California Public Utilities Commission San Francisco California January 6, 1995 Notice of Technical Workshop R.94-04-031/I.94-04-032 Electric Industry Restructuring and Regulatory Reform Operators Perspective on How the Bilateral Contracts Model Can Work Date : Tuesday, January 17, 1995 Time : 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location : California Public Utilities Commission Auditorium 505 Van Ness Avenue (ground floor) San Francisco, California Topic : As the Commission considers the bilateral contracts model of restructuring, what are the constraints placed on the Commission by the physics of electricity? Agenda PG&E, as the advocate of the bilateral contracts model with specific experience in performing transmission, distribution and dispatch, will provide its operational perspective on how the bilateral contracts model can work, identifying any constraints placed on the Commission by the physics of electricity. This opening presentation should not exceed 45 minutes. A representative of Edison, PacifiCorp, Sierra Pacific, SDG&E, SMUD and LADWP are each invited to share their views on the PG&E presentation, given their experience operating utility systems. These representatives are welcome to compare and contrast how the model each advocates squares operationally with the physics constraints of electricity. These utility representatives should not expect to make formal presentations, as PG&E is being asked to provide. Rather, they are expected to participate in a group discussion following the PG&E presentation. Others in attendance will also be welcome to pose questions and engage in the general discussion. The workshop is open to the public and is accessible to the disabled. Any questions about the workshop should be directed to Linda Serizawa (415-703-2125).