ADJOURNMENTS-RESETTINGS-SUBMISSIONS C96-10-018 Gottstein-Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., vs. Evans Telephone Company, et al., Evidentiary Hearing held and continued to July 30, Volcano I96-12-041 Wright-Commission Order Instituting Investigation, Harjit Singh, dba Herry Bros. Trucking, hearing set for August 6, reset for 10 am, August 16, San Francisco a95-06-005 Walker-Long Distance Direct, Inc., Prehearing Conference held and completed ADVICE LETTER FILINGS NONE EXECUTIVE ORDERS SIGNED 7/14/97 D97-07-001 C96-05-008 - Alan L. Ager v Pacific Gas and Electric Company. For restoration of service. Dismissed with prejudice. D97-07-002 A96-04-033 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company. For confirmation of Mr. John M. Place to serve on the Committee of its Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Funds. Dismissed upon written and unopposed request of applicant. D97-07-003 C95-12-084 - City of Monterey Park v Pacific Bell. For unreasonable and unjust administration of the proposed area code overlay plan in the San Gabriel Valley. C96-03-006 - related proceeding. Closes complaint. D97-07-004 A97-03-007 - Island Boat Service. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as an "on call" vessel common carrier between points offshore of Santa Catalina. Order correcting D97-06-112. D97-07-005 A92-07-001 - City of Irwindale. To construct a public street across the railroad tracks of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company in the City of Irwindale, County of Los Angeles. Dismissed without prejudice. COMMISSION MEETING OF 7/16/97 7/16/97 D97-07-006 A96-07-037 - The City of Banning (City) and Mountain Water Company (Mountain Water). Grants the application to sell and transfer Mountain Water system to the City. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-007 A88-02-005 - San Mateo County. For modification of D85-11-018 regarding distribution of capital gains in the transfer of a streetlighting system. Application for gain on sale is dismissed as moot. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-008 A97-04-016 - Brooks Fiber Communications (Brooks Fiber) of Stockton, Inc. To expand its certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) to include switched intraLATA and interLATA interexchange services. A97-04-017, A97-04-018, A97-04-019, A97-04-020 - Related matters. Grants a CPCN to offer switched interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications services to Brooks Fiber of Stockton, of Fresno, of Sacramento, of Bakersfield, and of San Jose. Each of the five applicants has previously been granted authority to operate as a competitive local carrier, and to offer digital private line services. The applicants intend to offer the new services using their own previously constructed facilities and services purchased from other carriers. Instructs applicants that to the extent they undertake any new construction, they must comply with applicable state environmental laws as well as federal ones. These proceedings are closed. D97-07-009 C96-08-028 - Richard L. Steiner v Palm Springs Mobilehome Properties dba Sahara Mobilehome Park, and Southern California Gas Company. Grants application for rehearing of D97-02-032. The Commission denied the applicant's complaint against Southern California Gas Company and Sahara Mobilehome Park for failing to apply the Commission's approved natural gas tariff applicable to the tenants of the mobilehome park. The complaint derives from a local rent commission order authorizing the park owner to collect from tenants its costs for maintaining and replacing the natural gas submeter system. The related Commission decision is D95-02-090 which resulted from an Order Instituting Investigation. Docket remains open for further consideration. D97-07-010 A94-05-008 - Southern California Edison Company. For authority to increase revenue requirements due to 1993 earnings claim for demand-side management (DSM) programs and to collect such amount in rates through the establishment and operation of a DSM earnings memorandum account. A94-04-042, A94-05-001, A94-04-038 - Related matters. Closes these proceedings. D97-07-011 A96-12-059 - Sattel Streamramp, LLC. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide facilities-based and resale local exchange telecommunications services as a competitive local carrier, and long distance interLATA and intraLATA services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-012 A97-03-036 - TGEC Communications Co., LLC. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a switchless reseller of interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-013 A97-04-054 -Blacbell USA, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a reseller of interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-014 A97-04-041 - Inland Express Services, Inc. For authority to transfer its passenger stage certificate to Diversified Paratransit, Inc. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-015 A97-04-034 - Serendipity Land Yachts, Ltd., dba South Bay Flyer. For authority to extend its passenger stage between Carmel, Monterey, Monterey Airport, and Salinas Train Station, and between San Jose, Los Gatos, Santa Cruz and Monterey. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-016 A97-01-039 - Rajinder Randhawa, dba CAL Shuttle & Charter Service. For authority to operate an "on-call" passenger stage between the cities of San Jose, Santa Clara, and Milpitas, on the one hand, and San Jose International Airport, on the other hand. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-017 C96-08-036 - Thomas Alton v Pacific Bell. Dismissed with prejudice for lack of prosecution. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-018 A97-02-019 - US One Communications Services Corporation. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to permit it to provide facilities-based interLATA service. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-019 A97-01-005 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For an order authorizing the transfer of the Photovoltaics for Utility Scale Applications Research Project in Yolo County to the Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission of the State of California. Approves the sale by PG&E of certain electrical facilities in Yolo County to the Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission of the State of California and the ratemaking treatment requested, if completed within one year. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-020 A97-05-001 - Vista International Communications, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications services as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-021 A97-05-031 - TeleKey, L.L.C. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to resell interLATA and intraLATA telephone services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-022 A97-01-031 - Quad International Communications Corporation. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-023 C96-12-035 - John F. Cox, Jr. v Pacific Bell Payment Center. For termination of telephone services. Finds that complainant had not used his telephone service fraudulently. Complainant had allowed a friend access to this number. Telephone service is ordered restored with a new number. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-024 I87-11-033 - Investigation into alternative regulatory frameworks for local telcommunications exchange carriers. A85-01-034; A87-01-002; I85-03-078; C86-11-028; I87-02-025; C87-07-024 - Related matters. Denies application for rehearing filed by Pacific Bell (Pacific) seeking rehearing of D97-02-049 which denies the joint petition of Pacific and GTE California Inc. for modification of D94-09-065, the Commission's Implementation Rate Design decision. D97-07-025 A96-11-048 - Southern California Gas Company and Southern California Edison Company. For approval of demand-side management pilot bidding contract. This order closes the proceeding. Comments filed pursuant to D97-03-068 regarding the issue of contract administration shall be considered by the Commission during the public purpose program implementation phase in R94-04-031/I94-04-032. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-026 C97-04-053 - Aimed Mohamed Hassan v Pacific Gas and Electric Company. For unreasonably high bills. Denied for lack of evidence. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-027 A94-07-017 - Q. H. Communications, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interexchange telecommunications services. Grants petition requesting relief from tariff requirements. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-028 A96-05-046 - Metracom Corporation, dba Solmon Corp. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a reseller of telecommunications services. Grants the petition for modification requesting relief from tariff requirements. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-029 C96-12-016 - Joseph Canter v Southern California Edison Company. For relief for loss of revenue, inventory, appliance repair, and mental anguish. Complainant has not satisfied his burden of proof and the complaint is denied. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-030 A94-03-042 - Southern California Edison Company. For authority to implement a residential low- interest financing pilot program for 1994; to finance and coordinate installation of certain demand-side management technologies and equipment. Closes the proceeding. D97-07-031 A96-03-020 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company. For approval of nine integrated bidding contracts pursuant to Ordering Paragraphs 2 and 3 of D93- 10-040, adopted October 6, 1993. Closes the proceeding. D97-07-032 A97-04-040 - Accelerated Connections, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to resell interLATA and intraLATA interexchange and local exchange communications services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-033 I97-01-027 - Order Instituting Investigation into the operations and practices of Mike E. Chandler, dba At Your Service. Approves settlement agreement (Attachment A) which imposes restrictions and $2,000 fine on carrier, which had been accused of violating several statutes and regulations. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-034 A97-03-033 - American Telcom Inc., dba FoneTel. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a switchless reseller of interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-035 A97-04-023 - International Gateway Communications, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide telecommunications services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-036 A89-04-033 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to construct and operate an expansion of its existing natural gas pipeline system. Granted in part and denied in part, PG&E's petition for modification of D92-10-056. The reopened proceeding is closed. D97-07-037 A96-07-009 - Southern California Edison Company. To adopt the performance based ratemaking and incentive based ratemaking mechanisms specified in D95-12-063, as modified by D96-01-009, and related changes. A96-07-018 - Related matter. Finds that the relief which Pacific Gas and Electric Company seeks in its May 7, 1997 petition for modification of D97-04-042 is unnecessary. The petition is denied. D97-07-038 A96-04-025 - For rehearing of Resolution F-644. Denies application for rehearing by John Minich of Resolution F-644, A96-04-025 which authorizes Hillview Water Company Inc., to construct plant improvements with $112,000 of its California Safe Drinking Water Bond Act of 1976 loan reserve and surcharge overcollection. D97-07-039 A96-08-039 - Southern California Edison Company. For approval of a proposed agreement to settle certain disputes, including the restructuring of two power purchase agreements that are currently based on Interim Standard Offer No. 4, between the applicant and affiliates of Pacific Energy. Interim Order - Granted. This agreement satisfies the Commission's standard for approval of agreements of this type. This is an interim decision, and the proceeding will remain open pending an order concerning the disposition of funds paid the applicant. D97-07-040 I94-02-001 - Investigation on the Commission's own motion into implementation of the recommendations of the Commission's Telecommunications Infrastructure Report. Closes the investigation because subsequent legislation and Commission proceedings resolved the issue addressed. D97-07-041 A96-11-021 - Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (formerly Santa Clara County Transit District). For authority to construct a pedestrian crossing of its tracks at Whisman Station in Mountain View, Santa Clara County. Granted. The crossing is to be assigned crossing number 82B-12.84-D. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-042 A94-10-041 - Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (formerly Santa Clara County Transit District). For authority to construct its tracks across Fairchild Drive and Middlefield Road in Mountain View. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-043 A97-04-032 - The City of Stockton (City). For authority to construct March Lane at separated grades across the tracks of Union Pacific Railroad Company (formerly Southern Pacific Transportation Company) in Stockton, San Joaquin County. City also plans to install temporary shoofly tracks for use during construction of Underpass. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-044 A97-05-036 - California Utilities Service, Inc. To borrow $75,000 principal amount from Lewis S. Kootstra upon terms and conditions set forth. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-045 A94-12-028 - Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (formerly Santa Clara County Transit District). For authority to construct its tracks under the existing State Route 85 overhead in Mountain View, Santa Clara County. Granted. The crossing is to be assigned crossing number 82B- 13.5-A. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-046 A94-11-001 - Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (formerly Santa Clara County Transit District). For authority to construct its tracks under the existing Whisman Road overhead in Mountain View, Santa Clara County. Granted. The crossing is to be assigned crossing number 82B-13.15A. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-047 A96-12-040 - San Jose Water Company. To establish a memorandum account for the property identified as San Jose Water Company Lot 310 at McKean/Fortini road. ("The Calero Tank Site"). Approves transfer of the cost of the Calero Tank Site from San Jose's "Other Physical Property" account to its "Utility Plant Held For Future Use" account and subsequent additions to that cost of all carrying cost until such time as the property qualifies for transfer to San Jose's "Utility Plant in Service." This proceeding is closed. D97-07-048 A97-05-023 - SFPP, L.P. PLC 009 (SFPP). For an order to issue promissory notes in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $175 million, and to secure such notes under existing mortgages or other encumbrances of utility property. Authorizes SFPP to issue promissory notes and obtain associated loans in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $175 million; to execute and deliver mortgages or liens on utility property as required by the terms of the Amended Credit Agreement and the existing Deeds of Trust; and is granted exemption from the Commission's Competitive Bidding Rule. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-049 I90-12-006 - Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's own motion to adopt and issue a General Order to govern the requirements and procedures regarding safety and practices for highway carriers and household goods carriers. Terminates the proceeding. D97-07-050 C96-03-056 - Damashi Enterprises, Inc. (Damashi) v Pacific Bell. For a Rule 31 disconnection and for reconnection of phone lines and reinstatement of services; to suspend phone and advertising bills from the time service was disconnected until when it was restored. Finds that the law enforcement agency did not satisfy its burden of proof that Damashi's escort services constituted significant dangers to public health, safety, or welfare, justifying summary disconnection of complainant's telephone services. Reconnection of its telephone services is ordered. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-051 R88-08-018 - Order instituting rulemaking into natural gas procurement and system reliability issues. R90-02-008 - Related matter. Denies outstanding petitions to modify Commission orders. D97-07-052 A96-04-001 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For authority to adjust its electric rates effective January 1, 1997, and for Commission order finding that electric and gas operations during the reasonableness review period from January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995 were prudent. Second Interim Order - Resolves the reasonableness review issues of PG&E's electric operations during 1995 by approving the treatment of the issues presented in a joint exhibit by PG&E and the Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA). According to the joint exhibit, PG&E agrees to reduce its Energy Cost Adjustment Clause (ECAC) balancing account by $15.9 million, and ORA agrees to compromise on certain issues set forth in its ECAC reasonableness testimony. CAC reasonableness testimony. D97-07-053 A93-12-025 - Southern California Edison Company (Edison). For authority to increase its authorized level of base rate revenue under the electric revenue adjustment mechanism for service rendered beginning January 1, 1995 and to reflect this increase in rates. I94-02-002 - Related matter. Grants Edison's Amended Petition for Modification of D96-01-011 and D96-04-059, filed on Februray 19, 1997. In its petition Edison seeks to add approximately $18.7 million of sunk costs associated with San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) step-up transformers to SONGS sunk costs. D97-07-054 R87-11-012 - Order instituting rulemaking to review the Time Schedules for the Rate Case Plan and Fuel Offset Proceedings. A95-06-002 - Related matter. Adopts a performance-based ratemaking (PBR) system under which applicant's rates will be adjusted annually for a minimum period of five years by applying an index consisting of an inflation factor and a productivity factor to applicant's base margin. Also adopts a base margin, and certain exclusions from and adjustments to the quantity indexed. The PBR system also includes a mechanism for sharing the savings produced by the PBR with ratepayers, features to insure the maintenance of service quality, customer satisfaction, and employee safety, and provision for mid-course review of the operation of the program. This decision is effective immediately. D97-07-055 A95-08-020 - City of San Rafael (City). To construct one grade crossing of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District main line (formerly Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company) at Andersen Drive. Grants the City's application for an at-grade crossing of currently unused rail tracks. Should train service be re- established, the authorization will expire thus requiring The City to submit a new application which may provide for grade crossing. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-056 A97-02-037 - Southern California Edison Company (Edison). For Orders: (1) approving a Settlement Agreement between Edison and North American Chemical Company and (2) authorizing Edison's recovery in rates of payments made pursuant to the Settlement Agreement. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-057 C95-06-068 - Teresa Bailey, et al. v Calaveras Telephone Company (Calaveras) and Pacific Bell (Pacific). To expand Calaveras's prefix 786 calling area to include prefix 754 calling area or, in the alternative, allow complainants to transfer to Pacific Bell service. Authorizes toll free one-way extended area service (EAS) for Calaveras customers in the Jenny Lind exchange (prefix 786) to call Pacific's customers in the San Andreas exchange (prefix 754). Establishes EAS incremental charges and authorizes Calaveras to recover additional costs from California High Cost Fund A. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-058 A97-02-006 - Catalina Channel Express, Inc. (Catalina). For authority to modify its certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a common carrier vessel involving points on Santa Catalina Island. Grants the application of Catalina to provide scheduled service from San Pedro Road or Long Beach to all points on Catalina Island. (Applicant was previously limited to service to Avalon and Two Harbors.) This proceeding is closed. D97-07-059 R94-04-031 - Order instituting rulemaking on the Commission's proposed policies governing restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and reforming regulation. I94-04-032 - Related matter. Interim Order - Grants the Office of Ratepayer Advocates' (ORA) motion that Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company, and San Diego Gas & Electric Company establish memorandum accounts to track the difference in authorized revenue requirements stemming from the difference in the return on equity adopted in D96-11-060 and the reduced return on equity in the Preferred Policy Decision and affirmed in the Roadmap 2 Decision, as applied to the investment-related assets for which the utilities seek transition cost recovery. The basis for calculating the difference shall be the 1995 embedded cost of debt for each utility, as established in D96-04- 059. In all other respects, ORA's motion will be considered in A96-08-001 et al., the transition cost proceedings. D97-07-060 A97-01-012 - MCI Communications Corporation (MCIC) and British Telecommunications plc (BT). For all approvals required for the change in control of MCIC's California certificated subsidiaries that will occur indirectly as a result of the merger of MCIC and BT. Grants application of MCIC to merge with BT as in the public interest, with right of assigned Commissioners to reopen proceeding if final order of Federal Communications Commission in its GN Docket No. 96-245 does not contain appropriate safeguards from its 1994 MCIC/BT order. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-061 A97-02-022 - San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). For authority to change its gas procurement for Core Customers tariff. SDG&E shall remove the rate cap on gas procurement services for core customers and amortize anyundercollection ratably in a 12-month period. This proceeding is closed. D97-07-062 A97-03-015 - Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas). For approval of a long-term service agreement to provide transmission service to the U.S.Mexico border for Distribuidora de Gas Natural de Mexicali, S. de R.L. de C.V. (DGN). DGN is constructing a gas distribution system in Mexicali pursuant to a license granted by the Mexican government. Further, SoCalGas requests that if the Commission decides that evidentiary hearings are necessary, then the Commission should allow the service agreement with DGN to go into effect on an interim basis, pending a final decision after hearings. Interim Order -Concludes that evidentiary hearings are necessary and grants SoCalGas' request for interim authority to serve DGN pending a final decision after evidentiary hearings. D97-07-063 R95-08-002 - Order instituting rulemaking regarding the specialized transportation of unaccompanied infants and children. Adopts interim rules and regulations for carriers conducting operations transporting unaccompanied children. The regulations are consistent with the legislative proposal being advanced to provide the Commission the authority to more comprehensively regulate this passenger stage service. The interim rules are consistent with those proposed by the Commission in this rulemaking and in Assembly Bill 909, are largely unopposed, and will be enhanced if the proposed legislation is enacted. D97-07-064 A92-10-017 - San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). To establish an experimental performance-based ratemaking mechanism. Grants SDG&E's petition to modify D93-06-092 by extending the term of the Generation and Dispatch (G&D) performance-based ratemaking (PBR) mechanism until January 1, 1998. The G&D Mechanism may be terminated sooner by order in A96-10-022, SDG&E's current Energy Cost Adjustment Clause proceeding. The Commission confirms that SDG&E's administration of Qualifying Facilities (QF) contracts is subject to reasonableness review until an incentive-based approach to oversight of QF contract administration can be developed. Phase 1 of A92- 10-017 is closed by this decision. The proceeding remains open pending disposition of Phase 2, in which SDG&E's base rates of PBR mechanism is under review. D97-07-065 R84-12-028 - Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion for purposes of compiling the Commission's rules of procedure in accordance with Public Utilities {322 and considering changes in the Commission's rules of Practice and Procedure. Proposes revisions to the first draft of final rules implementing Senate Bill 960. The proposed revisions will be printed in the California Regulatory Notice Register, and written comments on the proposed revisions will be due 45 days after such printing. D97-07-066 I95-05-047 - Investigation on the Commission's own motion into the second triennial review of the operations and safeguards of the incentive- based regulatory framework (NRF) for local exchange carriers, specifically Pacific Bell and GTE California Incorporated. Denies the application for rehearing of D95-12-052, filed by Toward Utility Rate Normalization seeking rehearing of decision following Commission's "Second Triennial Review of the Operations and Safeguards of the Incentive-Based Regulatory Framework for Local Exchange Carriers." D97-07-067 I96-04-024 - Commission order instituting Investigation into the operations of Heartline Communications, Inc.; and Total National Telecommunications (dba Total World Telecom, Inc.); to determine whether the entity, by itself or through practices including arrangements with certificated long distance carriers, conducted intrastate utility operations without holding a certificate from the Commission, and whether it switched any customers to its service without their permission; respondents to provide information as set forth within 10 days of the date this order is personally served; respondents to provide information as set forth within 30 days of the date this order is personally served; Texas Amtel and Telecare to provide information as set forth within 30 days of the effective date of this order; Allnet Communications Service, Wiltel Network Services, and Qwest Communications to provide information as set forth within 30 days of the effective date of this order; and a hearing is set for April 23, 1996 at 9 am in San Francisco. Grants motion to withdraw the application for rehearing pursuant to a settlement which was approved in D96-12-031. D97-07-068 C96-05-016 - Susan C. Melkonian v pacific Gas and Electric Company. For wrongful termination of service. Denies application for rehearing of D97-04-009. R E S O L U T I O N S 7/16/97 G-3214 Advice Letter 2403 of Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas). For approval of a California Gas Producer Access Agreement, dated October 1, 1994, between SoCalGas and Unocal Corporation (Unocal), to enable gas produced by Unocal to be transported through SoCalGas' system to third parties. Granted. E-3487 Advice Letter 1205-E of Southern California Edison Company. Requests approval to add a nondisclosure agreement to Schedule real-time- pricing-3. Denied. Granted for limited term. E-3488 Advice Letters 1209-E and 1209-E-A of Southern California Edison Company. Requests permission to establish a competition transition charge exemption (CTCE) memorandum account and tariff schedule CTCE-IWD for irrigation districts and members of East Side Power Authority. Granted with revised effective dates. E-3495 Advice Letter 1195-E of Southern California Edison Company. Requests approval of a deviation from the base period usage provisions of Schedule TOU-8-CR-1 for Nabisco Biscuit Company, Inc. Approved. Granted. E-3496 Advice Letters 1571-E and 1571-E-A of Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Requests revisions to its electric tariff Standard Form 79-938, Customer- Owned Streetlights. Denied without prejudice. L-258 This resolution augments established procedures for release of public records not open to public inspection and authorizes Commission staff to release such records to certain law enforcement organizations. Adopted. M-4786 Resolution adopting level of Public Utilities Commission Utilities reimbursement account fees for fiscal year 1997-98. Adopted. T-15993 ITC Tele-Services, Inc. Request to have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked. Granted. T-15994 IDB Worldcom Services, Inc. Request to have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked. Granted. T-15995 TMC Long Distance. Revocation of certificate of public convenience and necessity for noncompliance with carrier obligations to pay surcharges and submit reports. Adopted. T-16014 Automated Communications, Inc. Request to have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked. Granted. T-16015 Amerifax, Inc. Request to have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked. Granted. T-16019 XLConnect Services, Inc. Request to have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked. Granted. T-16028 Fast Call Cellular, Inc. Request to have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked. Granted. T-16042 Telecommunications International, Inc. Revocation of certificate of public convenience and necessity in accordance with D93-05-010 Ordering Paragraph 4. Adopted. T-16043 Westar Network. Revocation of certificate of public convenience and necessity in accordance with D93-05-010 Ordering Paragraph 4. Adopted. T-16044 Quickcall Corporation. Request to have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked. Granted. T-16051 Advice Letters 8485 and 8501 of GTE California, Inc (GTEC). Request for approval of interconnction agreements between GTEC and Nextlink Communications, Incorporated, and GTEC and MGC Communications, Inc. pursuant to { 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Granted. T-16057 Advice Letters 18825, supplemented by AL 18825A by Pacific Bell (Pacific). Request for approval of Amendment No. 2 to an interconnection agreement between Cox California Telecom, Inc. and Pacific pursuant to { 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Granted. T-16058 Advice Letters 18823 and 18839 of Pacific Bell (Pacific). Request for approval of interconnection agreements between Pacific and Nextlink and Pacific and !nterprise America, Inc. pursuant to { 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Granted. T-16059 Advice Letters 18863, 18864, and 18846 of Pacific Bell (Pacific). Request for approval of interconnection agreements between Pacific and California RSA No. 3 Limited Partnership, Pacific and Cox Communication PCS, L.P. and Pacific and Sprint Spectrum L.P. pursuant to { 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Granted. TL-18803 Resolution approving issuance of charter-party carrier certificates pursuant to Section 5374 of the Public Utilities Code and approving issuance and transfer of highway carrier authority pursuant to the Commission's contract with the Department of Motor Vehicles as permitted by Vehicle Code Section 34605(b). Adopted. TL-18804 Resolution denying issuance of charter-party carrier authority and highway carrier authority and household goods carrier authority for failure to satisfy statutory provisions of the Public Utilities Code and Commission General Orders. Adopted. W-4050 Penngrove Water Company. Order rescinding Ordering Paragraph No. 2 of Resolution No. W-4030 dated March 7, 1997. Adopted. W-4051 Advice Letter 976-W of Southern California Water Company, Bay Point District. Order authorizing an offset rate increase producing $307,762 or 11.62% additional annual revenue. Adopted. W-4053 Rosella Water Company (RWC). Order recognizing Ponderosa Community Services District as the court-appointed receiver of RWC. Adopted. W-4055 Pine Flat Water Company. Order correcting nonsubstantive error in Resolution W-4039. Adopted. HEARINGS Dates in parentheses following the word "also" are subject to change without notice. The assigned Commissioner's name is listed next to the proceedings as matter of record; the assigned Commissioner may not be present at the hearing. (PHC)=Prehearing Conference (OA)=Oral Argument (EH)=Evidentiary Hearing (WS)=Workshop (PPH)=Public Participation Hearing (FPH)=Full Panel Hearing (IAM)=Initial Arbitration Meeting (AH)=Arbitration Hearing (M)=Mediation 7/29/97 10:00 am ALJ Gottstein C96-10-018 (EH)-Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. vs. Evans Telephone Comr Neeper Company and The Volcano Telephone Company, for refusal to properly transmit and route dialed calls, and I97-03-025 (EH)-Commission Order Instituting Investigation, on the Commission's own motion into rating area consistency and routing practices between incumbent local exchange carriers and certified competitive local carriers in instances where expanded local service has been afforded, St. George Hotel, Main Floor, No. 2 Main Street, Volcano (also July 29-31 and August 1, Volcano) 7/29/97 10:00 am ALJ Ryerson C97-06-005 (PHC)-Gloria Jean Smith vs. Pacific Gas and Comr Bilas Electric Cmpany, for non-compliance with its originally estimated costs of installation of services, Council Chambers, Town Hall, 549 Main Street, Placerville 7/29/97 10:00 am ALJ Walker A95-04-025 (PHC)-Long Distance Direct Inc., for a Comr Knight certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a reseller of interexchange telecommunications services, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/30/97 9:30 am ALJ Weiss C92-04-034 (PHC)-Castlerock Estates Inc., Bruce B. Breiholz Comr Conlon vs. Toro Water Service, Inc., California Utiliti4s Service, Inc., and Robert T. Adcock, for refunds of taxes and contributions for plant and facilities made in 1988, and C92-11-032 (PHC)-Silverwood Estates Development Limited Partnership, vs. Alisal Water Corporation, dba Alco Water Service, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 8/5/97 9:30 am ALJ Weiss C96-11-006 (EH)-First Financial Network vs. Pacific Bell, Comr Knight for unauthorized installation of telephone lines and failing to provide satisfactory service, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 8/5/97 10:00 am ALJ Bushey I97-01-011 (PHC)-Commission Order Instituting Investigation Comr Neeper on the Commission's own motion into the operations, practices, and conduct of Donald Blakstad, an individual, Inter Continental Telephone Corporation, CTN Telephone Network, International Telecommunications Corporation, dba Total Communications Network, and all affiliate companies in which Donald Blakstad has an ownership interest, that are providing telecommunications services, to determine whether they have complied with the laws, rules, regulations, and applicable tariff provisions governing the manner in which consumers are switched from one long distance carrier to another, and other requirements for long distance carriers, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 8/6/97 10:00 am ALJ Wright I96-12-041 (EH)-Commission Order Instituting Investigation Comr Knight into the operations and practices of Harjit Singh dba Herry Bros. Trucking, a dump-truck carrier, that allegedly operated without liability insurance during a period when his permit was in suspension, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 8/6/97 7:00 pm ALJ Kotz C96-05-010 (PPH)-Alfred Sacker vs. Southern Pacific Lines, Comr Conlon for repair of rail crossings in the City of Whittier, to make them safe and usable, Whittier Community Center Theatre, 7630 South Washington Avenue, Whittier 8/11/97 10:00 am ALJ Ryerson I96-04-023 (PHC)-Commission Investigation into the Comr Duque operations and practices of David M. Espinoza, dba David Espinoza Trucking, immediately suspends agricultural carrier permit for non-compliance with California Highway Patrol and Department of Motor Vehicle regulations, and Order to Show Cause as to whether the permit should be revoked, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 8/13/97 10:00 am ALJ Weiss I96-10-034 (EH)-Commission Order Instituting Investigation Comr Duque into the operations and practices of Airtrans Express Shuttle, and its partners, conducting business as a common carrier to the Los Angeles International Airport, and Order to Show cause why its operating authority should not be revoked, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles (also August 14, Los Angeles) 8/13/97 10:30 am ALJ Weissman A96-08-058 (PHC)-Wild Goose Storage, Inc., for a certificate Comr Conlon of public convenience and necessity to construct facilities for gas storage operations in Butte County, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 8/14/97 9:30 am ALJ Garde A97-01-029 (PHC)-San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Comr Neeper Board (MTDB) and City of San Diego (city), for authority to construct an at-grade crossing of two light-rail transit tracks and two freight.intercity/commuter rail tracks at Vine Street in the City of San Diego, San Diego County, State Office Building, Office of Administrative Hearings, Room 6022, 1350 Front Street, San Diego 8/13/97 1:30 pm ALJ Weissman A97-05-011 (PHC)-PacifiCorp, for approval of transmission Comr Duque plan, and A97-06-046 (PHC)-Sierra Pacific Power Company, for approval of its transition plan, and A97-07-005 (PHC)-Kirkwood Gas and Electric Company, for compliance with the requirements of AB 1890, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 8/14/97 10:00 am ALJ Patrick A97-03-015 (PHC)-Southern California Gas Company, for Comr Bilas approval of a long-term gas transmission service contract with Distribuidora de Gas Natural de Mexicali, S. de R.L. de C.V., Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 8/15/97 10:00 am ALJ Ryerson I97-05-045 (PHC)-Commission Order Instituting Investigation Comr Duque on the Commission's own motion into the operations and practices of A Better Moving and Storage Company, Inc., and its president, Bennet D. Mattingly, Office of Governmental Affairs, 1227 "O" Street, 4th Floor, Sacramento 8/18/97 10:00 am ALJ Stalder I95-11-031 (EH)-Commission Order Instituting Investigation Comr Neeper into the operations and practices of Richard Eugene Rake, dba EQI Transport (Stockton) Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also August 19-22, San Francisco) 8/21/97 10:00 am ALJ Bushey C96-11-029 (EH)-Nancy M. Horner and Vertec International, Comr Neeper Inc., dba Vitosha, Ltd. vs. GTE of California Incorporated for faulty installation of telephone lines, failing to properly provide or maintain reliable and acceptable telephone services, inadequate customer assistance services, for improper past-due and late-payment charges, and failing to comply with all applicable PUC regulations, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles (also August 22, Los Angeles) 8/22/97 11:00 am ALJ Barnett C96-12-023 (EH)-Dale E. Fletcher vs. Southern California Comr Neeper Water Company, for installation of inaccurate water meters, and for excessive water service charges, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 8/26/97 10:00 am ALJ Mattson A90-09-043 (EH)-GTE Corporation, to merge into Contel Comr Duque Corporation and GTE becoming the parent company, and A95-12-006 (EH)-Contel of California, to restructure intrastate rates and charges, for a general rate increase of $45,324,000 per year, based on an overall rate of return on rate base of 12.05% for test year ending 12/31/97, and to implement a new regulatory framework for telephone service, and I96-03-021 (EH)-Commission Order Instituting Investigation into the rates, charges, service, and practices, and regulation of Contel of California, Inc., Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 9/3/97 9:00 am ALJ Stalder I96-09-031 (EH)-Commission Order Instituting Investigation Comr Neeper into the operations and practices of Joe Burnley, Sr., dba Royal Circle Transportation, a charter- party carrier, pending A96-05-041 is consolidated for hearing and consideration, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also September 4 and 5, San Francisco 9/3/97 10:00 am ALJ Hale C96-12-028 (PHC)-Gray Panthers of Santa Barbara vs. Comr Bilas Southern California Edison Company, to restore one permanent Edison office in Santa Barbara and one in Goleta, where utility bills may be paid and where information regarding electric service is available, Santa Barbara Public Library, Townley Room, Lower Level, 40 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara 9/12/97 10:00 am ALJ Barnett C97-06-035 (ECP)-Barry Harman vs. Pacific Bell, for failure to transfer service and overbilling, and C97-04-059 (ECP)-Barry Harman vs. Pacific Bell, for violations of tariff regulation, incorrect billing, and wrongful disconnection of services, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 9/16/97 9:30 am ALJ Weiss A96-11-013 (EH)-Plantation Water Company, L.L.C., for a Comr Duque certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate the Meadows Management Company water system as a public utility water system in the City of Calimesa, California, and to establish rates for service, City of Yucaipa Council Chambers, Civic Center, 34272 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa (also September 17, Yucaipa); (PPH) 6:30 pm, September 16, Norton Younglove Multipurpose Senior Center, 908 Park Avenue, Calimesa 9/17/97 10:00 am ALJ Barnett A96-10-038 (EH)-Pacific Enterprises, Enova Corporation, Comr Duque Mineral Energy Company, B Mineral Energy Sub, and Comr Neeper G Mineral Sub, for approval of a plan of merger of Pacific Enterprises and Enova Corporation with and into B Mineral Energy Sub (Newco Pacific Sub) and G Mineral Energy Sub (Newco Enova Sub), the wholly owned subsidiaries of a newly created holding company, Mineral Energy Company, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also September 18-19, 22-26, 29-30, and October 1-3 and 6-8, San Francisco) 9/19/97 10:00 am ALJ Patrick C96-12-005 (EH)-Lew A. Garbutt vs. Pacific Gas and Comr Duque Electric Company, for failing to provide information regarding overhead electrical service, Electric Department Conference Room, 2556 Heather Lane, Redding 9/22/97 9:30 am ALJ Kenney C97-02-027 (EH)-Pacific Bell vs. MCI Telecommunications Comr Bilas Corporation, for failure to remit the pay station service charge (PSSC) to Pacific Bell for intraLATA non-sent-paid calls originating on Pacific Bell payphones, and for engaging in unfair competition by providing intraLATA service to its customers without imposing PSCC, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also September 23-25, San Francisco) 9/22/97 10:00 am ALJ Stalder A89-03-026 (EH)-Southern California Edison Company, for a Comr Duque certificate to construct and operate a 220 kV transmission line between Kramer Substation and Victor Substation in San Bernardino, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also September 23-26, San Francisco) 9/22/97 2:00 pm ALJ Ryerson A97-04-051 (PPH)-California-American Water Company, for an Comr Neeper order authorizing increased rates of $1,142,700 (7.65%) in the year 1998, $376,200 (2.51%) in the year 1999, and $317,200 (l.93%) in the year 2000, in the Los Angeles Division, Westminster Gardens, Packard Hall, 1424 Santo Domingo Avenue, Duarte (also 6:30 pm, September 22, Inglewood Public Library Lecture Hall, 101 W. Manchester Boulevard, Inglewood) (EH) 10 am, September 23, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 9/23/97 10:00 am ALJ Bushey A96-12-029 (PHC)-California Water Service Company, for an Comr Duque order authorizing California Water Service Company to form a holding company structure, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 10/2/97 10:00 am ALJ Walker C96-10-023 (EH)-Sonia L. Gill, t al., vs Pacific Bell, for Comr Duque incorrect area code designations and improper toll call charges, Yorkville Community Center, 25400 Highway 128, Yorkville (also October 3) 10/14/97 9:00 am ALJ Mattson C97-03-019 (EH)-California Cable Television Association Comr Duque vs. Southern California Edison Company, for unlawful increase of pole attachment charges, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also October 15-17, San Francisco 10/14/97 10:00 am ALJ Galvin C95-08-063 (PHC)-Bruce Kennedy vs. GTE California and Comr Knight Pacific Bell for a realignment of GTEC and Pacific Bell services territory boundary on Hutchinson Road in Felton, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also October 15, San Francisco) 10/27/97 9:00 am ALJ Bushey I97-04-044 (EH)-Commission Order Instituting Investigation Comr Neeper into the operations and practices of L.D. Services, doing business as Long Distance Services, to determine whether the entity unlawfully switched subscribers' primary interexchange carrier without the subscriber's authorization, in violation of Public Utilities Code Section 2889.5, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also October 28-31, San Francisco) 11/3/97 9:00 am ALJ Gottstein A97-05-002 (EH)-San Diego Gas and Electric Company, for Comr Neeper authority to increase its gas and electric revenue requirements to reflect its accomplishments for demand-side management program years 1994, 1995, and 1996, in the 1997 annual earnings assessment proceeding, and A97-05-004 (EH)-Southern California Edison Company, for approval of demand-side management shareholder incentives for 1996 program year accomplishments and the second installment of shareholder incentives for th4e 1994 and 1995 program years, and A97-05-005 (EH)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company, for approval of demand-side management shareholder incentives for 1996 program year accomplishments and second claim for incentives for 1995 and some 1994 program year accomplishments, and A97-05-026 (EH)-Southern California Gas Company, for authority to increase its gas revenue requirements to reflect its accomplishment for demand-side management program years 1994, 1995, and 1996 in the 1997 annual earnings assessment proceeding, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also November 4-7, and 12-14, San Francisco 12/1/97 10:00 am ALJ Careaga C96-01-019 (PHC)-The City of Vernon vs. The Atchison, Topeka Comr Neeper and Santa Fe Railway, for non-compliance with zoning, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also December 2 and 3, San Francisco) MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION ITEMS 07/29/97 Filings with Safety and Enforcement 07/14/97 TCP-9172-A VIP Tours and Charters, Inc., dba VIP Tours, 9830 Bellanca, Los Angeles, CA 90045, Tel. No. (310) 641-8114, application for new TCP Class A Certificate 07/22/97 TCP-11240-A Coach Coach Coach, Inc., dba Coach 21, 202 Treeview Drive, Daly City, CA 94014, Tel. No. (415) 584-7271, terminal address: 50 Quint Street, San Francisco, CA 94124, application for new TCP Class A Certificate NEW FILINGS NONE PETITIONS FOR MODIFICATION AND APPLICATIONS FOR REHEARING NONE DRAFT DECISIONS/PROPOSED DECISIONS/ALTERNATES/ARBITRATOR'S REPORTS NONE NEW SETTINGS NONE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Wesley M. Franklin Executive Director State Office Building State Office Building San Francisco, CA 94102 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Tel. No. (415) 703-2782 Tel. No. (213) 897-2973 DAILY CALENDAR Wednesday July 30, 1997 (The Daily Calendar is available on the Internet at Commission Decisions, and Resolutions for the Conference of July 16, 1997 are included in this calendar. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETINGS August 1, 1997, (10:00 am) September 3, 1997, (10:00 am) September 17, 1997, (10:00 AM) San Francisco SUBSCRIPTION NOTICE FOR DRAFT AGENDA ITEMS In compliance with Public Utilities Code Section 311.5, parties who wish to subscribe to receive draft agenda items may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003; 505 Van Ness Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94102; or by calling (415) 703-1798. The cost for a one- year subscription to the entire public agenda package (which excludes Executive Session materials) is $1,000. You may also order a partial agenda package (energy agenda items only or telecommunication agenda items only) at the cost of $500 per year. The package you receive via mail will include only those agenda items available at the time of the agenda distribution date, which is usually 10 to 12 days prior to the Commission meeting. If agenda items (including revisions) are not ready on the distribution date, they will be made available at no charge in the lobby outside the Commission Auditorium at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the Commission meeting, but not earlier. In addition, the Commission will make draft agenda items available for viewing and photocopying (at 20 cents per page) at the Commission's Central Files Office (Room 2002), 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, and in the Commission offices in Los Angeles, San Diego, and the following field offices: El Centro, Eureka, Sacramento, and San Bernardino. Since the agenda package will be mailed to these locations, it will be available at these locations a day or two after the distribution date. These locations will not receive agenda items that are not ready on the distribution date. If an agenda item is held over to a subsequent Commission meeting, that agenda item and any revisions to that agenda item that were available on the morning of the initial Commission meeting (as well as any further available revisions) will be mailed in the Escutia package for the subsequent Commission meeting; the item and its revisions will also be available for viewing and photocopying in the Commission's Central Files office and field offices as set forth above. Intervenors who have a financial hardship determination pending or granted shall be eligible to receive draft agenda item packets at no charge. The cost to receive the agenda only, without copies of draft agenda items, remains at $75 per year. SUBSCRIPTION NOTICE FOR DAILY CALENDAR AND/OR AGENDA Parties who wish to subscribe to the Daily Calendar and/or the Agenda may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003; 505 Van Ness Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94102; (415) 703-1798. The subscription cost for the Daily Calendar is $225 per year. The Biweekly Daily Calendar is $50 per year. The agenda is $75 per year. Checks are to be made payable to the Public Utilities Commission. NOTICE Unless otherwise directed, all courier-delivered documents submitted for filing as part of the formal record in a proceeding should be hand-carried directly to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco; Room 5109, 107 South Broadway in Los Angeles; or Room 4006, 1350 Front Street in San Diego. All documents sent through the mail for formal filing should be addressed ONLY to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. NOTICE The Commission's policy is to schedule hearings (meetings, workshops, etc.) in locations that are accessible to people with disabilities. To verify that a particular location is accessible, call: (415) 703-1203. If specialized accommodations for the disabled are needed, e.g. sign language interpreters, those making the arrangements must call the Public Advisor at (415) 703-2074 or TDD# (415) 703-2032 five working days in advance of the event. NOTICE To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00. COMMISSIONER OFFICE HOURS September 11, 1997 Commissioner Josiah L. Neeper 9 am - 12 pm State Office Building 107 So. Broadway, Room 5109 Los Angeles September 22, 1997 Commissioner Richard A. Bilas 1 pm - 4 pm Chico Chamber of Commerce 300 Salem Street Chico October 6, 1997 Commissioner Richard A. Bilas 1 pm - 4 pm 100 H Street, Suite 210A Eureka October 8, 1997 Commissioner Josiah L. Neeper 9 am - 12 pm State Office Building 1350 Front St., Room 4006 San Diego October 23, 1997 Commissioner Henry M. Duque 1 pm - 4 pm State Office Building Room 1038 2550 Mariposa Mall Fresno November 20, 1997 Commissioner Josiah L. Neeper 9 am - 12 pm State Office Building 107 So. Broadway, Room 5109 Los Angeles December 10, 1997 Commissioner Josiah L. Neeper 9 am - 12 pm State Office Building 1350 Front St., Room 4006 San Diego To make an appoitment to see Commissioner Bilas in Eureka and Chino, please contact Michelle Diamonon at (707) 445-7875. To make an appointment at the other locations, please contact Sandra Graham at (213) 897-3544. PUBLIC MEETING Meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee for the California Board for Energy Efficiency 9:30 am - 4 pm August 4, 1997 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 block west of the Moscone Center) San Francisco The Technical Advisory Committee for the California Board for Energy Efficiency will meet to discuss the transition of utility energy efficiency programs to independent administrators, the work of the Board's technical consultants, and other matters related to the Board's September 16 report regarding the independent administration of energy efficiency programs, affiliate rules and revisions to DSM rules and policies. All meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Board are open to the public. Contact people are Nancy Licht of Wm. Nesbit & Associates at (707) 523-1663 and Patrick Hoglund of the Energy Division at (415) 703-2043. PUBLIC MEETING Governing Board For Low Income Assistance Programs 9:30 am - 4:00 pm August 5, 1997 With a Working Lunch (A Brief Break Will Be Called Prior to Lunch) Pacific Gas and Electric Company Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 block west of the Moscone Center) San Francisco In Decision (D.) 97-02-014 and (D.) 97-04-044, the Commission established a new structure for the future administration of energy efficiency and low- income assistance programs. This structure requires an Independent board to oversee energy efficiency programs, a Governing Board to oversee low-income programs, and administrative entities selected through a competitive bidding process. The Low Income Governing Board will meet to discuss threshold questions, the critical path for program development, contracting issues, advisory committee goals and objectives, and the election of officers. These meetings are open to the public. Patrick Hoglund of the Energy Division is the contact person at (415) 703-2043. PUBLIC MEETING 10 am - 4 pm August 5, 1997 Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Office 1939 Harrison Street, No. 555 Oakland The Administrative Committee of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Shelly Bergum at (510) 874-1410 Voice or (510) 874-1411 TDD. Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings. NOTICE OF WORKSHOP TO ADDRESS ISSUES CONCERNING PRO FORMA TARIFFS AND SERVICE AGREEMENTS REGARDING DIRECT ACCESS TERMS AND CONDITIONS 9 am - 5 pm August 7, 1997 (continuing to August 8th if necessary) California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue Auditorium San Francisco Pursuant to the ruling of Administrative Law Judge John Wong, dated July 9, 1997, the Energy Division has scheduled a workshop to address issues concerning the pro forma direct access implementation tariffs and service agreements filed July 15th by PacifiCorp, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company. Questions regarding the workshop should be directed to Steve Roscow of the CPUC's Energy Division at (415) 703-2818. The workshop is open to the public and all facilities are accessible to wheelchairs. WORKSHOP NOTICE ALTERNATE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR WATER COMPANIES 10 am - 3 pm August 13 and 14, 1997 California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3104 San Francisco The purpose of this workshop is to allow the Commission to reexamine the general rate case (GRC) process and, if warranted, to consider alternative ratemaking processes such as incentive- based regulation for water companies. Results of the workshop will be used by the Commission to open an Order Instituting Rulemaking (OIR) for the development of rules and/or procedures to implement any alternatives deemed appropriate. Questions regarding the workshop should be directed to John A. Yager at (415) 703-1194. The workshop is open to the public and all facilities are accessible by wheelchair. WORKSHOP NOTICE 9 am - 4 pm August 13, 1997 California Public Utilities Commission 107 S. Broadway, 1st Floor Auditorium, Room 1138 Los Angeles 9 am - 4 pm August 19, 1997 California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, 1st Floor Auditorium San Francisco The Commission Rail Safety and Carriers Division will conduct two workshops to receive public input and for staff to explain its proposed changes to General Orders 157-C and 158-A regarding Passenger Stage Corporations (PSC) and Charter-Party Carriers (TCP). Attendees will have an opportunity to make oral comments; however, we request that your comments also be in written format because there will be no official transcript. If you are unable to attend either workshop, you are welcome to submit written comments to the staff no later than September 2, 1997. The contact person is Erik Juul at 415-703-2723. PUBLIC MEETING 9:30 am - 3:30 pm August 14, 1997 Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Office 1939 Harrison Street, #555 Oakland The Equipment Program Advisory Committee of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, of if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Sara Brucker at (510) 874-1410 voice or (510) 874-1411 TDD. Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings. PUBLIC MEETING Oakland 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm August 14, 1997 California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 San Francisco The Administrative Committee of the Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Trust will hold its regular monthly meeting. This meeting can be accessed via teleconference call; however, please provide a 10-day notification prior to the meeting. For a copy of the agenda or more information, contact Terry Wilson-Gray at (510) 452-2757. PUBLIC MEETING LOTTERY FOR TELEPHONE NUMBER PREFIX ASSIGNMENTS IN THE 209, 213, 310, 408, 415/650, 510, 619, 714, 760, 805, 818/626, AND 916/530 NUMBERING PLAN AREAS Lottery begins at 1:30 pm August 20, 1997 California Public Utilities Commission Training Room 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco The Telecommunications Division of the California Public Utilities Commission will be conducting a lottery to determine allocations of central office codes (NXXs) in the 209, 213, 310, 408, 415/650, 510, 619, 714, 760, 805, 818/626 and 916/530 area codes pursuant to the provisions of D.96-09-087. Applications for NXXs should be submitted to the California Code Administrator prior to close of business August 12, 1997. For information on the lottery process, call (415) 703-2253. If specialized accommodations for the disabled are needed, call the Public Advisor at (415) 703-2032 five working days in advance of the event. PUBLIC MEETING 10 am - 4 pm August 22, 1997 Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Office 1939 Harrison Street, #555 Oakland The California Relay Service Advisory Committee of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Sara Brucker at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TDD. Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings. PUBLIC MEETING 10 am - 4 pm September 2, 1997 Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Office 1939 Harrison Street, #555 Oakland The Administrative Committee of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Shelley Bergum at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TDD. Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings. PUBLIC MEETING 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm September 17, 1997 California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 San Francisco The Administrative Committee of the Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Trust will hold its regular monthly meeting. This meeting can be accessed via teleconference call; however, please provide a 10-day notification prior to the meeting. For a copy of the agenda or more information, contact Terry Wilson-Gray at (510) 452-2757. PUBLIC MEETING 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm October 17, 1997 California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 San Francisco The Administrative Committee of the Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Trust will hold its regular monthly meeting. This meeting can be accessed via teleconference call; however, please provide a 10-day notification prior to the meeting. For a copy of the agenda or more information, contact Terry Wilson-Gray at (510) 452-2757. PUBLIC MEETING 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm November 17, 1997 California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 San Francisco The Administrative Committee of the Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Trust will hold its regular monthly meeting. This meeting can be accessed via teleconference call; however, please provide a 10-day notification prior to the meeting. For a copy of the agenda or more information, contact Terry Wilson-Gray at (510) 452-2757. PUBLIC MEETING 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm December 17, 1997 California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 San Francisco The Administrative Committee of the Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Trust will hold its regular monthly meeting. This meeting can be accessed via teleconference call; however, please provide a 10-day notification prior to the meeting. For a copy of the agenda or more information, contact Terry Wilson-Gray at (510) 452-2757. ============================================================================= NOTICE OF DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR EX PARTE MEETING On September 20, 1996, the Commission adopted Resolution ALJ-169 regarding the "Filing of Notice of Denial of Request for Meeting". The resolution implements an interim procedure whereby a party whose written request for an ex parte meeting with a Commissioner has been denied will be allowed to file a notice of such denial. Copies of Resolution ALJ-169 are available from the Commission's Central Files Office at 505 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco; telephone (415) 703-2045. Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central File Room for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. NONE FILED NOTICE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central File Room for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. 07/25/97 A96-12-009 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, to identify and separate components of electric rates effective January 1, 1998. A96-12-011 San Diego Gas & Electric Company, for authority to unbundle rates and products. A96-12-019 Southern California Edison Company, proposing the functional separation of cost components for energy, transmission and ancillary services, distribution, public benefit programs and nuclear decommissioning, to be effective 1/1/98 in conformance with D95-12-036 as modified by D96-01-009, the 6/21/96 ruling of assigned Commissioner Duque, D96-10-074, and AB 1890. On July 22, 1997, Thomas Bottorff, Vice President of Rates and Accounting Services, met with Cmmrs. Duque and Bilas, in San Francisco. Also present were: Julie Halligan, advisor to Cmmr. Bilas, John Scadding, advisor to Cmmr. Conlon; Michelle Cooke, advisor to Cmmr. Duque; Les Guliasi, Manager of Regulatory Relations, PG&E; and other attendees as indicated on the attached "sign-in sheet." A four-page written handout (attached to notice) entitled cost separation proceeding, was provided. Bottorff stated that PG&E would modify the proposed decision (PD) in two ways: 1) eliminate the proposed $68 million reduction in PG&E's revenue requirement, and 2) the Commission should grant authority to PG&E to establish a Transition Revenue Account. Bottorff further stated that the Commission should reject the alternate PD, because it would create an arbitrage opportunity for marketers and direct access customers, would give PG&E an incentive to promote bundled service, and would harm existing customers who do not take direct access. Bottorff stated that customers can achieve the objectives of this alternate proposal through existing time- of-use tariff options. PG&E Contact: Heidi Holzhauer filed Tel: (415) 972-5611 07/25/97 A94-12-005 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, for authority to decrease its rates and charges for electric and gas service and increase rates and charges for pipeline expansion service-Test Year 1996 General Rate Case. LATE FILED. On July 18, 1997, Joseph DeUlloa, attorney for the Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA), met with Cmmr. Conlon, in San Francisco. Also present were: James Hendry, advisor to Cmmr. Conlon; Sean Casey, for ORA; Gail Slocum, attorney, Paul Stortz, senior representative regulatory relations, Dennis Keane, service analysis department, for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E); Peter Hanschen, attorney agricultural energy consumers association; Christopher Ellison, attorney, and Garth Krause, for Merced Irrigation District; Scott Steffen, attorney, and Chris Mayer, for Modesto Irrigation District; David Byers, attorney for Laguna Irrigation District; Steven Patrick, attorney, and Randall Higa, for Southern California Gas; William Julian, attorney, California Independent Petroleum Association; Margaret Rostker, attorney, and David Parket, for Enron; Jan Smutney-Jones, attorney for Independent Energy Producers. Materials (attached to notice) outlining and supporting ORA's views were used. ORA stated that the settlement agreement is not in the public interest, not consistent with the law and not reasonable. ORA Contact: Susie Toy, Legal Receptionist filed Tel: (415) 703-1858 07/25/97 A94-05-042 AT&T Communications of California, Inc., to be designated a non-dominant interexchange carrier. LATE FILED. On July 21, 1997, Thomas Long, Senior Telecommunications Attorney for The Utility Reform Network (TURN), met with Cmmr. Knight in San Francisco. Dorothy Duda, advisor for Cmmr. Knight, was also present. Long provided a three-page handout (attached to the notice) outlining TURN's presentation. Long stated that the proposed decision (PD) failed to accord any consequence to three critical facts that reveal problems with the validity of competition in the long distance market: 1) AT&T's rates of return have soared in 1994 and 1995; AT&T retained $155 million of the $303 million in access charge reductions it enjoyed as a result of the IRD decision; and 3) AT&T raised its prices for commercial MTS, directory assistance, and operator-handled an calling card services, even though AT&T's costs to provide these services had fallen. Long stated that TURN did not oppose relieving AFT&T of many requirements, but that AT&T must be required to continue to provide rate of return information, information about its rates, and information that compares its rate reductions to its access cost savings. Long stated that the PD would send a message that the Commission did not care about whether access cost savings were flowed through to consumers. TURN Contact: Jasmine Eleftherakis filed Tel: (415) 929-8876, x307 07/25/97 LATE FILED. On July 21, 1997, Thomas Long, Senior Telecommunications Attorney for The Utility Reform Network (TURN), met with Cmmr. Bilas in San Francisco. Lester Wong, advisor for Cmmr. Bilas, was also present. Long provided a three-page handout (attached to the notice) outlining TURN's presentation. Long stated that the proposed decision (PD) failed to accord any consequence to three critical facts that reveal problems with the validity of competition in the long distance market: 1) AT&T's rates of return have soared in 1994 and 1995; AT&T retained $155 million of the $303 million in access charge reductions it enjoyed as a result of the IRD decision; and 3) AT&T raised its prices for commercial MTS, directory assistance, and operator-handled an calling card services, even though AT&T's costs to provide these services had fallen. Long stated that TURN did not oppose relieving AFT&T of many requirements, but that AT&T must be required to continue to provide rate of return information, information about its rates, and information that compares its rate reductions to its access cost savings. Long stated that the PD would send a message that the Commission did not care about whether access cost savings were flowed through to consumers. TURN Contact: Jasmine Eleftherakis filed Tel: (415) 929-8876, x307 07/25/97 A96-11-020 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, for authorization to sell Hunters Point, Morro Bay, Moss Landing, and Oakland generating plants and related assets. On July 22, 1997, Paul Clanon, Director, Energy Division, CPUC, met with Cmmr. Bilas, in San Francisco. Also present were: Julie Halligan, advisor to Cmmr. Bilas; James Hendry and John Scadding, advisors to Cmmr. Conlon; Doug Long, Manager, Energy Division, CPUC; Martha Sullivan and Bruce Kaneshiro, Co-Project Managers, Energy Division, CPUC; Andrew Barnsdale and Gurbux Kahlon, analysts, Energy Division, CPUC; Ed O'Neill, Arocles Aguilar, Fred Harris, and Irene Moosen, attorneys, Legal Division, CPUC; Jonathan Hathaway and Paul Miller, consultants, Environmental Science Associates (ESA); Anna Shimco and Yuri Wan, attorneys, consultants to ESA; Richard McCann, Bob Logan, and Bob Weatherwax, economists, consultants to ESA; Bruce Foster, Vice President, Southern California Edison (SCE); Jeff Koch, attorney, SCE; Peter Lersey, Chief Administrative Officer, SCE; Tom Burhenn, Manager, SCE; Leslie Everett, Vice President, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E); Cheryl Mason, attorney, representing PG&E; and Chris McManus and Kristel Frank, Directors, PG&E. Mason stated that although PG&E continues to differ with the staff and its consultants over how the future market may operate, the staff has narrowed the dispute by clarifying that the "post divestiture" capacity factors shown in the Draft Initial Study (DIS) do not necessarily reflect what is expected to occur. Mason stated that the capacity factors represent the upper boundary of what could happen, irrespective of market conditions. Mason further stated that existing regulations or permit conditions will prevent operating differences from causing environmental harm, which is true considering the plants individually and cumulatively. Mason stated that the absence of evidence of adverse effects on the environment means that the Commission can legally discharge its CEQA obligations by adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration. PG&E Contact: Heidi Holzhauer filed Tel: (415) 972-5611 07/25/97 R95-04-043 Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service, and I95-04-044 Investigation on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. On July 23, 1997, Timothy J. McCallion, Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Vice President-West for GTE California Incorporated (GTE), met with Cmmr. Neeper in San Francisco. Fassil Fenikile, advisor for Cmmr. Neeper, and Jenny M. Wong, Regional Director - Regulatory Planning and Industry Affairs of GTE, were also present. McCallion stated that GTE recommends a balanced approach to resolve the issue of mandated resale discounts on voice mail service (VMS) by simply removing the resale restrictions from the current VMS retail tariffs and allowing carriers the flexibility to negotiate the terms and conditions of this service. GTEC Contact: Jacque Lopez filed Tel: (805) 372-6813 07/25/97 On July 23, 1997, Timothy J. McCallion, Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Vice President-West for GTE California Incorporated (GTE), met with Cmmr. Duque in San Francisco. Tim Sullivan, advisor for Cmmr. Duque, and Jenny M. Wong, Regional Director - Regulatory Planning and Industry Affairs of GTE, were also present. McCallion stated that GTE recommends a balanced approach to resolve the issue of mandated resale discounts on voice mail service (VMS) by simply removing the resale restrictions from the current VMS retail tariffs and allowing carriers the flexibility to negotiate the terms and conditions of this service. GTEC Contact: Jacque Lopez filed Tel: (805) 372-6813 07/28/97 On July 24, 1997, Robert Kargoll, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T Communications of California (AT&T), spoke with Cmmr. Neeper in San Francisco. Fassil Fenikile, advisor for Cmmr. Neeper, also present. Kargoll stated that AT&T supported the draft decision's conclusion that resale voice mail and inside wire service by the LEC be made mandatory. Kargoll stated that if the Commission did not believe that the record was sufficiently developed to adopt such a requirement, then additional comments should be filed by the parties. AT&T Contact: Doretta Dea filed Tel: (415) 442-2985 07/28/97 On July 24, 1997, Robert Kargoll, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T Communications of California (AT&T), met with Cmmr. Conlon in San Francisco. Also present were: Jose Jimenez, advisor for Cmmr. Conlon; John Sumpter, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T; and Rick Witherington, Government Affairs Vice President for AT&T. Kargoll stated that AT&T supported the draft decision's conclusion that resale voice mail and inside wire service by the LEC be made mandatory. Kargoll stated that if the Commission did not believe that the record was sufficiently developed to adopt such a requirement, then additional comments should be filed by the parties. AT&T Contact: Doretta Dea filed Tel: (415) 442-2985 07/28/97 A97-04-015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, to sell and Fred Ryness & Associates to acquire a certain parcel of land in Shasta County pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 851. On July 23, 1997, Ann H. Kim, attorney for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), sent a letter (attached to notice) to Martha Sullivan, of the Commission's Energy Division. Copies were also sent to: Administrative Law Judge Careaga; and co-applicant Fred Rynes. Kim stated that the sale proposed in the application is exempt from CEQA requirements, and to the extent that Buyer may change the property CEQA review would be premature and inappropriate at this time. Kim further stated that the Shasta County Department of Resource Management's Planning Division as conducted CEQA review. A copy of the mitigated negative declaration and related documents are attached to the notice. PG&E Contact: Heidi Holzhauer filed Tel: (415) 972-5611 07/28/97 A94-05-042 AT&T Communications of California, Inc., to be designated a non-dominant interexchange carrier. On July 24, 1997, Robert Kargoll, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T Communications of California (AT&T), met with Cmmr. Conlon in San Francisco. Also present were: Jose Jimenez, advisor for Cmmr. Conlon; John Sumpter, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T; and Rick Witherington, Government Affairs Vice President for AT&T. Witherington stated that AT&T supported the proposed decision, noting that the proposed alternate would retain "rate of return" reporting for AT&T, but not for other long distance carriers. Witherington stated that such a statistic, reported only by AT&T, would be useless in monitoring the long distance market, adding that calculations for the "rate of return," as currently required by previous decisions, provided results of no useful value. Witherington stated that statistics, gathered from all participants, would be more appropriate if the Commission intends to continue monitoring for oversight purposes. A handout (attached to the notice) , outlining AT&T's position was provided. AT&T Contact: Doretta Dea filed Tel: (415) 442-2985 07/28/97 On July 24, 1997, Robert Kargoll, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T Communications of California (AT&T), met with Lester Wong, advisor for Cmmr. Bilas, in San Francisco. John Sumpter, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T; and Rick Witherington, Government Affairs Vice President for AT&T, were also present. Witherington stated that AT&T's advocate's had met with Tom Lang of TURN and Janice Grau of ORA to discuss "rate of return" (ROR) and regulatory requirements. Witherington stated that there was general agreement between the representatives of AT&T, TURN and ORA on useful regulatory requirements; however, there was disagreement over the ROR requirement, which AT&T believes is of no use for regulatory purposes. AT&T Contact: Doretta Dea filed Tel: (415) 442-2985 07/28/97 On July 24, 1997, Robert Kargoll, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T Communications of California (AT&T), met with Cmmr. Duque in San Francisco. Also present were: Tim Sullivan, advisor for Cmmr. Duque; John Sumpter, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T; and Rick Witherington, Government Affairs Vice President for AT&T. Witherington stated that AT&T supported the proposed decision, noting that the proposed alternate would retain "rate of return" reporting for AT&T, but not for other long distance carriers. Witherington stated that such a statistic, reported only by AT&T, would be useless in monitoring the long distance market, adding that calculations for the "rate of return," as currently required by previous decisions, provided results of no useful value. Witherington stated that statistics, gathered from all participants, would be more appropriate if the Commission intends to continue monitoring for oversight purposes. A handout (attached to the notice) , outlining AT&T's position was provided. AT&T Contact: Doretta Dea filed Tel: (415) 442-2985 07/28/97 R93-04-003 Commission Order Instituting Rulemaking on Commission's own motion to govern open access to bottelneck services and establish a framework for network architecture development of dominant carrier networks, and I93-04-002 Commission Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's own motion into open access and network architecture development of dominant carrier networks. AUGMENTATION REQUIRED. On July 24, 1997, Robert Kargoll, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T Communications of California (AT&T), met with Cmmr. Duque in San Francisco. Also present were: Tim Sullivan, advisor for Cmmr. Duque; John Sumpter, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T; and Rick Witherington, Government Affairs Vice President, were also present. Kargoll requested that the Commission support the schedule proposed by AT&T and MCI in the resale phase of OANAD, were also present. A handout (attached to the notice) was distributed. AT&T Contact: Doretta Dea filed Tel: (415) 442-2985 07/28/97 A96-11-046 Southern California Edison Company, for authority to sell gas-fired electrical generation facilities. AUGMENTATION REQUIRED. LATE FILED. On July 22, 1997, Bruce Foster, Vice President of Southern California Edison company (Edison), met with Cmmr. Bilas in San Francisco. Also present were: Julie Halligan; Jim Hendry; John Scadding; Paul Clanon; Doug Long; Martha Sullivan; Bruce Kaneshiro; Andrew Barnsdale; and Gurbux Kahlon from the Commission's Energy Division; Ed O'Neill; Fred Harris; Arocles Aguilar; and Irene Moosen from the Commission's Legal Division; and ALJ Brian Cragg; John Hathaway; Paul Miller; Anna Shimko; Yuri Won; Bob Logan; Richard McCann and Bob Weatherwax outside consultant's for the Commission; Leslie Everett; Chris McManus; Kristel Frank; and Cheryl Mason from Pacific Gas and Electric Company; Peter Lersey, Tom Burhenn and Jeff Koch from Edison. Edison's representatives reiterated Edison's position that a CEQA initial study should compare the reasonably expected results of the subject project, to the environmental conditions that would be reasonably expected to exist in the future without the project as a consequence of currently identifiable laws and other factors. Edison stated that under this correct approach, the Draft Initial Study does not support requiring an EIR. Edison stated that the prompt resolution of the CEQA is important to its planned divestiture of generating stations in 1997. Edison Contact: Barbara Cao filed Tel: (818) 302-2310 07/28/97 A96-03-007 Pacific Bell Communications, for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide InterLATA and IntraLATA telecommunications services. On July 24, 1997, Robert Kargoll, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T Communications of California (AT&T), met with Cmmr. Conlon in San Francisco. Also present were: Jose Jimenez, advisor for Cmmr. Conlon; John Sumpter, Regulatory Advocate for AT&T; Rick Witherington, Government Affairs Vice President for AT&T; and William Harrelson. Kargoll and Harrelson requested that the Commission support the proposed decision (PD), explaining that the PD properly found that Pacific Bell's joint marketing of PB Com's services must be conducted by a separate group of service representatives. AT&T Contact: Doretta Dea filed Tel: (415) 442-2985 07/29/97 On July 24, 1997, Dan Jacobsen, Director of Regulatory and External Affairs for Pacific Bell Communications (PBCOM), met with Cmmr. Neeper in San Francisco. Also present were: Fassil Fenikile, advisor for Cmmr. Neeper; John Gueldner, Vice President - Pacific Bell Regulatory (PacBell); and Dave Morse, Consumer Services Vice President - Pacific Bell. PBCOM and PacBell stated that customers would be frustrated by the call transfer requirement in the proposed decision due to longer contact times, redundant questions and the service representatives' inability to answer questions related to existing customer records. PBCOM Contact: Erin Servo filed Tel: (510) 468-5165 OTHER BUSINESS None REMOVALS FROM CALENDAR NONE