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  1. Notice of Availability and Public Meetings
  2. Cover Page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Executive Summary
    1. Introduction
    2. Environmentally Superior Alternative: Alternative 5
    3. Project Summary
    4. Project Location
    5. Project Components
    6. Less-than-Significant Impacts (Including Significant Impacts That Can Be Mitigated, Avoided, or Substantially Lessened)
    7. Unavoidable Significant Adverse Impacts
    8. Alternatives
  5. Introduction
    • A.1Objectives and Purpose of the Project
    • A.2CPUC Process
    • A.3Responsible, Trustee and Other Interested Agencies
    • A.4Organization of the DEIR
    • A.5Required EIR Content
    • A.6Sources
    • A.7Appendices
    • A.8Availability of the Draft EIR
  6. Description of Proposed Project
    • B.1Introduction
    • B.2Proposed Project Location
    • B.3Project Components
    • B.4Construction and Schedule
    • B.5Operation and Maintenance
    • B.6Required Approvals
    • B.7Cumulative Scenario
  7. Alternatives
    • C.1Alternatives Development and Screening Process
    • C.2Alternatives Eliminated from Further Consideration
    • C.3Alternatives Evaluated in this EIR
  8. Environmental Analysis
  9. Comparison of Alternatives
    • E.1Comparison Methodology
    • E.2Analysis of Alternatives
    • E.3No Project Alternatives vs. the Environmentally Superior Alternative
  10. Other CEQA Considerations
    • F.1Growth Inducing Effects
    • F.2Significant Irreversible Changes
  11. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
  12. Public Participation
    • H.1Introduction
    • H.2Public Participation Program
  13. References

