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  1. Notice of Availability
  2. Cover
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Introduction
    • 1.1Background and Project Overview
    • 1.2Final Environmental Impact Report
    • 1.3Decision-Making Process
  5. Summary of Public Participation
    • 2.1Notice of Preparation and Public Scoping
    • 2.2Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR and Public Review
  6. Draft EIR Comments and Responses
  7. Revisions to the Draft EIR
    • 4.1Executive Summary
    • 4.2Chapter A: Introduction
    • 4.3Chapter B: Description of Proposed Project
    • 4.4Chapter C: Alternatives
    • 4.5Chapter D: Environmental Analysis
    • 4.6Chapter E: Comparison of Alternatives
    • 4.7Chapter F: Other CEQA Considerations
    • 4.8Chapter G: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
    • 4.9Chapter H: Public Participation
    • 4.10Chapter I: References
    • 4.11Revised Figures
  8. Updated Cumulative Scenario and Revised Biological Resources Sections (5 MB)
    • B.7Cumulative Scenario (Updated)
    • D.4Biological Resources (Revised)
  9. Updated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting


  1. Final Biological Technical Report for the Valley-Ivyglen Transmission Line Project
  2. Final Biological Technical Report for the Fogarty Substation Project
  3. Draft Burrowing Owl Survey Report for the Valley-Ivyglen Transmission Line Project (4 MB)
  4. Draft Focused Surveys for the Least Bell’s Vireo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, and Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo for the Valley-Ivyglen Transmission Line Project (3 MB)
  5. Draft MSHCP Narrow Endemic and Criteria Area Plant Species Surveys for the Valley-Ivyglen Transmission Line Project
  6. Focused Surveys for the Least Bell’s Vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Valley-Ivyglen Subtransmission Line Project
  7. Draft Results of Focused Surveys for Listed Fairy Shrimp Species for the Proposed Valley-Ivyglen Subtransmission Line Project (9 MB)
  8. Draft Biological Resources Report Valley-Ivyglen Transmission Project