1. The project is proposed to respond to a regional need for electrical utility system upgrades and would not in itself be considered a cause for other new or altered power or natural gas utilities. Therefore, no impact to power or natural gas systems or supplies would occur.

  2. The proposed project includes the addition of a fiber optic cable to monitor the facilities at the sites. The cable would be added with the proposed 115 kV power line and circuit breakers on existing wood poles. PG&E has stated that the proposed cable would not cause interference to existing telecommunications lines. No telecommunication lines would have to be altered, moved or require short-term suspension of service to construct the project. Therefore, no impact on communication services is anticipated.

  3. ,d) The project sites do not have any septic tanks or sewer services. Implementation of the project would not create a demand on water supply or sewer services. No water or sewer lines would have to be moved or altered as a result of the proposed facilities. Therefore, no impact to water supply and sewer services would occur.

  1. The proposed facilities at the Fulton and Geysers sites would not result in a substantial increase in storm water runoff. The expected increase in the amount of impermeable surfaces (that would create additional run-off) is small and would have a less than significant impact on the local storm drainage system. Site runoff would not exceed the capacity of the storm drains serving the sites. Therefore, the project would have a less than significant impact on storm water infrastructure (also see Section IV, Water). The proposed project would also not affect local drainage.

  2. The project would require solid waste disposal service only during the construction phase. PG&E and its construction contractors would remove all solid wastes from the site to an appropriate landfill or recycling facility. In the long-term, no solid wastes would be generated at the sites. Therefore, a less than significant impact on solid waste disposal services is anticipated.

  3. The project would require a minor increase in water use for construction that could be accommodated by available water service, and would not have a substantial impact on local or regional water supplies. The existing water system would provide water at the Fulton site and a water truck, filled from the Geysers Unit 11 Cooling Tower, would supply water at the Geysers site. No new facilities for water supply would be constructed. In the long term, no additional water services would be needed at the sites as a result of the project. Therefore, no impact to public water services would occur.

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