Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of the proposed Channel Islands Telephone Company (CITC) Channel Islands Telecommunications Infrastructure Project (Project). The proposed Project would include installation of telecommunication infrastructure within, upon, and near existing structures on 15 sites scattered over four of the Channel Islands off the coast of Santa Barbara, California. These four islands include San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz Islands, all of which are part of the Channel Islands National Park. CITC has filed a grant application with the CPUC to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity to construct telecommunication facilities and to provide local exchange and interexchange services to and with these four previously underserved Channel Islands. The CPUC is the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Lead Agency on this Project, and the National Park Service (NPS) is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Lead Agency. A joint NEPA/CEQA review will be performed to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of this Project. The objective of the CITC-proposed Project is to provide high-quality, reliable telephone communication services between locations on the islands and between the islands and the mainland. In addition, the system would have broadband data capability that could be used by the NPS employees, other island residents, and the public to access the internet, communicate by email, make cellular telephone and payphone calls, and utilize other broadband applications. The proposed Project is subject to review under both NEPA and CEQA. This website provides access to public documents and information relevant to the NEPA/CEQA environmental review process.
ApplicationThe CPUC Application of Channel Islands Telephone Company for the Channel Islands Telecommunication Infrastructure Project may be viewed here.
Project DescriptionThe Channel Islands Telephone Company proposes to install cellular telecommunications infrastructure at 15 locations on four of the Channel Islands, including:
The project would be located on National Park Service (NPS) land in the Channel Islands National Park. The four Channel Islands under NPS jurisdiction that would be involved with the proposed project are largely maintained in a natural state, but contain a limited amount of development, including research stations, campgrounds, trails, and staff residences. The proposed project is needed because NPS and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) staff currently has limited ability to communicate between locations within the Channel Islands and with personnel and other contact points on the mainland. The islands have a very high frequency (VHF) radio system that allows communication among radio-equipped ranger stations on the five islands, as well as from handheld radios. Satellite internet service is also available at some ranger stations that allows secure access to government internet provider (IP) addresses on the mainland. NPS personnel also possess cellular telephones; however, the cellular service is unreliable because the islands are at the outer limit of the cellular service area. The location of the islands makes the cellular telephone service unreliable on some parts of the islands and wholly absent on others. Recreational visitors to the islands have no land-line telephone access, and little to no cellular telephone reception. The proposed project would provide cellular telephone and landline service at all ranger stations, campgrounds, residences of the five islands, and the Santa Rosa Island and San Miguel Island airstrips, as well as on all portions of the islands within an approximately 0.5-mile radius of each of the 15 facility locations. This new service is intended to be consistent and reliable, with a reliability of available service of 99.99999 percent. The new service would provide telecommunication capabilities to both Channel Islands National Park staff and visitors, including service for personal cellular telephone communications. The purpose of the proposed telephone service is to provide:
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