From: Kate Holden [] Sent: Monday, March 23, 1998 2:50 PM To: Subject: R.98-01-011 March 23, 1998 Docket Clerk California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2001 San Francisco, CA 94102 Re: R.98-01-011 Enclosed for filing with the Commission are the original and five (5) copies of the "Initial Comments of ANG Pipeline on the Commission's Order Instituting Rulemaking (OIR) on Reforms to its Natural Gas Regulations." As requested, ANG Pipeline has submitted an electronic copy of its comments to the Commission's website, Please time-stamp and return one copy in the enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelope. Thank you. Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Rebecca A. Blackmer Legal Counsel Enclosure c.c. All Parties on Service List BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Rulemaking on the Commission's ) R. 98-01-011 Own Motion to Assess and Revise ) the Regulatory Structure Governing ) California's Natural Gas Industry ) INITIAL COMMENTS OF ANG PIPELINE, A DIVISION OF TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED, ON THE COMMISSION'S RULEMAKING ON CHANGES TO ITS NATURAL GAS REGULATIONS Rebecca A. Blackmer Legal Counsel ANG Pipeline 111 - 5th Avenue S.W., 19th Floor Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 3Y6 Phone: (403) 267-2453 FAX: (403) 267-1055 Electronic mail: BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Rulemaking on the Commission's ) R. 98-01-011 Own Motion to Assess and Revise ) the Regulatory Structure Governing ) California's Natural Gas Industry ) INITIAL COMMENTS OF ANG PIPELINE ON THE COMMISSION'S RULEMAKING ON CHANGES TO ITS NATURAL GAS REGULATIONS Pursuant to the schedule established in the Administrative Law Judge's ruling dated February 10, 1998, ANG Pipeline, a division of TransCanada PipeLines Limited, hereby submits its initial comments on the Commission's Order Instituting Rulemaking ("OIR") to assess changes in the current market and regulatory framework for California's natural gas industry. INTRODUCTION ANG Pipeline ("ANG") owns and operates a major natural gas transmission system in southeastern British Columbia. The ANG system is a vital link in the Alberta-California pipeline corridor and is connected to Pacific Gas & Electric Company Gas Transmission, Northwest Corporation ("PG&E GT-NW") system at the international border near Kingsgate, British Columbia and Eastport, Idaho. ANG transports up to 2.6 Bcf/d of Canadian-sourced natural gas to its Kingsgate interconnection with PG&E GT-NW. Approximately 70 percent of these volumes are transported by PG&E GT-NW to Malin, Oregon and subsequently delivered through the Pacific Gas & Electric Company system to gas markets in northern and southern California. As one of the largest upstream transporters of gas to the California market, ANG has a direct interest in this proceeding. For this reason, ANG plans to be an active participant in this proceeding. COMMENTS The OIR and the accompanying Division of Strategic Planning report, "Strategies for Natural Gas Reform: Exploring Options for Converging Energy Markets," contain numerous broad-ranging proposals that could affect the availability and cost of intrastate gas transportation services for consumers in northern and southern California as well as access to storage, balancing, and other services required to market Canadian-sourced gas in California. The proposals include recommendations to change the Commission's regulations regarding: the unbundling of interstate pipeline and storage services for core customers; tightening of balancing tolerances for noncore customers; the ratemaking methodology used to establish and revise intrastate transportation rates; removal of the regulated utilities from the gas procurement function; establishing an independent system operator for gas; and measures to prevent the exercise of market power in gas transportation services. Although these proposals primarily address intrastate issues, ANG is concerned that they may have broader implications on natural gas access to the California market. ANG is not offering specific comments on these proposals at this time. However, ANG will carefully review the comments of other parties to this proceeding and will file substantive reply comments, if needed, to protect and advance its interests as a transporter of gas for consumption in California. Respectfully submitted, TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED ORIGINAL SIGNED BY REBECCA A. BLACKMER By: _______________________ Rebecca A. Blackmer, Esq. U.S. Regulatory Law TransCanada PipeLines Limited 19th Floor 111-5th Avenue S.W. (T2P 3Y6) P.O. Box 1000, Station M Calgary, Alberta T2P 3Y6 Tel: (403) 267-8849 Faz: (403) 267-1055 Attorney for TransCanada PipeLines Limited March 23, 1998