PUC > Energy > California Environmental Quality Act > Current Projects

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Fulton-Fitch Mountain Reconductoring Project

(Application No. A.15-12-005)

Last Update: October 11, 2018

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  Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E’s)  Fulton-Fitch Mountain Reconductoring Project (project). This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA environmental review process.

On December 3, 2015, PG&E submitted an application (A.15-12-005) to the CPUC for a Permit to Construct (PTC) the project. On December 14, 2017, the CPUC issued its Decision (D.17-12-012) to approve the project and grant PG&E a PTC. Information about the CPUC’s proceedings for the project are available here. Construction of the project began in June 2018 and is expected to continue until May 2019.


Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Plan

Construction and Mitigation Monitoring

Environmental Review


Project Overview

Proponent's Environmental Assessment

Public Meetings

For Additional Information

Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Plan

A Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Plan (MMCRP) was prepared by the CPUC to ensure compliance with applicant proposed measures and mitigation measures approved in the Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). The MMCRP provides guidelines and standardizes procedures for environmental compliance during project implementation. The procedures define the reporting relationships, the roles and responsibilities of the project's environmental compliance team members, compliance reporting procedures, and the communication protocol. The final MMCRP is available below.

        Appendix A - Project Detail Maps
        Appendix B - Final Applicant Proposed Measures and Mitigation Measures
        Appendix C - Summary Tracking Tables
        Appendix D - Project Personnel and Contact Information (Confidential)
        Appendix E - Forms

Construction and Mitigation Monitoring

Mitigation Plans

Mitigation plans that have been reviewed and approved by the CPUC can be viewed here.

Notices to Proceed

Notice to Proceed (NTP) requests and approvals are provided below.

NTP # Description Date Submitted Date Approved
NTP 1 Initiation of limited site development and staging activities at two locations. Includes a request for Minor Project Refinement #1. 05/14/18; 05/31/18 (revised) 06/18/18
NTP 2 Initiation of all project activities associated with Fitch Mountain Substation, TAP Staging Area (Staging Area [SA] 5), Helicopter landing zone (LZ)-6, Pull sites 10 and 12, Poles 62-109, and associated access roads. Includes a request for Minor Project Refinement #3. 07/03/18 07/20/18
NTP 3 Initiation of all project activities associated with Pull Sites 6, 7, and 9, LZ-4, Poles 23-61, and associated access roads. 08/13/18 08/22/18

Minor Project Refinements

The CPUC reviews PG&E’s requests for Minor Project Refinements (MPRs) in accordance with the process outlined in the MMCRP. MPR requests and approvals are provided below.

MPR # Description Date Submitted Date Approved
MPR 1 Add a new approximately 4.15-acre staging area between Poles 72 and 73. 04/23/18 06/18/18
MPR 2 Use an alternate existing access road from Faught Road to Staging Area LZ-3. 05/24/18 Denied
MPR 3 Relocate TAP Staging Area (SA-5) approximately 360 feet northwest of its original location. 07/03/18 07/20/18
MPR 4 Use an alternate access route to Pole Locations 27 and 28. 08/03/18 Withdrawn
MPR 5 Use an alternate access route to Pole Location 68. 08/03/18 Denied
MPR 6 Create a truck pull-out area on the access road to LZ-6. 08/03/18 08/08/18
MPR 7 Create a truck pull-out area on the access road to Pull Site 10. 08/22/18 08/27/18
MPR 8 Use an alternate access route to Pole 74. 09/06/18 09/12/18
MPR 9 Use an alternate access route from Pole 53 to Pole 54. 09/11/18 09/13/18

Environmental Review

Petition for Modification

On June 29, 2018, PG&E submitted a Petition for Modification (PFM) to the CPUC requesting changes to the approved project, including replacing an additional 21 TSPs in the Southern Segment between Fulton Substation and Shiloh Ranch Regional Park. A copy of the PFM request is available here. PG&E's PFM is under review.

Final Initial Study/
Mitigated Negative Declaration

Comments on the Draft IS/MND were submitted to the CPUC during the public review period ending on August 21, 2017. The CPUC’s responses to the comments received are presented in Chapter 5 of the Final IS/MND. The Final IS/MND was published on October 11, 2017. The conclusions of the Draft IS/MND remain unchanged in the Final IS/MND; the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment.

The Final IS/MND can be viewed here.

On December 14, 2017, the CPUC issued its Decision (D.17-12-012) to approve the project and grant PG&E a PTC. Information about the CPUC’s proceedings for the project is available here.

Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

On July 21, 2017, the CPUC released a Notice of Intent (NOI) to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the proposed project based on the findings of an Initial Study (IS) that was prepared pursuant to California Public Resources Code § 21000 et seq. The Draft IS/MND shows that all project-related environmental impacts could be reduced to a less-than-significant level with the incorporation of minor revisions to the proposed project and feasible mitigation measures, which PG&E has agreed to implement should CPUC approve the project. The Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) was circulated for a 30-day public review period. The comment period closed on August 21, 2017. The NOI and Draft IS/MND are available by clicking on the following links:


PG&E proposes to reinforce the electric transmission system in central Sonoma County by replacing the conductor on a 9.9-mile-long section of the Fulton-Hopland 60-kV Power Line (Fulton-Hopland line) between the Fulton Substation and Fitch Mountain Substation. The project includes replacing poles and conductor along the Fulton-Hopland line and making modifications to Fitch Mountain Substation.

The project is subject to CEQA review because the CPUC has been presented with a discretionary action to approve or deny PG&E’s PTC application. The CPUC is required to analyze potential environmental impacts associated with the project and present the findings in an environmental document for public review and comment. This website provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CEQA review process.

Project Overview

The 9.9-mile-long project alignment is comprised of the Southern Segment, Northern Segment, and Fitch Mountain Substation. Proposed actions at each location are summarized as follows:
  • Southern Segment/Fulton-Shiloh Segment. Replace 1.8 miles of 60-kV conductor and 1.4 miles of 230-kV conductor co-located on existing tubular steel poles (TSPs). Insulators on the TSPs would be replaced, but the poles would remain in place. 
  • Northern Segment/Shiloh-Fitch Segment. Replace 8.1 miles of 60-kV conductor located on primarily wood poles. Approximately 70 existing poles would be replaced at a roughly 1-to-1 ratio with approximately 59 light duty steel poles (LDSPs) and 7 TSPs. New poles would be between 3 to 30 feet taller than existing poles, depending on the pole location.
  • Fitch Mountain Substation. Modify the existing substation by replacing motor switches, control building, conductor, and conductor support structures to accommodate the higher rated conductor that would be installed for the Fulton-Hopland line. The gravel surface of the substation would also be paved.

Application and Proponent's Environmental Assessment

On December 3, 2015, PG&E filed an application (A.15-12-005) for a PTC which included a Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA). The PEA is a starting point for the independent environmental review process conducted by the CPUC.

Deficiency Reports

The CPUC submitted Deficiency Reports to PG&E requesting specific information that was not included with the Application or PEA. PG&E addressed the CPUC's comments and provided material identified in the Deficiency Reports. The CPUC deemed the Application complete on April 29, 2016. The Application and PEA can be viewed here. The Application completeness letter can be viewed here. Deficiency Reports for the project and PG&E’s responses are summarized in the following table.

CPUC Deficiency Report
PG&E Response and Status
Deficiency Report #1
(December 23, 2015)

Response #1 (January 22, 2016)

Table of Responses #1
Attachment: Revised Typical Structure Drawings
Attachment: Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Calculations
Attachment: EDR Report
Attachment: New Affected Properties Spreadsheet

Response #1A (January 25, 2016)

Letter #1A
Attachment: Biological Resources Technical Report (GANDA 2012) (Confidentiality Withdrawn)
Attachment: Addendum #1 to the Biological Resources Technical Report (TRC 2015) (Confidentiality Withdrawn)
Attachment: Raptor Survey (TRC 2015) (Confidentiality Withdrawn)
Attachment: Bat Survey (TRC 2015) (Confidentiality Withdrawn)
Attachment: Wetland Delineation Report (TRC 2015) (Confidentiality Withdrawn)
Attachment: Water Crossing Mapping (GANDA 2016) (Confidentiality Withdrawn) Attachment: Cultural Resources Reports and GIS data (NCRM 2011, TRC 2015, and Quercus 2015) (Confidential)
Attachment: Paleontological Report (TRC 2015) (Confidentiality Withdrawn)
Attachment: GIS data for project elements, biological resources, and wetland and water resources (Confidential)

Response #1B (January 29, 2016)

Letter #1B
Attachment: Detailed Map Book (Confidentiality Withdrawn)
Attachment: Existing General Arrangement Plans (Confidentiality Withdrawn)
Attachment: GIS data for project elements, biological resources, and wetland and water resources (Confidential)

Response #1C (February 5, 2016)

Email #1C
Attachment: Project Map

Response #1D (February 26, 2016)
Attachment: Detailed Project Map

Response #1E (July 8, 2016)
Letter #1E
Attachment: Cultural Survey Memo (TRC 2016) (Confidential)
Attachment: Addendum #2 to the Biological Resources Technical Report (TRC 2016) (Confidentiality Withdrawn)

Deficiency Report #2
(February 19, 2016)

Response #1 (March 18, 2016)
Table of Responses #1
Attachment: GIS data for alternate workspaces and access routes (Confidential)

Response #2 (April 1, 2016)
Attachment: Preliminary Helicopter Use Plan

Response #3 (April 22, 2016)
Attachment: Revised DRAFT Wetland Delineation Report (TRC 2016) (Confidentiality Withdrawn)

Deficiency Report #3
(April 7, 2016)

Response #1 (April 26, 2016)
Letter #1
Attachment: Cultural Memo RE P-49-001179 and APM CR-1 (Confidential Information Redacted)
Response (August 23, 2016)
Letter #1 (Note: Materials where PG&E withdrew claims of confidentiality under PUC Section 583 are marked above)

Data Needs

The CPUC will submit Data Needs requests to PG&E as necessary during the environmental review process to support the preparation of an environmental document. Data Needs for the project and PG&E’s responses are summarized in the following table.

CPUC Data Needs
PG&E Response and Status
Data Needs #1
(June 9, 2016)
Response #1 (July 8, 2016)
Table of Responses #1
Summary of Project Emissions: Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas
Helicopter Emissions Calculations: Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas
SF6-Insulated Breaker Emissions: Greenhouse Gas
Construction Equipment List
Data Needs #2
(September 12, 2016)
Response #1 (October 12, 2016)
Table of Responses #1
Attachment: Control Building Draft Sketch
Attachment: Preliminary Construction Plan for PS-6
Attachment: Calculations and CalEEMod Files (TRC 2016)
Attachment: Maps from Addendum #2 to Biological Resources Technical Report (TRC 2016)
Attachment: Special-Status Plant Survey Memo (GANDA 2016)
Attachment: FAA Expired Determinations
Attachment: Updates to the Revised Wetland Delineation Report (TRC 2016)
Attachment: PG&E Windsor Substation Project Location Map

Response #2 (October 17, 2016)
Attachment: GIS data for project elements, biological resources, and wetland and water resources (Confidential) 
Data Needs #3
(October 31, 2016)
Response #1 (December 2, 2016)
Table of Responses #1

Response #2 (December 23, 2016)
Attachment: Updated GIS data (Confidential)

Response #3 (January 13, 2017)
Attachment: Addendum #3 to the Biological Resources Technical Report (TRC 2016)
Data Needs #4
(March 23, 2017)
Response #1 (April 6, 2017)
Table of Responses #1

Response #2 (April 11, 2017)
Attachment: Additional Cultural Resources Survey Report (Confidential)

Response #3 (May 30, 2017)
Attachment: GIS data for project elements, biological resources, cultural resources, and wetland and water resources (Confidential)

Response #4 (May 31, 2017)
Attachment: Biological Reconnaissance Survey for Work Areas (TRC 2017)
Attachment: Memo regarding SW3 at Pole 62 (TRC 2017)
Attachment: Memo regarding Aquatic Resources Assessment (GANDA 2017)

Public Meetings

An informational meeting for the public was held on August 24, 2016 to describe PG&E’s proposed project and the CEQA process. The presentation slides from the meeting can be viewed here.

For Additional Information

Additional information will be posted at this site as it becomes publicly available.

To request additional information, ask a question, or be added to the project mailing list, please contact:



(650) 373 - 1211

CPUC Project Manager
Mailing Address

Lisa Orsaba
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Ave, 4th Floor
San Francisco CA, 94102

Formal Comment
Mailing Address

California Public Utilities Commission
Attn: Fulton-Fitch Mountain
c/o Panorama Environmental, Inc.
717 Market Street, Suite 650
San Francisco, CA, 94103

Related Links:
CPUC Proceeding
A.15-12-005 - Proceeding

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