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Welcome to the Mitigation Monitoring Compliance and Reporting Program page for the East County (ECO) Substation Project in southeastern San Diego County, California.
Pursuant to the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) approval of the Project,
San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) is required to implement the Applicant Proposed Measures (APMs) and mitigation measures identified in the Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) and the Mitigation Monitoring, Reporting, and Compliance Program (MMRCP). The CPUC, as the lead agency, is responsible for ensuring that the APMs and mitigation measures, as well as plans reviewed and approved by other agencies, are implemented throughout the construction phase of the Project. Below are Project documents related to mitigation monitoring that are available for public review.
Quick Links
Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance and Reporting Program
Notices to Proceed
Environmental Monitoring Reports
Minor Project Refinement Requests
The program’s goal is to ensure compliance with CPUC and Bureau of
Land Management (BLM) adopted mitigation. The CPUC and BLM, in conjunction with SDG&E, drafted a Mitigation Monitoring Compliance and Reporting Program (MMCRP) to ensure compliance with mitigation measures approved in the Final EIR/EIS. A link to view a complete copy of the MMCRP is provided below.
NTPs are issued contingent upon SDG&E’s compliance with pre-construction requirements as specified by the approved mitigation measures and responsible agency permitting requirements. A link to the approved pre-compliance reports, permit applications, and other documents is provided below.
Pre-compliance reports, permit applications, and other documents
A CPUC Environmental Monitor (EM) is monitoring construction activities to ensure that they are conducted in accordance with the approved mitigation measures and permit conditions. Reports documenting construction status and compliance activities are provided below.
Weekly Report # |
Reporting Period |
Summary of Work Completed |
Environmental Issues/Concerns |
001 |
February 4, to February 17, 2013 |
Abatement activities at the Boulevard Substation Rebuild Site |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Mobilization of Construction Equipment to ECO Substation Site |
Non-Compliance Report (NCR) #001 – Equipment mobilized to the project site prior to notifying environmental monitors. |
Geotechnical Investigations |
NCR #002 – Geotechnical activities were completed at a location not authorized under BLM NTP No. 001 or CPUC NTP No. 003. |
002 |
March 11, to March 25, 2013 |
Mobilization of Construction Equipment and Installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Site Clearing and Grubbing |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Geotechnical Investigations |
No issues/concerns reported. |
003 |
March 25, to March 29, 2013 |
Site Clearing and Grubbing |
No issues/concerns reported. |
004 |
May 13, to May 27, 2013 |
Clearing, Grubbing, and Grading of the Southern Access Road |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Mobilization of Construction Equipment and Excavation of Temporary Retention Basin |
No issues/concerns reported. |
005 |
May 27, to June 9, 2013 |
Grading Southern Access Road |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Excavation and Construction of Temporary Retention Basin |
No issues/concerns reported. |
006 |
June 10, to June 23, 2013 |
Grading ECO Substation |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Clearing, Grubbing, and Fencing at Carrizo Gorge Fly Yard |
No issues/concerns reported. |
007 |
June 23, to July 7, 2013 |
Grading ECO Substation |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Clearing, Grubbing, and Fencing of Jewel Valley Fly Yard |
Construction activities completed beyond the authorized work limits. |
Installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) at Carrizo Gorge Fly Yard |
No issues/concerns reported. |
008 |
July 8, to July 21, 2013 |
ECO Substation Earthwork Activities |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Clearing and Grubbing at Jewel Valley Fly Yard |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Clearing and Grubbing at Carrizo Gorge Fly Yard |
No issues/concerns reported. |
009 |
July 22, to August 4, 2013 |
ECO Substation Earthwork Activities |
No issues/concerns reported. |
BMP’s at Jewel Valley Fly Yard |
No issues/concerns reported. |
010 |
August 5, to August 18, 2013 |
ECO Substation Earthwork Activities |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Mobilize construction equipment to Jewel Valley Fly Yard |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Mobilize construction equipment to Carrizo Gorge Fly Yard |
No issues/concerns reported. |
011 |
August 19 to September 1, 2013 |
Boulevard Substation Rebuild |
No issues/concerns reported. |
138 kV Underground Transmission Line |
No issues/concerns reported. |
ECO Substation |
No issues/concerns reported. |
Construction Yards |
No issues/concerns reported. |
The Commission decision approving the permit to construct authorizes Energy Division staff to approve requests by SDG&E for minor project refinements. The decision states that minor project refinements may be approved so long as such minor project refinements are located within the geographic boundary of the study area of the Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement and do not, without mitigation, result in a new significant impact or a substantial increase in the severity of a previously identified significant impact based on the criteria used in the environmental document; conflict with any mitigation measure or applicable law or policy; or trigger an additional permit requirement. Below are SDG&E's Minor Project Refinement Requests that have been approved by the CPUC to date.
Minor Project Refinement Request |
Description |
MPR Request |
MPR Approval |
001 |
Temporary Retention Basin |
1/25/13 |
(CPUC) |
002 |
Adjustments to the Domingo Lake and Jewel Valley
Construction Yards |
3/22/13 |
5/13/13 (BLM) |
003 |
Adjustments to the Carrizo Gorge Construction Yard |
3/22/13 |
5/13/13 (BLM) |
004 |
Adjustments to the Southern Access Road & 138 kV Overhead & Underground Transmission Line |
5/17/13 |
7/2/13 (BLM) |
005 |
Adjustments to the Boulevard Substation Rebuild Site |
6/27/13 |
7/16/13 (BLM) |
006 |
Adjustments to the 138 kV Overhead Transmission Line |
07/05/13 |
8/21/13 (BLM) |
007 |
Relocation of Temporary Retention Basin |
8/16/13 |
8/22/13 (BLM) |
BLM - Variance Requests
As defined by the MMCRP, at various times throughout project construction, the need for workspace modifications or changes to the project requirements may be needed to facilitate construction or provide more effective protection of resources. The BLM will implement the variance procedures defined in the MMCRP to evaluate each proposed project variance for its potential for creating adverse environmental effects to determine whether supplemental NEPA review is required.
Variance Request |
Description |
Variance Request Submitted |
Variance Issued |
001 |
Reroute a portion of the 138 kV underground transmission route and associated transition poles from BLM‐managed land to private land. |
7/5/13 |
7/12/13 |
To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email, fax, or phone as follows:
Project email:
Project fax and voicemail: (800) 371-8854
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The CPUC's project manager is:
Amy Baker, CPUC Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco CA 94102
Tel. (415) 703-1691
Fax (415) 703-2200
The BLM's project manager is:
Brian Paul, BLM Project Manager
Bureau of Land Management, El Centro Field Office
1661 S. 4th Street
El Centro, CA 92243
Tel. (760) 337-4400
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ECO Project Home Page -
CPUC Environmental Information - CPUC Home |
Contact Information During Construction
Project voicemail: (800) 371-8854
To leave a voice-mail message, please press “1.”
To send a fax, please press “2.”