Southern California Edison's Control-Silver Peak Project

(Application No. A.21-08-009)

Last Updated: August 27, 2021

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Proponent's Environmental Assessment

Front Matters and Chapters 1 through 4(10MB)


1. Executive Summary
1.1 Proposed Project Summary
1.2 Land Ownership and Right-of-Way Requirements
1.3 Areas of Controversy
1.4 Summary of Impacts
1.5 Summary of Alternatives
1.6 Pre-filing Consultation and Public Outreach Summary
1.7 Conclusions
1.8 Remaining Issues

2. Introduction
2.1 Project Background
2.2 Pre-filing Consultation and Public Outreach
2.3 Environmental Review Process
2.4 Document Organization

3. Proposed Project Description
3.1 Project Overview
3.2 Existing and Proposed System
3.3 Project Components
3.4 Land Ownership, Rights-of-Way, and Easements
3.5 Construction
3.6 Construction Workforce, Equipment, Traffic, and Schedule
3.7 Post-Construction
3.8 Operation and Maintenance
3.9 Decommissioning
3.10 Anticipated Permits and Approvals
3.11 Applicant Proposed Measures
3.12 Project Description Graphics, Mapbooks, and GIS Requirements

4. Description of Alternatives
4.1 Alternatives Considered
4.2 No Project Alternative
4.3 Rejected Alternatives

Chapter 5, Sections 5.1 through 5.4(18MB)

5. Environmental Analysis
5.1 Aesthetics
5.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources
5.3 Air Quality
5.4 Biological Resources

Chapter 5, Sections 5.5 through 5.21(18MB)

5. Environmental Analysis
5.5 Culture Resources
5.6 Energy
5.7 Geology, Soils, and Paleontological Resources
5.8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
5.9?Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Public Safety
5.10 Hydrology and Water Quality
5.11 Land Use and Planning
5.12 Mineral Resources
5.13 Noise
5.14 Population and Housing
5.15 Public Services
5.16 Recreation
5.17 Transportation
5.18 Tribal Cultural Resources
5.19 Utilities and Service Systems
5.20 Wildfire
5.21 Mandatory Findings of Significance

Chapters 6 through 9

6. Comparison of Alternatives
Alternatives Comparison
6.2 Alternatives Ranking
7. Cumulative and Other CEQA Considerations
7.1  Cumulative Impacts
7.2  Growth-Inducing Impacts
8. List of Preparers
8.1  List of Preparers
9. References
9.1 Reference List

Appendix A. Detailed Maps and Design Drawings
Appendix B. Emissions Calculations
Appendix C. Biological Resources Technical Reports (130 MB)

Appendix D. Cultural Resources Studies (confidential)
Appendix E. Detailed Tribal Consultation Report
Appendix F. Environmental Data Resources Report
Appendix G. Agency Consultation and Public Outreach Report and Records of Correspondence
Appendix H. Fire Management Plan Template
Appendix I. Wildfire Mitigation Plan
Appendix J. Visual Resources Technical Report
Appendix K. Paleontological Resources Technical Report (18 MB)
Appendix L. Vehicle Miles Traveled Calculations
Appendix M.Weather Data (13 MB)
Appendix N. GO 131-D 300’ Notice List
Appendix O. CPUC 1,000’ Mailing List




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