Current Environmental Review Schedule available here.
Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of proposed construction of the Southern California Edison (SCE) Alberhill System Project. An application for this project was submitted to the CPUC on September 30, 2009 (Application A.09-09-022). SCE filed an amendment to the application on March 15, 2010 (Application A.09-09-022, amended) and filed amended sections of the Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) on April 11, 2011. The amended sections of the PEA propose modifications to the two 500-kV transmission line alignments included in the original PEA. The modified alignments would avoid the Lake Mathews-Estelle Mountain Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat core reserve.
The CPUC determined that it would be in the public’s best interest to consolidate the CEQA analyses for the SCE Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Project Petition for Modification (PFM) application (A. 07-01-031; proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project) and the proposed Alberhill Project Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) application into a single CEQA document for reasons that are discussed further below. As the lead agency, the CPUC will prepare one Draft and one Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to evaluate the environmental impacts of both projects in accordance with the criteria, standards, and procedures of the CEQA (Public Resources Code sections 21000 et seq. and California Code of Regulations Title 14, sections 15000 et seq.).
Project Overview
The proposed Alberhill Project would serve the cities of Lake Elsinore, Canyon Lake, Perris, Menifee, Murrieta, Hot Springs, Temecula, and Wildomar as well as surrounding unincorporated areas of Riverside County. Click here to view a map of the proposed Alberhill Project. The GIS webviewer for the proposed Alberhill Project is available here. Instructions for using the GIS webviewer are available here.
The proposed Alberhill Project would include the following components:- Construct one 1,120 megavolt ampere (MVA) 500/115-kilovolt (kV) substation (Alberhill Substation), expandable to a maximum of 1,680 MVA.
- Construct two 500-kV transmission lines to connect the proposed substation to the existing Serrano–Valley 500-kV transmission line.
- Construct approximately 11.75 miles of new double-circuit 115-kV subtransmission line and remove 11 miles of existing single-circuit 115-kV subtransmission line primarily in the existing ROW.
- Construct about 3 miles of single-circuit 115-kV subtransmission line with distribution line underbuilt on the subtransmission line structures and remove about 3 miles of electrical distribution line within the existing ROW.
- Install a second 115-kV circuit on approximately 6.5 miles of single-circuit 115-kV subtransmission line (the single-circuit line is to be constructed as part of the proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project).
- Install fiber optic lines overhead (9 miles) on sections of the new or modified subtransmission lines and underground (1 mile) in proximity to the proposed Alberhill Substation and several of the existing 115/12-kV substations.
- Install a 120-foot microwave antenna tower at the proposed Alberhill Substation site. Install microwave telecommunications dish antennas at the proposed Alberhill Substation, the existing Santiago Peak communications site, and Serrano Substation. Install telecommunications equipment at other existing and proposed substations.
- Transfer 5 of the 14 Valley South 115-kV System substations (Ivyglen, Fogarty, Elsinore, Skylark, and Newcomb) to the proposed Alberhill 115-kV System.
The Alberhill Substation is proposed to be built on approximately 34 to 40 acres of a 124-acre property located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Temescal Canyon Road and Concordia Ranch Road in unincorporated western Riverside County. The two new 500-kV transmission lines would each extend approximately 1.5 mile northeast to connect the proposed Alberhill Substation to the existing Serrano–Valley 500-kV transmission line. The 115-kV subtransmission line modifications and construction would occur southeast from the proposed Alberhill Substation to Skylark Substation (approximately 11.5 miles) and from Skylark Substation to Newcomb Substation (approximately 9 miles).
SCE designed the proposed Alberhill Project to meet long-term forecasted electrical demand in the proposed Alberhill Project area and to increase electrical system reliability. SCE estimates that construction of the proposed Alberhill Project would take approximately 28 months.
A description of the proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project is located on the Valley–Ivyglen website:
Environmental Review Process
SCE’s proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project and proposed Alberhill Project would be constructed within the same right-of-way (ROW) from the intersection of Collier Avenue and Third Street in the City of Lake Elsinore northwest approximately 6.5 miles to the proposed Alberhill Substation site. Within this ROW, the 115-kV conductor required for the proposed Alberhill Project would be installed on the 115-kV structures constructed as part of the proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project. Because the components of the proposed Valley-Ivyglen Project are required for construction of the proposed Alberhill Project, and the two proposed projects would be constructed during the same period, the CPUC determined that it would be in the public’s best interest to consolidate the CEQA analyses for the proposed Alberhill System Project CPCN application and the proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project PFM application into a single CEQA document.
As the lead agency, the CPUC will prepare one Draft and one Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to evaluate the environmental impacts of both projects in accordance with the criteria, standards, and procedures of CEQA (Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq. and California Code of Regulations Title 14, sections 15000 et seq.).
NOP and Public Scoping
The CPUC circulated a third Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project (with project changes as described in the amended 2014 PFM) and proposed Alberhill Project to the State Clearinghouse, responsible and trustee agencies, other agencies, tribes, elected officials, organizations, owners and occupants of contiguous properties, residents, and other interested parties on May 6, 2015. The circulated NOP opened a 30-day scoping period on the scope and content of the EIR beginning on May 6, 2015 and ending on June 5, 2015. A copy of the May 6, 2015 NOP is available here.
The CPUC hosted two scoping meetings for the proposed projects on May 18, 2015. One meeting was held at the Cesar E. Chavez Library in Perris from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. The second meeting was held at the Lake Elsinore Cultural Arts Center in Lake Elsinore from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Each meeting began with a brief presentation, followed by a period to answer specific questions about the proposed projects. Click the following links to view materials provided at the meetings:- Notice of Preparation (May 6, 2015)
- Presentation Slides
- Information about the CPUC’s role, as presented by the CPUC Project Manager
- Alberhill Project Fact Sheet
- Valley–Ivyglen Project Fact Sheet
- Webviewer for the proposed Alberhill Project and Valley–Ivyglen Project
The public and agencies were invited to submit written comments until the scoping period ended on June 5, 2015. Information on the two previous NOPs and their respective scoping periods are available under Other Available Documents. The CPUC based the information and extent of analysis presented in the Draft EIR on input and comments received during all three public scoping periods.
Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Public Comment Period
As the CEQA Lead Agency, the CPUC prepared a Draft EIR for the proposed project in accordance with CEQA. Links to view the Notice of Completion, Notice of Availability, and Draft EIR are provided below.
- Notice of Completion (Valley–Ivyglen and Alberhill)
- Notice of Availability
- Draft EIR
Hardcopies of the Draft EIR are available at the following repositories:
Lake Elsinore Library 600 West Graham Avenue Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 674-4517 |
Paloma Valley Library 31375 Bradley Road Menifee, CA 92584 (951) 301-3682 |
Canyon Lake Library 31516 Railroad Canyon Road Canyon Lake, CA 92587 (951) 244-9181 |
City of Perris Cesar E. Chavez Library 163 East San Jacinto Avenue Perris, CA 92570 (951) 657-2358 |
Wildomar Library 34303 Mission Trail Wildomar, CA 92595 (951)471-3855 |
The CPUC’s original public review period for the Draft EIR was April 14, 2016 through May 31, 2016. The CPUC approved an extension of the public review period to July 15, 2016. The Notice of Extension of the Public Review Period for the Draft EIR can be found here. Written comments on the Draft EIR may be submitted using any of the following methods:
Email: Fax: 415-398-5326 |
Mail: California Public Utilities Commission RE: VIG/ASP c/o Ecology and Environment, Inc. 505 Sansome Street, Suite #300 San Francisco, CA 94111 |
The CPUC held public meetings on May 11 and 12, 2016, to explain the proposed projects, discuss the proposed projects’ significant impacts, and receive comments on the Draft EIR from the public. The first meeting was held at the Lake Elsinore Cultural Arts Center in Lake Elsinore from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on May 11, 2016. The second was held at the Cesar E. Chavez Library in Perris from 12:30 to 2:30 pm on May 12, 2016. Each meeting began with a brief presentation, followed by a period to answer specific questions about the proposed projects, and then an oral public comment period. Click the following links to view materials provided at the meetings:
- Presentation Slides
- Public Sign-In Sheets
- Meeting Transcript from the City of Lake Elsinore Cultural Arts Center (May 11, 2016)
- Meeting Transcript from the City of Perris Library (May 12, 2016)
The public and agencies were invited to submit written comments until the public review period ended on July 15, 2016. The CPUC will base the information and extent of analysis to be presented in the Final EIR on input and comments received during the public review period.
Final EIR
Comments on the Draft EIR will be addressed in a Response to Comments document that, together with the Draft EIR, will constitute the Final EIR. The Final EIR will likely be completed by late September or early October. The CPUC will issue separate proposed decisions on SCE’s applications for the proposed Valley–Ivyglen Project and the proposed Alberhill Project.
Comments received from agencies and organizations during the public review period may be viewed here.
Other Available Documents
The documents provided in this section are listed in reverse chronological order.
Previous Notices of Preparation
The CPUC issued two NOPs prior to the NOP issued on May 6, 2015. The first NOP was distributed on April 13, 2010. The circulated NOP opened a 30-day public comment period on the scope and content of the EIR from April 15 through May 14, 2010. The CPUC conducted a scoping meeting on April 29, 2010, at the Lake Elsinore Cultural Arts Center in Lake Elsinore, California, to solicit comments on the scope of the EIR.
On July 28, 2011, the CPUC circulated a second NOP after determining that the amended PEA was complete on May 26, 2011. Circulation of the second NOP opened a 30-day public comment period from July 28 through August 26, 2011. The CPUC conducted a second scoping meeting on August 18, 2011, at the Lake Elsinore Cultural Arts Center, to solicit comments on the revisions to the proposed project presented in the amended PEA.
- 2011 Proposed Alberhill Project Notice of Preparation, after amended PEA (July 28, 2011)
- 2010 Proposed Alberhill Project Notice of Preparation errata postcard with updated map (April 20, 2010)
- 2010 Proposed Alberhill Project Notice of Preparation (April 13, 2010; map updated April 20, 2010)
Application and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment
An application for this project was submitted to the CPUC on September 30, 2009 The CPUC sent SCE a deficiency letter on October 22, 2009 that requested additional information from SCE to satisfy the CPUC’s Information and Criteria List. The CPUC reviewed the additional information that SCE submitted and determined the application to be complete on March 26, 2010.
During the CPUC’s CEQA review process, the proposed Alberhill Project was found to be infeasible as proposed. On January 24, 2011, the CPUC sent SCE a letter withdrawing its previous determination of completeness and requested a new PEA. SCE submitted an amended PEA on April 11, 2011, and the CPUC deemed the amended PEA complete on May 26, 2011. Click the following links to view the application and PEA for the proposed Alberhill Project.
- Determination of Completeness, amended PEA (May 26, 2011)
- Amended PEA with Changes Tracked (Ch. 2, Ch. 3, App. F) (April 14, 2011)
- Amended PEA (Ch. 2, Ch. 3, App. F) (April 11, 2011)
- Completeness Determination Withdrawn (January 24, 2011)
- Determination of Completeness (March 26, 2010)
- Application A.09-09-022, amended (March 15, 2010)
- Deficiency Letter (October 22, 2009)
- Application A.09-09-022 (September 30, 2009)
- PEA Volume I (September 30, 2009; 25 MB)
- PEA Volume II (Appendices) (September 30, 2009; 20 MB)
CPUC Application Proceedings Website
The CPUC’s proceedings website provides each of the CPUC ruling and decision documents associated with the Alberhill System Project. The CPUC proceedings search website is available at: From the proceedings search website, enter “0909022” in the Proceedings Number Search box.
For Additional Information
The CPUC's Environmental Review Team is conducting an environmental review of the proposed project. To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email, fax, or phone, as follows:
Project email:
Project fax: 415-981-0801
Project voicemail: 877-313-5385 (toll free)
The CPUC's Alberhill System Project Manager is:
Mr. Jensen Uchida, CPUC Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel.: (415) 703-5484
Fax: (415) 703-2200