ATTACHMENT 2 SUMMARY OF ISSUES FOR COMMENTS 1. We ask for comment on whether Section 202(b) of the Federal Power Act permits this Commission to apply to FERC to require utilities to participate in a federally regulated pool. 2. We ask for comment as to where the line should be drawn to determine where transmission ends and distribution begins. 3. We ask for comment on the impact of this proposal to the regulatory compact. 4. We ask for comment on whether Sierra Pacific and Pacificorp should be required to participate in the wholesale pool for purposes of serving their California loads. 5. We ask for comment on the appropriate pricing methodology to determine the wholesale pool market clearing price and to account for transmission constraints in the pool price. 6. We ask parties in their comments to propose transmission pricing methodologies which would best reflect transmission congestion and encourage efficient transmission investment. 7. We seek comments on how to address the issue of concentrated market power in transmission-sensitive locations. 8. We ask for comment on whether disaggregating the utility to form separate operating units, including a local distribution company, (1) makes sense in light of FERC's open access NOPR, (2) is technically feasible, and (3) would be an efficient structure to achieve wholesale competition while clarifying jurisdictional boundaries and working towards retail competition. 9. We ask for comment on (a) whether Section 202(b) of the Federal Power Act is broad enough to preempt our order to require utilities to participate in a pool; (b) whether this Commission could apply to FERC under Section 202(b) to order establishment of the pool, and if not, why not; and (c) whether we can apply to FERC to require the independent system operator to perform the function of merit order dispatch of competing generation facilities to provide price revelation. 10. We ask parties to comment on the method to apply different performance-based ratemaking techniques to various types of generating plants. 11. We ask the utilities to comment upon changes they may need to make to their pending PBR filings in order to comply with our proposed policy. 12. We solicit comments on the best method to use to vertically disaggregate all utility generation assets, except for nuclear and hydroelectric plants In particular, we request comments on whether movement of generation assets to affiliates or subsidiaries within the utility's corporate structure would provide sufficient protection against problems associated with market power. 13. We ask for comment upon the antitrust implications of our proposal under the varying ownership structures proposed. 14. We invite comment on the issue whether divestiture of generation assets is best considered after having obtained experience with the pool or should be addressed immediately. 15. We request comment on the best methodology for an upfront transition cost estimation. 16. We invite comments on how periodic transition cost administrative proceedings should serve as a true up to a prior forecast for that period. 17. We seek comments on how to use performance-based ratemaking to ensure efficient operation of remaining utility generation assets. 18. We seek comments from parties on how to calculate transition costs related to nuclear plants if there are no settlement provisions governing the dispatch and pricing for power from one or more nuclear plant. 19. We invite comments on how a proper method for an auction should be designed to yield the highest reasonable bids. 20. Parties should comment on an appropriate methodology to observe the market value of the spun off generation assets such as to observe the market price of the first 30 or 100 trading days after the completion of the spinoff. 21. We seek comments on the proper allocation of the future benefits associated with declining QF contract prices. 22. We seek comments regarding which specific regulatory obligations should be allowed in transition costs. 23. We ask for comment on whether the proposed cost collection mechanism, an equal percentage surcharge on the bill of each customer receiving distribution services, is appropriate and within our jurisdiction. 24. We request comments from parties' specific suggestions for implementation of a methodology to track and collect transition costs over time, consistent with our goal that transition costs should not result in any rate increases to any custoemr class. 25. We encourage parties' comment on a strategy to ensure the sustainability of state resource diversity and energy efficiency efforts. 26. Parties are asked to respond to the following questions related to CEQA: a. Do any of the policies proposed herein constitute a "project" subject to CEQA, as defined in Public Resources Code {21065 and interpreted by the courts? Comments should specify which policy elements, if any, are believed to trigger definition as a CEQA "project," as well as cite authority for the party's analysis and conclusions. b. Do any changes proposed by the party to this Proposed Policy either trigger definition as a CEQA project OR remove such definition? Again, comments should specify which changes, if any, are believed to affect definition as a CEQA "project," as well as cite authority for this conclusion. 27. We ask parties to comment on our outline for implementation. (End of Attachment 2)