Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of proposed construction of the Mesa 500-kV Substation Project (Mesa Substation Project). On March 13, 2015, SCE filed an application [Application No. A.15-03-003] for a Permit to Construct (PTC) with the CPUC to rebuild and upgrade a portion of its transmission infrastructure primarily within the Western Los Angeles Basin Electrical Needs Area. The majority of work will take place in the City of Monterey Park with some work occurring in nearby cities and portions of unincorporated Los Angeles County. In accordance with CEQA, the CPUC, as the Lead Agency, is preparing an Environmental Impact Report to evaluate the Proposed Project. This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review process.
Quick Links
- Application and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA)
- Deficiency Letter #1
- SCE Response to Deficiency Letter #1
- CPUC Application Completeness Letter
Additional Project information and documentation will be posted as it becomes available.
Project Description
Major components of the Mesa Substation Project include the following:- Construction of the 500/220/66/16-kV Mesa Substation and demolition of the existing 220/66/16-kV Mesa Substation in the City of Monterey Park. The substation would be located at the existing Mesa substation site but would result in a footprint that is expanded from approximately 21.6 acres to 69.4 acres.
- Removal, relocation, modification, and/or construction of transmission, subtransmission, and distribution structures within SCE fee-owned properties, rights-of-way (ROWs), and franchise areas in the cities of Monterey Park, Montebello, Commerce, and portions of unincorporated Los Angeles County to accommodate the new substation configuration.
- Installation of two new telecommunications and reroute of one existing telecommunications line within the cities of Monterey Park, Montebello, and portions of unincorporated Los Angeles County.
- Reroute of existing telecommunications inside the perimeter fence lines of Vincent, Pardee, and Walnut Substations.
- Conversion of an existing distribution line from overhead to underground between three street lights within the City of Bell Gardens.
- Replacement of a section of Metropolitan Water District 72-inch-diameter water line within the Mesa Substation property and adjacent northern transmission ROW with an 84-inch-diameter water line that will remain within the proposed substation footprint and transmission ROW.
- Installation of a temporary 220 kV circuit loop-in at Goodrich Substation in Pasadena to allow for continued service to Pasadena during required outages for the 220-kV line.
- Replacement of 220-kV line termination equipment at the existing Laguna Bell and Lighthipe Substations.
- Upgrades to various 66-kV and 220-kV line protection relays and/or telecommunications equipment inside the existing Mechanical Electrical Equipment Rooms (MEERs) at 27 satellite substations across the Electrical Needs Area (ENA).
Project Location
The Proposed Project is located in Los Angeles County, California, primarily in the City of Monterey Park where the existing Mesa Substation would be demolished and the new Mesa Substation would be constructed. Other major components will be located within portions of Monterey Park, Montebello, Rosemead, South El Monte, Commerce, Bell Gardens, Pasadena and in portions of unincorporated Los Angeles County. In addition, work within the existing perimeter fencelines at various existing substations includes the following:- Replacement of 220-kV line termination equipment at the existing Laguna Bell and Lighthipe Substations located within the Cities of Commerce and Long Beach, California respectively.
- Reroute of existing telecommunications inside the perimeter fence lines of Vincent, Pardee, and Walnut Substations located within unincorporated Los Angeles County as well as the Cities of Newhall and Industry, California respectively.
- Upgrades to various 66-kV and 220-kV line protection relays and/or telecommunications equipment inside the existing Mechanical Electrical Equipment Rooms (MEERs) at 27 satellite substations across the Electrical Needs Area (ENA).
Administrative Law Judge’s Proceeding
For information about the proceeding or to find out how you can participate in the proceeding, please click the following link and enter the proceeding number (1503003):Link to the Proceeding
For Additional Information
To request additional information or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email, fax, or phone, as follows:
Project email:
Project fax: 415-398-5326
Project voicemail: (844) 538-6992 (toll free)
The CPUC’s Project Manager is:
Lisa Orsaba, CPUC Project Manager
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel.: (415) 703-1966