Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of proposed Sanger Substation Expansion Project. The proposed project will expand Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E) existing Sanger Substation to accommodate a new breaker-and-a-half (BAAH) bus configuration. The substation is located southeast of the City of Fresno in unincorporated Fresno County, at the northwest corner of the intersection of East Jensen Avenue and South McCall Avenue. The application for the Permit to Construct (PTC) was submitted on September 30, 2015 (A. 15-09-012). This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review process. Additional project information and documentation will be posted as it becomes available.
Quick Links
- Project Description
- Project Location
- Application and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment
- Deficiencies, Data Requests and Responses
- Draft IS/MND
- Final IS/MND
- Availability of Final IS/MND
- Commission Decision
- Construction and Mitigation Monitoring
Project Description
Sanger Substation, which was built in 1920, is integral to the Central Valley 115 kV transmission system because it serves as a strategic hub for routing Fresno’s hydro- and natural gas-generated electricity to the Manchester, Barton, Airways, California, Malaga, McCall, and Reedley substations. Sanger Substation’s twelve 115 kV power lines have the capacity to carry approximately 200 MW of generation annually, providing a critical energy path between Fresno metropolitan north and south areas. Sanger Substation will be expanded onto approximately 7 acres adjacent to and generally north and west of the existing substation.
PG&E is proposing to expand the existing Sanger Substation in unincorporated Fresno County, California, to contain a new breaker-and-a-half bus configuration. As proposed by PG&E, the project includes:
- Substation Expansion: PG&E would install equipment including circuit breakers, switches/disconnects, steel support structures for disconnect switches, bus supports and Capacitor Coupling Voltage Transformer equipment, two Modular Protection Automation Control (MPAC) buildings, and a microwave tower for communications. PG&E would also elevate the existing transfer bus and make alterations to interconnect reconfigured power lines.
- Substation Equipment Removal: PG&E would remove obsolete circuit breakers, switches, steel support structures, and the concrete control building at the existing substation.
- Power Line Reconfiguration: PG&E would rearrange existing power lines leading to the substation by removing existing lattice steel towers (LSTs) and wood poles and installing tubular steel poles (TSPs) in a different alignment. Existing power lines would be relocated to change their angle.
- Existing Substation Changes: On transformer bank 1, PG&E would remove wood poles that support a temporary line from the dead end structure and would replace them with a new TSP to terminate the new 115kV line for bank 1. On transformer bank 3, PG&E would relocate the existing dead end structure to terminate at the new 115kV line for bank 3 using new TSPs.
- Telecommunications Receiver: PG&E would install two antenna dishes on an existing microwave tower at the Fence Meadow Repeater Station.
The proposed project would increase reliability of electric service by upgrading the equipment at the existing substation to be in conformance with PG&E internal design standards as well as industry standards.
Project Location
The proposed project is located in unincorporated Fresno County, approximately 2 miles west of Sanger, California and approximately 3 miles southeast of Fresno. The existing Sanger Substation occupies an approximately 4.5-acre parcel at the northwest corner of East Jensen Avenue and South McCall Avenue. The expansion would cover approximately 7-acres adjacent to and generally north and west of the existing substation. The surrounding area is predominately agriculture and the existing substation is surrounded by vineyards and row crops. The closest rural residence is 200 feet north of the proposed expanded substation.
Application and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment
PG&E filed an application (A.15-09-012) for a PTC and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) on September 30, 2015. The PEA provides information to begin the independent environmental review process conducted by the CPUC.
- PG&E Application (5.3 MB)
- PEA (23.7 MB)
- PEA Appendices
Deficiencies, Data Requests, and Responses
The CPUC is currently reviewing the application and PEA to identify additional data needed from the Applicant to complete the environmental review process. The CPUC submitted data requests to the applicant for specific information to support the environmental review process. Those requests and the Applicant’s responses are included below.
Draft IS/MND
On January 20, 2017, the CPUC released a Notice of Intent (NOI) to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Sanger Substation Expansion Project. Links to view the Draft IS/MND are provided below:
- Draft IS/MND (Chapters 1 to 6) (205 MB)
- Draft IS/MND Appendices (9.4 MB)
The Draft IS/MND was circulated on January 20, 2017 through February 20, 2017.
The following comments were received on the Draft IS/MND:
Written Comments Received on the Draft IS/MND | ||
Name | Affiliation | Date Received |
Robert Pennell Tribal Cultural Resources Director | Table Mountain Rancheria Tribal Government Office | January 31, 2017 |
Christina Monfette, Planner | Development Services Division County of Fresno | February 17, 2017 |
Michael Calvillo Senior Land Planner | Pacific Gas & Electric Company | February 20, 2017 |
Final IS/MND
The Final IS/MND consists of a single volume with the Mitigated Negative Declaration statement to be adopted by the CPUC, and the Initial Study, which evaluates the potential significance of project impacts. The Initial Study also contains the Mitigation, Monitoring, Reporting, and Compliance Plan to be approved by the CPUC. A new chapter (Chapter 7) has been added to the Initial Study that presents the written comments received during the public review period, and written responses to those comments. The Final IS/MND is available electronically by clicking the link below:
Availability of Final IS/MND
Hardcopies of the Final IS/MND will be available for review at the following Fresno County Public Library locations:
Fresno County Public Library, Fresno Branch 2420 Mariposa Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 600-7323 |
Fresno County Public Library, Sanger Branch 1812 Seventh Street Sanger, CA 93657 (559) 875-2435 |
Copies of the Final IS/MND on CD may be requested by e mail at or by calling at 1 (844) 433-2844. The CPUC also has a limited number of hard copies of the complete Final IS/MND document available to the public upon request at the above addresses and numbers.
Commission Decision
On July 13, 2017 the Commission voted and granted PG&E a Permit to Construct the Sanger Substation Expansion Project, with mitigation measures identified in the Final MND (Decision 17-07-008). The mitigation measures and applicant-proposed measures (APMs) described in the Final MND were adopted by the CPUC as conditions of project approvals. A Notice of Determination was submitted to the State Clearinghouse (SCH #2017012039). The Commission Decision (Decision 17-07-008) can be viewed here.
Construction and Mitigation Monitoring
The first phase of construction began on November 5, 2018. The Notice to Proceed (NTP) approved for the project and is posted below and monthly compliance reports will be posted to this website are posted below.
Mitigation, Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program
The CPUC developed a Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program (MMCRP) in coordination with PG&E to provide guidance and procedures for environmental monitoring during project construction. The MMCRP is a tool to ensure compliance with the applicant proposed measures (APMs) and mitigation measures approved in the Final EIR. The MMCRP was approved in May 2018. Version 2 of the MMCRP, with minor revisions, was approved on October 10, 2018.
The original MMCRP can be viewed here.
The revised MMCRP (version 2) can be viewed here.
Pre-Construction Plans and Other Mitigation Compliance Documents
Required pre-construction plans and other mitigation compliance documents that have been reviewed and approved by the CPUC are listed below. The applicant has developed additional plans and strategies, and obtained additional permits and approvals, that are not subject to direct CPUC approval, and are therefore not listed below.
- Cultural Resources Monitoring and Treatment Plan
- Hazardous Materials Management Plan
- Paleontological Resources Monitoring and Mitigation Plan
- Dust Control Plan
- Traffic Management Plan
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
- County Permits (all, combined)
- Landowner Pre-construction Notification Letter
- Survey Reports
The CPUC issues Notice to Proceed (NTPs) to the applicant (PG&E) for each phase of construction activity, after confirming that PG&E has complied with all applicable pre-construction environmental requirements. PG&E requests NTP issuance through a Notice to Proceed Request (NTPR) that is submitted to the CPUC for review. Each approved NTP for the project is listed in the table below.
NTP No. | Description | Date CPUC Approval |
NTP #1 | Initial mobilization, temporary laydown/staging area setup, installation of various components/facilities (driveways, fences, foundations, substation equipment), expansion of the substation area, and installation of a microwave tower. | November 2, 2018 |
PG&E may submit Minor Project Refinements (MPRs) for project changes that are not major enough to warrant potential revision of the certified CEQA document. The CPUC will review any MPRs submitted by PG&E per the process described in the MMCRP, and will issue MPR approvals on an individual basis. Each MPR request submitted for the project is listed in the table below.
MPR No. | Description | Date CPUC Approval |
001 | Change in location and quantity of poles to adjust for an existing gas line in the area | June 12, 2018 |
002 | Use of additional temporary staging area | July 20, 2018 |
003 | Use of a well along the irrigation canal for water to be used for dust suppression activities | November 14, 2018 |
CPUC Compliance Monitoring Reports
CPUC Compliance Monitoring reports issued on construction progress as part of the mitigation monitoring and compliance phase of the project, and are listed here.
Monitoring Report No. | Reporting Period | Associated NTP(s) |
001 | 11/5/2018 (start of construction)-11/30/2018 | NTP #1 |
002 | 12/1/2018-12/31/2018 | NTP #1 |
003 | 1/1/2019-1/31/2019 | NTP #1 |
Additional Information
Additional information will be posted as it becomes available. The CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, in conducting an environmental review of the project. To request additional information, ask a question, or be added to the project mailing list, please contact:
Voicemail: | 1 (844) 433-2844 (toll free) |
Fax: | (415) 796-0846 |
U.S. Mail or Courier: |
Billie Blanchard California Public Utilities Commission c/o Ecology and Environment, Inc. One Embarcadero Center, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94111 |
Email: | |