CALIFORNIA PUC > Energy > California Environmental Quality Act > Current Projects San Diego Gas & ElectricSycamore-Peñasquitos 230-Kilovolt Transmission Line ProjectNOTE: Linked files presented on this page are in PDF format. To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your computer. For faster results in displaying the larger files, right-click the file's link, click "Save Target As" to download the file to your hard drive, then double-click the downloaded file. |
Nest Survey Reports, Nest Buffer Reduction Requests, and Approvals |
conducts nesting bird surveys and implements protective measures to
avoid and mitigate project-related
impacts to nesting birds during the avian nesting season as specified
the MMCRP. The specified buffers
from nesting birds may be reduced on a case-by-case basis in accordance
with Mitigation Measure Biology-7 if, based on compelling biological or
ecological reasoning, a CPUC-, USFWS-, and CDFW-approved qualified
biologist determines that implementation of a specified smaller buffer
distance will still avoid nest abandonment and failure. The CPUC’s
biologist reviews SDG&E's requests to reduce standard buffers
temporary buffer incursions. The nest survey reports, nest buffer
reduction requests (NBRRs), and approvals can be viewed below. |