BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Order Instituting Rulemaking on the ) Commission's Proposed Policies ) Governing Restructuring California's ) R.94-04-031 Electric Services Industry and ) Reforming Regulation ) ) Order Instituting Investigation on the ) Commission's Proposed Policies ) Governing Restructuring California's ) I.94-04-032 Electric Services Industry and ) Reforming Regulation ) ) INITIAL COMMENTS OF THE CITY OF VERNON, CALIFORNIA WITH RESPECT TO THE THIRD FULL PANEL HEARING Pursuant to the Assigned Commissioners' Ruling of July 8, 1994, the City of Vernon, California ("Vernon") comments on the issues set for discussion at the "third full panel hearing" scheduled for August 4, 1994. Vernon believes that many of the economic efficiencies which could be achieved through a Commission imposed restructur- ing of the California electric industry could be realized through vigorous wholesale competition. In order to ensure such competi- tion it may be necessary for the industry to adopt arrangements somewhat akin to the Poolco concept advocated by Southern Cali- fornia Edison Company ("Edison") (see, e.g., Edison June 21, 1994 Reply Comments at pages 7-16), shaped to guarantee participants in the wholesale market fair access to dispatch services. It may prove necessary that the natural monopoly functions of transmis- sion and dispatch be severed from monopolization of control area services. See Vernon June 17, 1994 Reply Comments. Formation of a Poolco would involve highly technical issues including such matters as the sharing of system condition restraints on power imports. San Diego Gas & Electric Company ("SDG&E") has already taken the lead in creating a working group to flesh out the details of a competitive pool proposal. See, e.g., SDG&E June 21, 1994 Reply Comments at 10. The Commission should encourage such voluntary efforts and, to the extent it is able to do so within its authority, ensure that the final result is not skewed in favor of those with greater negotiating strength. Clearly, such a pool could not and should not discriminate against munici- pal utilities or municipal utility resources. Vernon looks forward to studying, and reserves its rights to comment upon, a more fleshed out Poolco-type proposal or proposals. Vernon is also concerned, as stated at pages 2-4 of its June 7, 1994 initial comments in this proceeding, that in any restructured environment, some entity or entities, whether Poolco itself or others, be provided with sufficient legal responsibili- ty and economic incentives to solve sudden, unexpected or emer- gency problems in the interconnected electric systems. Lower costs resulting from a degradation in reliability of service because no entity has responsibility to respond to system emer- gencies would not be an economic benefit to California. Such degradation should not necessarily result from the promotion of competitive wholesale markets, but could result from efforts to encourage such competition if participants in the market are provided incentives to cut costs irrespective of overall system reliability. Vernon appreciates the opportunity to comment in connection with the Commission's consideration of wholesale electric markets and requests that the Commission consider the matters raised in these comments, and in Vernon's previous com- ments, in any actions taken in this proceeding. Respectfully submitted, David B. Brearley City of Vernon, City Attorney 2440 South Hacienda Boulevard Unit 223 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 Tel. (818) 336-3408 Fax (818) 330-5818 Channing D. Strother, Jr. David C. Hjelmfelt Goldberg, Fieldman & Letham, P.C. 1100 Fifteenth Street, N.W. Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20005 Tel. (202) 463-8300 Fax (202) 463-8309 Attorneys for the City of Vernon, California July 1994 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day caused a copy of the INITIAL COMMENTS OF THE CITY OF VERNON, CALIFORNIA WITH RESPECT TO THE THIRD FULL PANEL HEARING to be served the special rules for service established herein, in among other places, the June 9, 1994 order of Judge Malcom. Dated at Washington, D.C., this 25th day of July, 1994. Channing D. Strother, Jr.