pole within the pipeline construction right-of-way. |
7 |
08/11/11 |
08/15/11 |
Natural Gas Connecting Pipeline (Segment A) |
Use of temporary brides during construction. |
8 |
08/15/11 |
09/02/11 |
Offsite |
Additional temporary work space for five staging areas. |
9 |
08/31/11 |
09/02/11 |
Metering Station |
PG&E power pole replacements at the metering station. |
10 |
9/7/11 |
9/19/11 |
400/401 Line Interconnect |
Additional temporary work space for soil storage and fire hazard reduction. |
11 |
9/19/11 |
9/29/11 |
Natural Gas Connecting Pipeline (Segment A) |
Amendment to APM BIO-12 allowing construction in giant garter snake habitat to be extended to November 1st
from the current restriction of October 1st. |
12 |
9/22/11 |
9/23/11 |
Natural Gas Connecting Pipeline (Segment A) |
Use of seven additional temporary bridges during construction. |
13 |
10/7/11 |
10/10/11 |
Offsite and Metering Station |
Install temporary 8-inch water line for hydrostatic testing |
14 |
10/17/11 |
10/18/11 |
Offsite |
Amend APM HAZ-1 to allow equipment storage adjacent the Glenn-Colusa Canal for hydrostatic testing |
15 |
11/11/11 |
Pending |
Compressor Station |
Increase in tank size and quantity of hazardous materials stored on site |