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Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of proposed TL674A Reconfiguration and TL666D Removal Project. The proposed project will address the safety, environmental, and reliability concerns in San Diego Gas and Electric’s (SDG&E) existing Del Mar Substation area, and ensure that the substation and associated components meet the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) criteria. The applicant proposes to meet NERC criteria by replacing an overhead 69 kV power line (TL666D) that is currently operated in the open position with a new line (TL6974D) of a higher voltage rating, to be renamed TL6973D. The substation and proposed new distribution lines are located in coastal San Diego County, within the jurisdictions of the City of San Diego and the City of Del Mar. Proposed project activities would occur between the existing Del Mar Substation immediately northwest of the intersection of Interstate 5 and Via De La Valle, and an existing steel pole near the intersection of Vista Sorrento Parkway and Pacific Plaza Drive. The application for the Permit to Construct (PTC) was submitted on June 28, 2017 (A. 17-06-029). This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review process. Additional project information and documentation will be posted as it becomes available.

Quick Links

Project Description

The Proposed Project would address safety, environmental, and reliability concerns in the Del Mar Substation area. Line TL666D – a 69 kV line extending approximately six miles from the Del Mar Substation to the Del Mar Tap – has experienced multiple outages since 2012, and includes segments within environmentally sensitive areas. The Proposed Project would eliminate the need to access these environmentally sensitive areas to perform maintenance activities. Additionally, the Proposed Project would prevent North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) thermal and voltage deviation violations on line TL674C, and at both the Del Mar and Encinitas Substations, therefore improving operational flexibility to SDG&E’s Grid Operation Department.

Major components of the TL674A Reconfiguration and TL666D Removal Project include the following: The project would also include the removal and replacement of a circuit breaker at the existing Del Mar Substation to accommodate increased ampacity of TL6973.

Project Location

The Proposed Project is located in the northwestern portion of the City of San Diego and in the City of Del Mar, with portions of the proposed project located within the San Dieguito Lagoon, Los Peñasquitos Lagoon, and Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve. Activities would occur along the approximately six miles of existing overhead power line between the existing Del Mar Subtstation northwest of the intersection of Interstate 5 and Via De La Valle, and an existing steel pole located near the intersection of Vista Sorrento Parkway and Pacific Plaza Drive. Project components would be installed underground beneath San Dieguito Drive and Racetrack View Drive in the cities of Del Mar and San Diego, and beneath the Sorrento Valley Pedestrian/Multi-Use Path.

Application and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment

SDG&E filed an application (A. 17-06-029) for a PTC and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) on June 28, 2016. The PEA provides information to begin the independent environmental review process conducted by the CPUC.

Deficiencies, Data Requests, and Responses

The CPUC has reviewed the proponent’s application and PEA to identify additional data needed from the Applicant to complete the environmental review process. The CPUC has submitted data requests to the applicant for specific information to support the environmental review process. Those requests and the Applicant’s responses are included below.

CPUC Report/Request SDG&E’s Response Attachments
Deficiency Letter #1
SDG&E’s Response to Deficiency Letter #1
CPUC Application Completeness Letter(9/27/2017) N/A N/A
Data Request #1 (11/9/2017) SDG&E’s Response to Data Request #1 N/A
Data Request #2 (12/12/2017) SDG&E’s Response to Data Request #2
Data Request #3 (5/21/2018) SDG&E’s Response to Data Request #3
N/A – Verbal request for estimated project-related water use Project Water Use Estimate Memorandum (4.8 MB) N/A
Data Request #4 (2/4/2019) SDG&E’s Response to Data Request #4

Draft IS/MND

On December 6, 2018, the CPUC released a Notice of Intent (NOI) to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the TL674A Reconfiguration and TL666D Removal Project, The Draft IS/MND was circulated on December 6, 2018, and opens a public comment period that will extend from December 6, 2018 through January 7, 2019. Links to view the Draft IS/MND are provided below:

Draft IS/MND (main document) Draft IS/MND Appendices

Final IS/MND

On March 21, 2019, the CPUC published the Final IS/MND for the TL674A Reconfiguration and TL666D Removal Project. Links to view the Final IS/MND are provided below:

Final IS/MND (main document) Final IS/MND Appendices The public may present comments about the project and Draft IS/MND. Written comments must be postmarked or received by fax or email no later than January 7, 2019. Please be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number in correspondence. Send written comments to:

TL674A Reconfiguration and TL666D Removal Project
c/o Ecology and Environment, Inc.
Attn: Silvia Yanez, Project Manager
505 Sansome Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94111

Fax: (415) 398-5326
Email: TL674A.CPUC@ene.com

Availability of Final IS/MND

Hardcopies of the Final IS/MND will be available for review at the following public access locations:

San Diego County Public Library, Del Mar Branch
1309 Camino Del Mar
Del Mar, CA 92014
(858) 755-1666

San Diego County Public Library, Central Library
330 Park Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 236-5800

If you would like to request a hard copy of the Final IS/MND, please call: 1 (844) 422-9692, or email: TL674A.CPUC@ene.com.

Additional Information

Additional information will be posted as it becomes available. The CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, in conducting an environmental review of the project. To request additional information, ask a question, or be added to the project mailing list, please contact:

Email: TL674A.CPUC@ene.com
Fax: (415) 796-0846
Voicemail: (844) 422-9692 (toll-free)

U.S. Mail or Courier:
John Forsythe
California Public Utilities Commission
c/o Ecology and Environment, Inc.
One Embarcadero Center, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94111