The City of Cupertino’s fire fighting and emergency medical services are provided by the Central Fire Protection District. The City of Cupertino has three fire stations, with the closest station to the project site located on Stevens Creek Boulevard north of Foothill Boulevard (PG&E, 1998). The proposed facilities would not introduce any uses that would generate building square footage or increased population that would typically require additional fire protection services. Therefore, the proposed facilities would have no effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered fire protection services.
The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department provides police services to the project site. The proposed project would not introduce any uses that would increase population or create any other use or activity that would typically require additional police protection services during operation. The project potentially may require the occasional use of police services during construction. Theft of construction equipment and/or vandalism could occur during the construction period, requiring a police response. The use of police services would be a temporary construction related impact and would not be expected to affect police services substantially.
The proposed facilities would not introduce any uses that would increase population, which would typically require additional school services. Therefore, the project would have no impact on school or other community services (also see Section II, Population and Housing).
The proposed project would not require additional maintenance of public facilities during its operation. Maintenance of the facilities at the two sites would continue to be handled by PG&E. According to a Franchise Agreement with the City of Cupertino and Santa Clara County, PG&E would be responsible for the resurfacing of all roadways impacted by underground construction. Therefore, the project would have no impact on the maintenance of public facilities or roads.
No project impacts to other government services (such as health care, libraries, social services, and City and County administration) are anticipated within the City of Cupertino or Santa Clara County.
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