BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA __________________________________ ) Order Instituting Rulemaking on the ) Commission's Proposed Policies ) Governing Restructuring California's ) Electric Services Industry and ) Reforming Regulation ) R.94-04-031 ) ___________________________________ ) ) Order Instituting Investigation on ) the Commission's Proposed Policies ) Governing Restructuring California's ) Electric Services Industry and ) I.94-04-032 Reforming Regulation ) ) ___________________________________ ) EEI COMMENTS TO THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ON COMPETITIVE WHOLESALE MARKETS: ROLE, STRUCTURE AND EFFICACY The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is pleased to present these comments on competitive wholesale markets in light of the Commission's April 20 Blue Book proposal. EEI is the national association of the investor-owned electric utilities in the United States. Its members generate approximately 79 percent of all the electricity in the country and provide service to 76 percent of all ultimate electric customers in the nation. All the electric utilities that are regulated by this Commission are members of EEI. The issues raised in the Commission's proposal and addressed by