On May 24, 1995, the California Public Utilities Commission approved by a vote of 4-0 to accept comments on two proposals for restructuring the electric industry in California. The actual decision of the CPUC outlining the procedure for comments is available on the Internet as D.95-05-045, Order Designating Proposed Policy and Requesting Comments. The first proposal can found in the directory Proposal #1 - Direct Access. The second proposal can be found in the directory Proposal #2 - PoolCo. A statement and concurring opinion from Commissioner Henry Duque and a statement from Commissioner Gregory Conlon are also available. All material is also available via FTP. WordPerfect files can be found in the directory "/gopher-data/ERF/5_24_95.decision/". (Note that WordPerfect files have "." in front of the file name.) Text files for Proposal #1 - Direct Access can be found in the directory "/gopher-data/ERF/5_24_95.decision/Prop_#1_Direct_Access". Text files for Proposal #2 - PoolCo can be found in the directory "/gopher-data/ERF/5_24_95.decision/Prop_#2_PoolCo". A listing of the files as well as a table showing the file name and file size in bytes follows: Proposal #1 (Direct Access) Customer Choice Through Direct Access - Proposal of Cmmr. Jessie Knight Attachment #1- Table of Acronyms and Abbreviations Attachment #2 - List of Participants in Electric Restructuring Attachment #3 - Questions from Evidentiary Hearings on Uneconomic Costs and Obligations Attachment #4 - Highlights of the Working Group Report Attachment #5 - Working Group Members Attachment #6 - Assumptions in Estimating Value of Uneconomic Assets and Obligations Proposal #2 (PoolCo) Proposed Policy Decision Adopting a Preferred Industry Structure Attachment #1 - Restructuring Phases Attachment #2 - Summary of Issues for Comment Attachment #3 - Procedural History and Positions of Parties Attachment #4 - List of Participants in Electric Restructuring Attachment #5 - Chronology of Electric Restructuring Attachment #6 - Highlights of the Working Group Report Attachment #7 - List of Working Group Members Attachment #8 - Response to ACR 143 Questions Attachment #9 - Response to Transition Cost Questions Attachment #10- Table of Acronyms and Abbreviations WordPerfect Text Customer Choice .prop_1.wp5 prop_1.txt Through Direct Access (448,363) (461,411) Attach. #1 .prop_1a1.wp5 prop_1a1.txt (7,193) (5,692) Attach. #2 .prop_1a2.wp5 prop_1a2.txt (11,691) (10,385) Attach. #3 .prop_1a3.wp5 prop_1a3.txt (15,957) (20,952) Attach. #4 .prop_1a4.wp5 prop_1a4.txt (52,864) (59,756) Attach. #5 .prop_1a5.wp5 prop_1a5.txt (12,683) (5,297) Attach. #6 .ctc.xls Unavailable (Excel 5-32,256) Proposed Policy .prop_2.wp5 prop_2.txt Decision (170,825) (171,744) Attach. #1 .prop_2a1.xls Unavailable (Excel 5-17,235) Attach. #2 .prop_2a2.wp5 prop_2a2.txt (11,691) (5,820) Attach. #3 .prop_2a3.wp5 prop_2a3.txt (116,268) (107,818) Attach. #4 .prop_2a4.wp5 prop_2a4.txt (14,189) (10,425) Attach. #5 .prop_2a5.wp5 prop_2a5.txt (10,836) (10,897) Attach. #6 .prop_2a6.wp5 prop_2a6.txt (56,125) (53,394) Attach. #7 .prop_2a7.wp5 prop_2a7.txt (12,536) (5,330) Attach. #8 .prop_2a8.wp5 prop_2a8.txt (6,371) (5,076) Attach. #9 .prop_2a9.wp5 prop_2a9.txt (11,423) (8,005) Attach. #10 .prop2a10.wp5 prop2a10.txt (9,897) (5,766) Any questions about this material can be directed to Kale Williams at (415) 703-3251 or by e-mail at klw@cpuc.ca.gov. June 9, 1995