November 11, 1998
Mr. Andrew Barnsdale, Project Manager
c/o Environmental Science Associates
225 Bush Street, Suite 1700
San Francisco, CA 94104

Subject: Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for San Diego Gas & Electric Divestiture

Dear Mr. Barnsdale:

Thank you for the opportunity to review the above noted document. Our comments are limited to the divestiture of the South Bay Power Plant, including the transmission corridor, and the decommissioned liquid Natural Gas Storage Facility located in the City of Chula Vista.

Population projections for the City of Chula Vista should be revised to reflect current regional and local data listed below:

[Begin D1]

Page 4.2.2 Population Figures. The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), Series 8 Regional Growth Forecast (Attachment A) population projection for 2105 is 239, 114. The housing stock is projected to increase to 82,221 units in 2015. The vacancy factor is currently 4.06 and population per household as of 1998 is 2.975 (Attachment B).

An updated regional growth forecast (SANDBAG Series 9 Regional Growth Forecast) is pending approval and should be available in January 1999.

[End D1]

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (619) 691-5257.

Edalia Olivo-Gomez
Associate Planner
cc: Duane E. Bazzel, Principal Planner
Doug Reid, Environmental Review Coordinator
Joseph Monaco, Environmental Project Manager

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