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Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of Southern California Edison Company’s (SCE’s) proposed Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project. In 2007, SCE submitted separate Permit to Construct applications for the Valley–Ivyglen 115-kilovolt (kV) Subtransmission Line (No. 07-01-031) and Fogarty Substation (No. 07-04-028). The CPUC consolidated the two applications into a single proceeding, and after completing environmental review pursuant to CEQA, the consolidated project was approved for construction in 2010.

Fogarty Substation construction commenced in 2011 and was substantially completed by 2012. Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line construction has yet to commence. In 2013, SCE filed a formal Petition for Modification for proposed project modifications that would be necessary to complete construction of Fogarty Substation and begin construction of the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line. In 2014, SCE filed a Motion to Bifurcate (consider in separate proceedings) Fogarty Substation from the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line because of the relatively minor changes required to complete Fogarty Substation. Concurrently with the Motion to Bifurcate, SCE filed a Petition for Modification that describes the changes necessary to complete Fogarty Substation. SCE then filed a separate Petition for Modification in 2014 (referred to as the 2014 Amended Petition for Modification) that describes the changes necessary to complete the Valley-Ivyglen Subtransmission Line.

Overview and Proposed Modifications

This section describes the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project components as approved for construction in 2010 and summarizes SCE’s proposed modifications. Further information about the timing and status of SCE’s applications is provided under the heading, “Background and Application Status.”

Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line

The Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line would include construction, operation, and maintenance of a new 115-kV subtransmission line between SCE’s Valley and Ivyglen substations. The line would traverse unincorporated Riverside County and the cities of Menifee, Perris and Lake Elsinore, California. Figure 1 identifies the approximately 25-mile-long route proposed by SCE in 2007. Figure 2 shows the approximately 27-mile-long route approved for construction in 2010, and represents the Environmentally Superior Alternative identified in the 2010 Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

In 2013, SCE proposed to modify a 2-mile section of the route approved for construction between Lee Lake and Ivyglen Substation due to landslide and erosion activity that occurred in the area. In addition, a segment along Collier Avenue within the City of Lake Elsinore would not be constructed. The entire subtransmission line route, as modified, would remain approximately 27-miles long. Figure 2 identifies the proposed routing modifications included in SCE’s 2013 Petition for Modification.

In addition to route realignment, the 2013 Petition for Modification includes the following modifications specific to the proposed Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line:

In 2014, SCE proposed to modify a 1.5-mile section of the route approved for construction 2010 along Lake Street. Figure 3 shows the project route (approximately 27-miles long) as proposed in SCE's 2014 Amended Petition for Modification.

Fogarty Substation

Construction of the new 115/12-kV Fogarty Substation occurred in 2011 and 2012 in the City of Lake Elsinore as approved in 2010 by CPUC Decision 10-08-009 that granted SCE a Permit to Construct. Fogarty Substation is shown on Figure 2. Changes to Fogarty Substation proposed in SCE’s 2014 Petition for Modification (specific to Fogarty Substation) include the installation of:

Background and Application Status

On January 16, 2007, SCE filed an application (No. 07-01-031) and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment with the CPUC for a Permit to Construct the Valley–Ivyglen 115-kV Subtransmission Line. On April 30, 2007, SCE filed an application (No. 07-04-028) and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment with the CPUC for a Permit to Construct for the Fogarty Substation. On June 7, 2007, the CPUC determined that the Valley–Ivyglen 115-kV Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation applications would be consolidated into a single proceeding for CEQA analysis. The applications were deemed complete by the CPUC on December 21, 2007.

In June 2009, the CPUC, as lead agency under CEQA, released a Draft EIR. The Final EIR was released by the CPUC in May 2010. On August 12, 2010, the CPUC issued Decision 10-08-009 granting SCE a Permit to Construct the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project.

On April 2, 2013, SCE filed a Petition for Modification for the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project. On March 26, 2014, SCE filed a Motion to Bifurcate consideration of the modifications proposed to complete Fogarty Substation from consideration of the modifications proposed to start construction of the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line. The Motion to Bifurcate was accompanied by a Petition for Modification specific to Fogarty Substation. On May 23, 2014, SCE filed a separate Petition for Modification that describes the changes necessary to complete the Valley-Ivyglen Subtransmission Line.

The CPUC is currently reviewing SCE’s 2014 filings.

CPUC Application Proceedings Website

The CPUC’s proceedings website provides each of the CPUC ruling and decision documents associated with the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation. The CPUC proceedings search website is available at: http://delaps1.cpuc.ca.gov/CPUCProceedingLookup

From the proceedings search website:

Available Documents

The documents provided in this section are listed in reverse chronological order.

Petitions for Modification

Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line

The following 2014 Petition for Modification and Project Modification Report supersede the modifications specific to the Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line described in the 2013 Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project Petition for Modification and Project Modification Report:

Fogarty Substation

The following Petition for Modification and Project Modification Report supersede the modifications specific to the Fogarty Substation described in the 2013 Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project Petition for Modification and Project Modification Report. The applicant's Motion to Bifurcate is also provided.

Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project

Fogarty Substation Construction Notices to Proceed

NTPs #1, #3, and #4 were for work at the Fogarty Substation site. NTP #2 was for work associated with Fogarty Substation’s telecommunications system that took place at SCE’s Valley, Elsinore, and Ivyglen substations.

Environmental Impact Reports

Valley–Ivyglen Subtransmission Line and Fogarty Substation Project

Applications and Proponent’s Environmental Assessments

For Additional Information

To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email, fax, or phone, as follows:

Project email: ivyglen@ene.com
Project fax: 415-398-5326
Project voicemail: 855-277-9051 (toll free)

The CPUC’s Project Manager is:

Mr. Jensen Uchida, CPUC Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission, Energy Division
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Email: jensen.uchida@cpuc.ca.gov
Tel.: (415) 703-5484
Fax: (415) 703-2200