1. ,b,c) The site of the Fulton Substation facilities, Eagle Rock Substation and some of the poles at the Geysers site have undergone previous grading (ESA, 1998). Site reconnaissance of the project site was performed by a PG&E cultural resource specialist and an information search was performed within a quarter-mile radius of the site by David Chavez in November 1997. The examination revealed no evidence of cultural resources in the immediate area of the proposed project (PG&E, 1998). However, prehistoric cultural resources have been documented throughout the general Geysers area. Three such sites have been recorded in the vicinity in the proposed Eagle Rock 115 kV power line corridor and one in the vicinity of the Fulton Substation. These cultural resources are not located in close proximity to the two project sites. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to affect paleontological, archaeological, or historical resources, and no impact would occur.

  1. No unique ethnic cultural values are attributed to the Geysers and Fulton sites. Therefore, the project would not affect ethnic cultural resources, and no impact would occur.

  2. The project sites are not being used for religious or sacred purposes. Therefore, the project would not affect religious or sacred uses, and no impact would occur.

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