During project construction, road and lane closure would be necessary temporarily along Corona Road and North McDowell Boulevard. The closure of both roads for the stringing of the 115 kV lines would require about a maximum of one hour and PG&E has proposed to close roads only during non-commute hours. The installation of the new pole on the northeast corner of Corona and North McDowell Boulevard may require lane closure; reduction in traffic lanes would be limited to one day during construction of the project. Such temporary closures and reduction in lanes would be scheduled during times of reduced traffic flows and coordinated with the City of Petaluma (PG&E, 1997).
The existing level of service (LOS) for Corona Road and North McDowell Boulevard is described as LOS B and LOS C, respectively (PG&E, 1997). LOS B is described in the City of Petaluma General Plan as "Stable flow. Some slight reduction in maneuverability and speed. Slight delay." LOS C is described as "Stable flow or operation with higher volumes. More restrictions on maneuverability and speed." PG&E proposes that temporary closures and reduction in lanes would be scheduled during times of reduced traffic flows and coordinated with the City of Petaluma. A detailed traffic plan, subject to the approval of the City of Petaluma, would be developed by the construction crew during the construction phase.
The presence of slower moving vehicles compounded with lane and road closures during the construction period could render impacts to traffic flow potentially significant. However, because construction activities are temporary (four months) and because PG&E has proposed that road and lane closures would be limited to short durations during periods of off-peak traffic, this impact is considered less than significant. Additional mitigation is not required.
As mentioned in VI.a, construction related vehicle trips would average less than ten trips per day. These slow moving vehicles would transport construction materials such as soil, gravel/crushed rock, and concrete. While turning movements of trucks create some hazards, it is unlikely that these trucks would introduce substantial safety hazards. Good sight lines are present in the construction area along Corona Road and North McDowell Boulevard. The impact with respect to hazards is therefore considered less than significant.
The following measure, along with those proposed by PG&E as part of the project in its application, and in the Work Area Protection and Traffic Control Manual would reduce the potential impact of inadequate emergency access to a less-than-significant level.
The following mitigation measures would reduce the potential impact to a less than significant level:
Mitigation Measure VI.c-1: PG&E shall notify Fire Station officials and the City of Petaluma at least one week prior to project construction of any planned lane closures and days and times when access to the fire station may be impaired; this would allow the Fire Department to plan for potential delays, move trucks out of the fire station temporarily for better access, or undertake other measures.
Mitigation (Recommended)
The following mitigation measure is suggested for consideration. The potential impact is less than significant and so mitigation is not required.
Recommended Mitigation Measure VI.e-1: If requested by the SPARC, PG&E should consider including in the landscaping plan sidewalks and a bicycle lane on one or both sides of Corona Road.
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