Daily Calendar California Public Utilities Commission Thursday, June 11, 1998 Page 2 Public Utilities Commission of the State of California Wesley M. Franklin, Executive Director Headquarters Southern California Office 505 Van Ness Avenue 107 So. Broadway, Room 5109 San Francisco, CA 94102 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (415) 703-2782 (213) 897-2973 Website: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov Daily Calendar Thursday, June 11, 1998 ú Regular Commission Meetings ú Notices ú Glossary ú Subscription Information (Daily Calendar and Agenda) ú Commissioner Office Hours ú Public Meetings and Workshops ú New Filings ú Petitions for Modification and Applications for Rehearing ú Draft Decisions/Proposed Decisions/Alternates/Presiding Officer's Decisions/ Arbitrator's Reports ú Advice Letter Filings ú Miscellaneous Transportation Items ú Adjournments/Resettings/Submissions ú Removals from Calendar ú New Settings ú Law and Motion Hearings ú Hearings ú Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting ú Notice of All-Party Meetings (PU Code 1701.3(c) ) ú Notice of Ex Parte Communications REGULAR COMMISSION BUSINESS MEETINGS June 18, 1998 10 am San Francisco July 2, 1998 10 am San Francisco July 23, 1998 10 am San Francisco COMMISSION RATESETTING DELIBERATIVE MEETINGS (Not Open to the Public) ú Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered. ú June 15, 1998 1:30 pm San Francisco June 29, 1998 1:30 pm San Francisco July 20, 1998 1:30 pm San Francisco NOTICES Delivery of Formal Pleadings for Filing Unless otherwise directed, all courier-delivered documents submitted for filing as part of the formal record in a proceeding should be hand-carried directly to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco; Room 5109, 107 South Broadway in Los Angeles; or Room 4006, 1350 Front Street in San Diego. All documents sent through the mail for formal filing should be addressed ONLY to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. The Payphone Service Provider's Enforcement Committee has proposed a Charter for approval by the CPUC. A protest must be made in writing and received within 20 days from the date of this calendar item. Protest must be delivered to Director, Telecommunications Division, 505 Van Ness Ave., Room 3203, San Francisco, CA, 94102. Charge for Commission Documents To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00. The Payphone Service Enforcement Committee submitted to the Executive Director of the Commission a proposed budget and a surcharge recommendation. Copies have been served to the service list in I.88-04-029. Any protests must be made in writing and received within 20 days to the Director of the Telecommunications Division in Room 3210, 505 Van Ness Ave. in San Francisco, California 94102. GLOSSARY After January 1, 1998, the California Public Utilities Commission is required by statute (SB 960) to categorize each case that comes before it. There are three categories, quasi- legislative, adjudicatory and ratesetting. If a case does not require hearings before it is resolved, the case is removed from the SB 960 category requirements. The legend below shows the abbreviation for each of the categories and provides a brief explanation. Q Quasi-legislative proceedings are proceedings that establish policy or rules (including generic ratemaking policy or rules) affecting a class of regulated entities, including those proceedings in which the Commission investigates rates or practices for an entire regulated industry or class of entities within the industry. A Adjudicatory proceedings are: (1) enforcement investigations into possible violations of any provision of statutory law or order or rule of the Commission; and (2) complaints against regulated entities, including those complaints that challenge the accuracy of a bill, but excluding those complaints that challenge the reasonableness of rates or charges, past, present, or future. RS Ratesetting proceedings are proceedings in which the Commission sets or investigates rates for a specifically named utility (or utilities), or establishes a mechanism that in turn sets the rates for a specifically named utility (or utilities). Ratesetting proceedings include complaints that challenge the reasonableness of rates or charges, past, present, or future. N/A Removed from the SB 960 category requirements. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Notice for Draft Agenda Items In compliance with Public Utilities Code Section 311.5, parties who wish to subscribe to receive draft agenda items may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003; 505 Van Ness Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94102; or by calling (415) 703-1798. The cost for a one-year subscription to the entire public agenda package (which excludes Executive Session materials) is $1,000. You may also order a partial agenda package (energy agenda items only or telecommunication agenda items only) at the cost of $500 per year. The package you receive via mail will include only those agenda items available at the time of the agenda distribution date, which is usually 10 to 12 days prior to the Commission meeting. If agenda items (including revisions) are not ready on the distribution date, they will be made available at no charge in the lobby outside the Commission Auditorium at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the Commission meeting, but not earlier. In addition, the Commission will make draft agenda items available for viewing and photocopying (at 20 cents per page) at the Commission's Central Files Office (Room 2002), 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, and in the Los Angeles, San Diego, and the following field offices: El Centro, Eureka, Sacramento and San Bernardino. Since the agenda package will be mailed to these locations, it will be available at these locations a day or two after the distribution date. These locations will not receive agenda items that are not ready on the distribution date. If an agenda item is held over to a subsequent Commission meeting, that agenda item and any revisions to that agenda item that were available on the morning of the initial Commission meeting (as well as any further available revisions) will be mailed in the Escutia package for the subsequent Commission meeting; the item and its revisions will also be available for viewing and photocopying in the Commission's Central Files Office and field offices as set forth above. Intervenors who have a financial hardship determination pending or granted shall be eligible to receive draft agenda item packets at no charge. The cost to receive the agenda only, without copies of draft agenda items, remains at $75 per year. Subscription Notice for Daily Calendar and/or Agenda Parties who wish to subscribe to the Daily Calendar and/or the Agenda may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003; 505 Van Ness Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94102; or by calling (415) 703- 1798. The subscription cost for the Daily Calendar is $225 per year. The Biweekly Daily Calendar is $50 per year. The Agenda is $75 per year. Checks are to be made payable to the Public Utilities Commission. COMMISSIONER OFFICE HOURS (For further information or to make an appointment, please contact Sandra Graham at (213) 897-3544). Date/Time Commissioner Location 6/12/98, 9 am - Josiah Neeper State Office Building 12 pm 1350 Front Street, Room 4006 San Diego PUBLIC MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS Roundtable Discussion Notice Thursday, June 11, 1998 California Public Utilities 9 am Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue Commission Auditorium San Francisco The Assigned Commissioners and Administrative Law Judge in R.98-01-011 will hold an industry roundtable discussion on the safety issues related to the unbundling of meters, meter reading services, and services beyond the meter . The roundtable discussion is open to the public and the auditorium is wheelchair accessible. For more information contact Trina Horner at (415) 703-2132. Public Meeting June 11, 1998 Holiday Inn Ontario 9 am - 5 pm Ontario Room Electric Education Trust 3400 Shelby Street Administrative Committee Ontario The Administrative Committee of the Electric Education Trust (EET) meets to develop an implementation work plan for a CBO grant program. The contact person is William Schulte at (415) 703-2349. Public Meeting June 11, 1998 (Thursday) Interim Administrative Committee 9:30 am - 12 pm California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Roon 3204 (Corner of Van Ness and McAllister) San Francisco The Interim Administrative Committee will hold its monthly meeting to discuss: 1. Introduction and Public Comments, 2. Review and Approval of 4/24/98 Meeting Minutes, 3. Current Status of the California High Cost Fund B and the California Teleconnect Fund, and 4. Review and Approval of Disbursements for the California High Cost Fund A. The contact person for this meeting is Angela Young at 415.703.2837. Public Meeting June 11, 1998 Deaf and Disabled 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The Equipment Program Advisory Committee of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting June 11, 1998 Holiday Inn Ontario 5 pm - 9 pm Ontario Room Electric Education Trust 3400 Shelby Street Program Design Ontario Subcommittee The Program Design Subcommittee of the Electric Education Trust (EET) meets to consider the elements of a CBO grant program. The contact person is Geoffrey Meloche at (916) 654- 5085. Continuation Meeting June 12, 1998 California Power Exchange 10 am 1000 S. Fremont Avenue Bldg. A-9 West, 5th Floor Electric Education Trust Alhambra Administrative Committee The Administrative Committee of the Electric Education Trust (EET) continues its meeting of June 11 for an information- only tour of the California Power Exchange facilities in Alhambra. No business will be conducted. The contact person is William Schulte at (415) 703-2349. Public Meeting June 15, 1998 Deaf and Disabled 1 pm - 4 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The DDTP NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING (NPRM) SUB-COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410/Voice or (510) 874-1411/TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting June 16, 1998 California Public Utilities 10 am - 3 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 4206 San Francisco The TDD Placement Interim Committee will conduct a monthly meeting. For more information, please contact Adam Thaler at (415) 703-1157. Public Meeting June 16, 1998 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 10 am - 4 pm Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 block west of Designated Conference the Moscone Center) Leader: San Francisco Dennis Guido/PG&E To join via teleconference: Dial: (212) 293-3180 Reservation No. 4074787 Passcode: 3823526# As provided for in Public Utilities Commission D.97-09-117, one or more LIGB Advisory Committee members may be participating in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public may participate in the meeting by calling the above number on the day of the meeting. If you experience difficulty in trying to access this conference call, please contact Confertech at 1-800-252-5150. The Low Income Governing Board Advisory Committee (LIGBAC) will meet on the following agenda: Welcome and Introduction Chairperson's report, review meeting minutes, public comments, substitantiative program designs, other business. These meetings are open to the public. You can get the materials for this meeting by phoning the LIGBAC at 415 703- 2565 and leaving a message with your name, phone and fax number at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting time. Workshop Notice June 17, 1998 San Diego Gas and Electric Company 10 am 101 Ash Street, Seminar rooms 1 and 2 San Diego The Utilities Safety Branch staff will conduct a workshop to address the development and expansion of programs to increase public education and awareness of the hazards of the proximity of trees and vegetation to utility overhead power lines. The workshop is open to the public and meeting room is wheelchair accessible. For more information contact Fadi Daye at (213) 897-8420 or Byron Shovlain at (619) 525-4741. Public Meeting: CARE and LIEE Committees of the Low Income Governing Board June 17, 1998 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 10 am - 4 pm Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 block west of the Moscone Center) San Francisco To join via teleconference for the CARE Committee Dial: (415) 904-8843 Pass Code: 2368254# Reservation Number 4103965 To join via teleconference for the LIEE Committee Dial (415) 904-8834 Pass Code 5844919# Reservation Number 4103851 As provided for in Public Utilities Commission D.97-09-117, one or more LIGB members may be participating in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public may participate in the meeting by calling the above number on the day of the meeting. Parties experiencing difficulty may contact Confertech at (800) 252-5150 and provide the applicable reservation number listed above. Katherine McKenney is the conference leader for the CARE Committee call and Henry Knawls is the conference leader for the LIEE call. The CARE Committee and the LIEE Committee of the Low Income Governing Board will each meet on the following agenda: address policy/program revisions for 1999 low income programs, including determining policy areas to investigate, outline workplan, designate tasks, identify needed information, identify sources of information, work with Advisory Committee, take public comment, develop recommendations for Low Income Governing Board. Public Meeting June 17, 1998 California Public Utilities 1:30 pm - 4 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 (Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) San Francisco The Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS) Administrative Committee will hold its regularly scheduled monthly meeting to address the following: approve meeting minutes, approve telephone claims, review and approve administrative expenses, authorize administrative transfer, review/approve administrative report and staffing concerns, review/approve ULTSMB claims, review/acceptance of Amervest report, review/approve comments to Decision 98-04-067, review the Public Payphone Funding Proposal, hear public comments, and set future agenda items. If you would like to join the meeting by phone conference and/or receive a copy of the full agenda and meeting materials, please notify the ULTS Trust office at (510) 452- 2757. Public Meeting: The Low Income Governing Board (LIGB) June 18, 1998 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 10 am - 4 pm Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 block west of the Moscone Center) San Francisco To join via teleconference Dial: (212) 293-3133 Pass Code 3146936# Reservation Number 417954 As provided for in Public Utilities Commission D.97-09-117, one or more LIGB members may be participating in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public may participate in the meeting by calling the above number on the day of the meeting. Parties experiencing difficulty may contact Confertech at (800) 252-5150 and provide the applicable reservation number listed above. Henry Knawls is the conference leader for the call. The LIGB will meet on the following agenda: Chairperson's report, receive public comments, review meeting minutes, discuss legal and contract issues, address budget planning/ financial status, receive report on Advisory Committee activities, receive report and recommendations from CARE and LIEE committees, discuss process for forwarding recommendations to Commission, develop agenda for next Board meeting, and schedule future meetings. This meeting is open to the public; materials may be requested at least 24 hours in advance by calling 415-703-2565 and leaving a fax number. If necessary, immediately following the conclusion of the public meeting, the LIGB will hold an Executive Session (closed session) to discuss pending litigation regarding letters of agreement for outside consulting services, including the SPB's letter ruling of February 4, 1998, and the related case -- California State Employees Association et al. v. California State Personnel Board et al., Case No. 978CS03024 (Sacramento County Superior Court). The closed session is conducted pursuant to Government Code Sections 11126(e)(1), 11126(e)(2)(B)(i), and 11126(f)(6). Public Meeting June 17, 1998 California Public Utilities 1:30 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue Training Room San Francisco LOTTERY FOR TELEPHONE NUMBER PREFIX ASSIGNMENTS IN THE 209, 213/323, 310, 408/831, 415, 510/925, 619, 714/949, 805, 818/626, 909, AND 916/530 NUMBERING PLAN AREAS The Telecommunications Division of the California Public Utilities Commission will be conducting a lottery to determine allocations of central office codes (NXXs) in the 209, 213/323, 310, 408, 415, 510/925, 619, 714/949, 805, 818/626, 909, and 916/530 area codes pursuant to the provisions of D.96-09-087. Applications should be submitted to the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA) Central Office (CO) Code Administration prior to the close of business on JUNE 9, 1998. For information on the lottery process, call (415) 703- 1879. If specialized accommodations for the disabled are needed, call the Public Advisor at (415) 703-2032 five working days in advance of the event. Public Meetings: Public Policy Payphones The Telecommunications Division will be holding Public Meetings on Public Policy Payphones seeking input from the public regarding the implementation of a statewide Public Policy Payphone Program in compliance with FCC orders. Public Policy Payphones are payphones made available to the general public in the interest of public health, safety and welfare at locations where there would not otherwise be a payphone. The schedule follows: June 22, 1998 Redding Senior Center 7 - 9 pm 2290 Benton Drive Redding, CA 96003 June 23, 1998 California Public Utilities 7 - 9 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Hearing Room A San Francisco, CA 94102 June 25, 1998 City Council Chambers 7 - 9 pm 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 June 29, 1998 Fresno City Hall, City Council 7 - 9 pm Chambers 2600 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 Contact Persons: Robert Weissman at 415-703-1989 or Linda Rochester at 415-703-2770. Public Meeting June 23, 1998 California Public Utilities 9:30 am - 2:30 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 4206 San Francisco The Payphone Service Providers Enforcment Committee will conduct a monthly meeting. For more information, please contact Adam Thaler at (415) 703-1157. Public Meeting June 24, 1998 Deaf and Disabled 9 am - 12 noon Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The DDTP DATABASE CENTRALIZATION PROJECT of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real- time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874- 1410/Voice or (510) 874-1411/TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting June 25, 1998 Deaf and Disabled 9 am - 12 noon Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The NATURAL DISASTERS SUB-COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410/Voice or (510) 874-1411/TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE! June 25, 1998 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 9:30 am - 4 pm Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 blk west of Moscone Center) San Francisco The California Board for Energy Efficiency will meet to discuss the status of administrative, legal and technical services to CBEE and CBEE comments as required; the status of legislation impacting energy efficiency issues and CBEE comments if necessary; the status of the RFP for independent administration and associated Commission decisions; issues related to utility assets and liabilities and verification and other reporting requirements; the Technical Advisory Committee and CBEE operational matters; a review of 1998 energy efficiency programs including research RFPs; and planning for 1999 energy efficiency programs and research necessary to aid that planning process. The contact person is Sara Myers, (415) 387-1904. For further details about CBEE and this meeting consult the CBEE Web Page at www.cbee.org . Public Meeting June 25, 1998 Carson Conference Center 9 am - 5 pm Carson Community Center Electric Education Trust 801 East Carson Street Administrative Committee Carson The Administrative Committee of the Electric Education Trust (EET) meets to design a CBO grant program and consider other matters related to consumer education about electric restructuring. The contact person is William Schulte at (415) 703-2349. Public Meeting PLEASE NOTE: AN ADDITIONAL DATE HAS BEEN ADDED! June 25, 1998 Deaf and Disabled 1 pm - 5 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street and DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland June 26, 1998 10 am - 4 pm The California Relay Service Advisory Committee (CRSAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting June 26, 1998 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 9:30 am - 4 pm Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 blk west of Moscone Center) San Francisco The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to the California Board for Energy Efficiency (CBEE) will meet to discuss the status of the California Board for Energy Efficiency; the meeting will include a discussion of the Board's activities, the status of administrative support, the schedule for the new administrator, and how a transition to a new administrator can occur in 1999. There will be a discussion of proposed recommendations to the CBEE on Program Classification, Cost-effectiveness, Capability of Market Transformation, and Market Assessment; a discussion of the status of 1998 energy efficiency programs; a discussion of energy efficiency programs for 1999, including market segments and market actors; a discussion of TAC report to the California Board for Energy Efficiency; and discussion of future activities. The contact person the Chair of the TAC Wm. Stevens Taber, Jr. at 415-457-1848. For further details about CBEE and this meeting consult the CBEE Web Page at www.cbee.org. Public Meeting PLEASE NOTE NEW TIME! June 30, 1998 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 10 am - 5 pm Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 block west of Designated Conference the Moscone Center) Leader: San Francisco Dennis Guido/PG&E To join via teleconference: Dial: (212) 293-3180 Reservation No. 4074787 Passcode: 3823526# As provided for in Public Utilities Commission D.97-09-117, one or more LIGB Advisory Committee members may be participating in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public may participate in the meeting by calling the above number on the day of the meeting. If you experience difficulty in trying to access this conference call, please contact Confertech at 1-800-252-5150. The Low Income Governing Board Advisory Committee (LIGBAC) will meet on the following agenda: Welcome and Introduction Chairperson's report, review meeting minutes, public comments, substitantiative program designs, other business. These meetings are open to the public. You can get the materials for this meeting by phoning the LIGBAC at 415 703- 2565 and leaving a message with your name, phone and fax number at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting time. Public Meeting July 1, 1998 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 8:30 am - 3 pm Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 block west of Designated Conference the Moscone Center) Leader: San Francisco Dennis Guido/PG&E To join via teleconference: Dial: (212) 293-3180 Reservation No. 4074787 Passcode: 3823526# As provided for in Public Utilities Commission D.97-09-117, one or more LIGB Advisory Committee members may be participating in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public may participate in the meeting by calling the above number on the day of the meeting. If you experience difficulty in trying to access this conference call, please contact Confertech at 1-800-252-5150. The Low Income Governing Board Advisory Committee (LIGBAC) will meet on the following agenda: Welcome and Introduction Chairperson's report, review meeting minutes, public comments, substitantiative program designs, other business. These meetings are open to the public. You can get the materials for this meeting by phoning the LIGBAC at 415 703- 2565 and leaving a message with your name, phone and fax number at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting time. Public Meeting July 1, 1998 California Public Utilities 10 am - 3 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 4206 San Francisco The TDD Placement Interim Committee will conduct a monthly meeting. For more information, please contact Adam Thaler at (415) 703-1157. Public Meeting July 7, 1998 Deaf and Disabled 10 am - 4 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The Administrative Committee of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting July 9, 1998 Deaf and Disabled 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The Equipment Program Advisory Committee of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting July 14, 1998 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 10 am - 5 pm Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 block west of Designated Conference the Moscone Center) Leader: San Francisco Dennis Guido/PG&E To join via teleconference: Dial: (212) 293-3180 Reservation No. 4074787 Passcode: 3823526# As provided for in Public Utilities Commission D.97-09-117, one or more LIGB Advisory Committee members may be participating in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public may participate in the meeting by calling the above number on the day of the meeting. If you experience difficulty in trying to access this conference call, please contact Confertech at 1-800-252-5150. The Low Income Governing Board Advisory Committee (LIGBAC) will meet on the following agenda: Welcome and Introduction Chairperson's report, review meeting minutes, public comments, substitantiative program designs, other business. These meetings are open to the public. You can get the materials for this meeting by phoning the LIGBAC at 415 703- 2565 and leaving a message with your name, phone and fax number at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting time. Public Meeting July 15, 1998 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 8:30 am - 3 pm Energy Center 851 Howard Street (1 block west of Designated Conference the Moscone Center) Leader: San Francisco Dennis Guido/PG&E To join via teleconference: Dial: (212) 293-3180 Reservation No. 4074787 Passcode: 3823526# As provided for in Public Utilities Commission D.97-09-117, one or more LIGB Advisory Committee members may be participating in this meeting via teleconference. Members of the public may participate in the meeting by calling the above number on the day of the meeting. If you experience difficulty in trying to access this conference call, please contact Confertech at 1-800-252-5150. The Low Income Governing Board Advisory Committee (LIGBAC) will meet on the following agenda: Welcome and Introduction Chairperson's report, review meeting minutes, public comments, substitantiative program designs, other business. These meetings are open to the public. You can get the materials for this meeting by phoning the LIGBAC at 415 703- 2565 and leaving a message with your name, phone and fax number at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting time. Public Meeting July 24, 1998 Deaf and Disabled 10 am - 4 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The California Relay Service Advisory Committee (CRSAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. NEW FILINGS NONE PETITIONS FOR MODIFICATION AND APPLICATIONS FOR REHEARING 6/8/98 A95-12-043 Pacific Bell, for authority to increase and restructure certain rates of its Integrated Services Digital Network Services. C96-02-002 Compaq Computer Corporation and Intel Corporation vs. Pacific Bell; for unjust and unreasonable rates and charges, and practices, and inadequate service for its integrated services digital network services, Application for rehearing of D98-05- 014 by Dirk Hughes-Hartogs and Thomas McWilliams DRAFT DECISIONS * PROPOSED DECISIONS * ALTERNATES * PRESIDING OFFICER'S DECISION * ARBITRATOR'S REPORTS NONE ADVICE LETTER FILINGS NONE MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION ITEMS June 11, 1998 Filings with Rail Safety and Carriers Division 06/05/98 TCP-11842- Susan Jean Wenzel, DBA Embassy B International Limousine, Address: 7222 Daffodil Place, Carlsbad,CA 92009; Tel.No. (760) 931-1700; Terminal Address: 6102 G Avenida, Encinas, CA 92009, application for new TCP Class B Certificate ADJOURNMENTS * RESETTINGS * SUBMISSIONS R93-04- McKenzie-Commission Order Instituting 003 Rulemaking, open access to bottleneck I93-04- services, etc., and related matter, 003 Evidentiary Hearing held and submitted upon receipt of opening briefs due July 10 and reply briefs due July 31 A97-12- Malcolm-Southern California Gas 048 Company, unbundling, Evidentiary Hearing held and continued to 9 am, June 11, San Francisco C98-02- Walker-Irvine Apartment Communities, 020 Inc., Evidentiary Hearing held and continued to 9 am, June 11, San Francisco A98-10- Cragg-Pacific Gas and Electric 008 Company, Hunters Point, Potrero, Pittsburg, Contra Costa Power Plants, Evidentiary Hearing held and no report given REMOVALS FROM CALENDAR C94-12- Malcolm-Credit Bureau Northern 042 California vs. U.S. Sprint Communications Company, hearing set for June 17, removed from calendar NEW SETTINGS 6/30/98 10:00 am (PHC)-Lynda Dabrowski vs. MCI ALJ Bennett C97-08- Telecommunications Corporation, for Comr Bilas 036 raising rates on collect calls from California prisons, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco LAW AND MOTION Law and Motion Hearings are held before Administrative Law Judge Steven Kotz at 9:30 am in one of the Commission's San Francisco Office Hearing Rooms, unless otherwise noted. Law and Motion procedures are governed by Resolution ALJ 164. Copies of Resolution ALJ 164 are available from the Commission's Documents Desk (415) 703-1713 or from Central Files (415) 703-2045 6/16/98 9:30 am NONE SCHEDULED 6/23/98 9:30 am NONE SCHEDULED 6/30/98 9:30 am NONE SCHEDULED HEARINGS Dates in parentheses following the word "also" are subject to change without notice. the assigned Commissioner's name is listed next to the proceedings as matter of record; the assigned Commissioner may not be present at the hearing. (PHC) = Prehearing Conference (OA) = Oral Argument (EH) = Evidentiary Hearing (WS) = Workshop (PPH) = Public Participation (FPH) = Full Panel Hearing Hearing (IAM) = Initial Arbitration (AH) = Arbitration Meeting Hearing (M) = Mediation (CA) = Closing Argument 6/11/98 9:00 am (EH)-Southern California Gas Company, ALJ A97-12- for authority to unbundle core Malcolm 048 interstate pipeline transportation, Comr Commission Courtroom, San Francisco Knight also June 12, San Francisco) 6/11/98 9:00 am (EH)-Irvine Apartment Communities, ALJ Walker C98-02- Inc., by and through its agent, CoxCom Comr 020 Inc., dba Cox Communications Orange Knight County and Cox California Telcom, Inc. vs. Pacific Bell, for violation of tariff obligations and failure to comply with request to reconfigure existing wiring and to install a cross- connect facility, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also June 12, San Francisco) 6/11/98 10:00 am (PHC)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ Bushey I98-03- Investigation into the operations, Comr Neeper 039 practices and conduct of America's Tele-Network Corp. (ATN), John W. Little, president of ATN, and Geri Clary, Controller of ATN, to determine whether the corporation or its principals have violated Rule 1 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure or have violated the laws, rules and regulations governing the manner in which California consumers are switched from one long- distance carrier to another, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/12/98 10:00 am (PHC)-Dino Bozzetto, dba Los Guilicos ALJ Weiss A98-01- Water Works, and Glen Ellen Water Comr Duque 020 Co., LLP, for authority to transfer Los Guilicos Water Cworks from Dino Bozzeto to Glen Ellen Water Co., LLC, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/15/98 10:00 am (EH)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ Ryerson I97-06- Investigation, on the Commission's Comr Bilas 036 own motion, into the operations and practices of Elite Moving and Storage, Inc. and its chairman, John Small and its President, Chad Price, as individuals, respondents, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also June 16-17, San Francisco) 6/15/98 1:30 pm (PHC)-Richard L. Steiner vs. Southern ALJ C96-08- California Gas Company, and Palm Weissman 028 Springs Mobilehome Properties, dba Comr Sahara Mobilehome Park, for Conlon overcharges and rate discrimination, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/16/98 9:00 am (EH)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ Bushey I98-04- Investigation into the operations and Comr Neeper 033 practices of affiliated companies Future Net Inc. and Future Net Online, Inc. dba Future Electric Network and individuals Alan Setlin and Larry Huff, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/16/98 10:00 am (OA)-Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ Malcolm A97-11- Company, to identify cost savings for Comr Duque 004 revenue cycle services provided by other entities and to propose credits for end-use customers in such A97-11- circumstances, and 011 (OA)-Southern California Edison Company, to identify cost savings for revenue cycle services provided by other entities and to propose net avoided-cost credits for end-use A97-11- customers in such circumstances for 012 implementation on 1/1/99, and, (EH)-San Diego Gas & Electric Company, to identify cost savings for revenue cycle services provided by other entities and to propose credits for end-use customers in such circumstances for implementation no later than 1/1/99, Phase 2,Commission Courtroom, San Francisco; also (OA) for 10:00 am, June 16, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco) 6/16/98 2:00 pm (PHC)-Southern California Water ALJ Walker A98-03- Company, for authority to increase Comr Duque 029 rates by $661,700 or 34/51% in 1999; A98-03- by $249,000 or 9.71% in 2000; and by 030 $258,800 or 9.19% in 2001 in the A98-03- Desert District, and related matters, 031 Commission Courtroom, San Francisco A98-03-0 32 A98-03- 033 A98-03- 034 6/17/98 10:00 (EH)-Brian Campbell vs. GTE ALJ Wright a.m. California, Inc. for incorrect Comr Neeper C98-03- listing of the business and 054 reimbursement of $58,151.22, improperly billed to complainant, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 6/17/98 10:00 (PHC)-Utility Reform Network and ALJ Barnett a.m. Office of Ratepayer Advocates vs. Comr Bilas C98-04- Southern California Edison Company, 019 for violation of the affiliate transaction rules, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/19/98 10:00 am (PHC)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ I95-06- Investigation into the operations and Ryerson 008 practices of Mini Bus Systems, Inc., Comr Duque dba Super Shuttle, and its president, Carl Melvin, for repeated violations of the Vehicle Code, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 6/19/98 10:00 am Utility Resource Management Group on ALJ C97-10- behalf of the Las Virgenes Unified Ryerson 059 School District vs. Southern Comr California Edison Company, for Neeper overbilling due to erroneous classification as TOU-8 instead of I-6 Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 6/19/98 10:00 (PHC)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ Ryerson a.m. Investigation, into the operations Comr Duque I95-06- and practices of Bahram Shahab and 007 Mirhdad Hajimoradi, DBA L.A. Xpress Airport Shuttle for violations of the safety requirements of the California Highway Patrol and the California Vehicle Code; and G.O. 158, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 6/22/98 10:00 (PHC)-The Utility Consumers Action ALJ Kenney a.m. Network vs. Pacific Bell, for unlawful Comr C98-04- and deceptive sales programs and Neeper 004 practices Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/22/98 1:30 pm (PHC)-Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ Careaga A98-04- Company, for authorization to sell Comr Conlon 016 the El Dorado Hydroelectric Project to the El Dorado Irrigation District, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/23/98 10:00 (PHC)-San Diego Gas and Electric for ALJ Barnett a.m. authority to increase its authorized Comr Duque A98-05- return on ncommon equity, to adjust 019 its existing ratemaking capital structure, to adjust its authorized embedded costs of debt and preferred stock, to decrease its overall rate of return, and to revise its electric A98-05- distribution and gas rates 021 accordingly; and (PHC)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company for authority to establish its authorized rated of return on common equity for electric A98-05- distribution and gas distribution, 024 and establish its unbundled rates of return for calendar year 1999 for electric distribution and gas distribution; and Southern California Edison Company, for consideration of unbundled rate of return on common equity, capital structure, cost factors for embedded debt and preferred stock, and overall rate of return for utility operations, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/24/98 10:00 am (PHC)-California-American Water ALJ Kotz A97-03- Company, for a certificate that the Comr Duque 052 present ad future public convenience and necessity requires applicant to construct and operate the 24,000 acre- foot Carmel River Dam and Reservoir in the Monterey Division and to recover A98-05- all present and future costs in 008 connection therewith in rates, and (PHC)-California-American Water Company, for authority to establish a balancing account for costs related to A98-05- mandatory conservation in the Monterey 009 Division, and (PHC)-California-American Water Company, for an order authorizing it A98-05- to increase its rates for water 010 service in its Monterey Division, and (PHC)-California-American Water Company, for an A98-05- order imposing a moratorium on all new 011 or expanded water service connections in the Monterey Division, and (PHC)-California-American Water Company, for an order authorizing adoption of Rule No. 14.2 and Tarrif Schedule Nos. MO-8A and MO-8B, Conference Center, Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1 Old Golf Course Road, Monterey 6/25/98 1:30 pm (PHC)-Pacific Bell Communications, for ALJ Walker A96-03- a certificate of public convenience Comr 007 and necessity to provide InterLATA and Neeper IntraLATA telecommunications services, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/26/98 9:30 a.m. (CA)-Pacific Bell, for a third ALJ A98-02- triennial review of the regulatory Mattson 003 framework adopted in D89-10-031, and Comr R98-03- (CA)-Commission Order Instituting Knight 040 Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion, into the third triennial review of the regulatory framework adopted in D89-10-031 for GTE California Incorporated and Pacific Bell., Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/26/98 10:00 am (ECP)-Doreen Charles vs. GTE ALJ C98-05- California Incorporated, for Barnett 042 overpayment in the amounts of $2,158.09 and $365.00, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 6/29/98 9:00 am (EH)-Citizens Utilities Company of ALJ A97-11- California, for a general rate McVicar 007 increase of $210,305 or 31.97% for the Comr Duque year 1998; $34,846 or 4.0% for the year 1999; attrition revenue increase of 3.8% for the year 2000 in the A97-11- Felton District, and 008 (EH)-Citizens Utilities Company of California, for a general rate increase of $481,362 or 38.3% for the year 1998; no increase is being A97-11- requested for 1999 and the attrition 009 year 2000 in the Larkfield District, and ((EH)-Citizens Utilities Company of California, for a general rate increase of $1,400,275 o 9.0%$ for the year 1998; $1,274,163 or 7.4% for the year 1999; an attrition revenue increase of 6.9% for the year 2000 in the Sacramento District, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/30/98 10:00 am (PHC)-Lynda Dabrowski vs. MCI ALJ C97-08- Telecommunications Corporation, for Bennett 036 raising rates on collect calls from Comr Bilas California prisons, Commission Courtroom, San Francvisco 7/1/98 10:00 am (EH)-Landmark Communications, Inc., ALJ Ramsey A97-07- for certificate of public convenience Comr Bilas 008 and necessity to resell interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications services, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also July 2 and 3, San Francisco) 7/6/98 1:00 p.m. (E-H)-Utility Audit Company, Inc. vs. ALJ C98-02- Southern California Gas Company Edison Ryerson 044 for overcharging Parkwest Apartments; Comr Duque seeking order for Southern California Gas Company to make refunds to Parkwest Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 7/14/98 9:00 am (OA)-Southern California Edison ALJ A97-12- Company, for an order approving Gottstein 043 termination agreement for termination Comr Duque of Interim Standard Offer No. 4 Power Purchase Agreement with Harbor Cogeneration Company, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/20/98 9:30 a.m. (EH)-Eric Diesel vs. Pacific Gas and ALJ Weiss C98-01- Electric Company, for failure to Comr Duque 032 comply with a California Public Utilities Commission decision and for failure to exercise good faith in installing power lines on complainant's property, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also July 21-24 7/22/98 9:30 am ALJ A95-10- (PHC)-Pacific Gas and Electric Econome 024 Company, for authorization to Comr implement a plan of reorganization Neeper which will result in a holding company structure, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco; (EH) for 10 am, July 27, San Francisco (also July 28-31;August 3-7 and 10-14) (Closing Argument before Assigned Commissioner for 9 am, October 15, San Francisco) 8/3/98 10:00 am (PHC)-Pacific Bell, for authority to ALJ Galvin A98-02- categorize business inside wire Comr 017 repair, interexchange carrier Conlon directory assistance, and limited call control service as Category III services, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also August 4-7, San Francisco) 8/3/98 10:00 (EH)-Southern California Edison ALJ Barnett a.m. Company, for authority to revise its Comr Knight A95-05- energy cost adjustment bill factors, 049 its electric revenue adjustment A94-05- billing factorts, its low-income rate 044 assistance, and its base rate levels A93-05- effective 1/1/1996; to revise the 044 incremental energy rate, the energy reliability index, and avoidable capacity cost pricing, etc., and related matters , Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also August 4 and 5, San Francisco) 8/10/98 10:00 am (EH)-San Diego Gas & Electric Company, ALJ Minkin A98-01- for authority to implement a Comr 014 distribution performance ratemaking Neeper mechanism, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also August 11-14,, 17-21, and September 14- 16, San Francisco (PPH) for September 23 and 24 with places to be announced 8/17/98 9:00 am (EH)-Southern California Edison ALJ A89-03- Company, for a certificate to Stalder 026 construct and operate a 220 kV Comr Duque transmission line between Kramer substation and Victor substation in San Bernardino Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also August 18-21, San Francisco). 9/28/98 10:00 am (EH)-Rulemaking on the Commission's ALJ R95-04- own motion into competition for local Pulsifer 043 exchange service, and Comr I95-04- (EH)-Investigation on the Commission's Conlon 044 own motion into competition for local exchange service, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also September 29 and 30, and October 1 and 2, San Francisco) NOTICE OF DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR EX PARTE MEETING On September 20, 1996, the Commission adopted Resolution ALJ 169 regarding the "Filing of Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting". The resolution implements an interim procedure whereby a party whose written request for an ex parte meeting with a Commissioner has been denied will be allowed to file a notice of such denial. Copies of Resolution ALJ 169 are available from the Commission's Central Files Office at 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2002, San Francisco; telephone (415) 703-2045. Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. NONE FILED NOTICE OF ALL-PARTY MEETINGS (PU Code 1701.3(c) ) NONE NOTICE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. 6/2/98 A95-05-030 Roseville Telephone Company, for authority to increase its intrastate rates by $26,890,729 effective 1/1/96; adopt the new regulatory framework proposal and I95-09-001 Commission Order Instituting Investigation, into the rates, charges, service, practices and regulation of Roseville Telephone Company; consolidated with A95-05- 030. Summary: On May 29, 1998, Michael Campbell, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Roseville Telephone Company (Roseville), sent a letter (attached to the notice) to Cmmr. Conlon. Copies of the letter were also sent to Cmmr. Bilas, Executive Director Franklin, ALJ Careaga, ALJ Mattson, Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA) Director Schmid, Legal Division Staff Counsel Kalinsky, and ORA staff member Ayanruoh. The letter contains a request for a meeting with Cmmr. Conlon to discuss Roseville's objections to: ORA's determination that an audit of Roseville's affiliate and nonregulated transactions is required now; ORA's engagement of an outside firm without prior consultation with Roseville; and ORA's expectation that Roseville will pay $500,000 for this audit. Filer: Roseville Telephone Company Contact: Maria Incardona Phone: (415) 433-1900 6/2/98 R95-04-043 Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service, and I95-04-044 Investigation on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. Summary: On May 28,1998, Bill Geppert, General Manager for Cox California Telcom, LLC. (Cox), met with Cmmr. Neeper; Cmmr. Bilas; Cmmr. Knight; Jose Jimenez, advisor to Cmmr. Conlon; and Tim Sullivan, advisor to Cmmr. Duque in five separate meetings in San Francisco. Also present were: Richard Smith, Director of Regulatory Affairs for Cox; Peter Casciato, attorney for Time Warner AxS of California, LP (Time Warner), Don Wilmont, General Manager for Time Warner; and Kelsey Reeves, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for Time Warner. At the meeting with Cmmr. Knight also present were Ann Watson and Robert Lane, advisors to Cmmr. Knight. At the meeting with Cmmr. Bilas, also participated Lester Wong, advisor to Cmmr. Bilas. Written materials (attached to the notices) were used. The Cox and Time Warner representatives informed the Commission that Californians preferred geographic splits, and an overlay of the 619 area would impede facilities - based competition for residential customers. The Cox and Time Warner representatives urged the Commission to gain experience from the 310 overlay, and to make sure permanent number portability was operating properly before approving further overlays. Filer: Cox California Telcom Contact: La Tanya Linzie Phone: (510) 923-6220 6/2/98 A95-05-031 Roseville Telephone Company, for authority to implement a proposed agreement and plan for reorganization which would result in a holding company structure. Summary: On May 29, 1998, Michael Campbell, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Roseville Telephone Company (Roseville), sent a letter (attached to the notice) to Cmmr. Conlon. Copies of the letter were also sent to Cmmr. Bilas, Executive Director Franklin, ALJ Careaga, ALJ Mattson, Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA) Director Schmid, Legal Division Staff Counsel Kalinsky, and ORA staff member Ayanruoh. The letter contains a request for a meeting with Cmmr. Conlon to discuss Roseville's objections to: ORA's unilateral determination that an audit of Roseville's affiliate and nonregulated transactions is required now; ORA's engagement of an outside accounting firm without prior consultation with Roseville; and ORA's expectation that Roseville will pay the shocking figure of $500,000 for this audit. Filer: Roseville Telephone Company Contact: Maria Incardona Phone: (415) 433-1900 6/4/98 R95-04-043 Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service and I95-04-044 Investigation on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. Summary: On June 1, 1998, Richard Smith, Director of Regulatory Affairs for Cox California Telcom, LLC, met with Cmmr. Conlon; Jose Jimenez, advisor to Cmmr. Conlon; Ann Watson, advisor to Cmmr. Knight; Tim Sullivan, advisor to Cmmr. Duque; Fassil Fenikele, advisor to Cmmr. Neeper; and Lester Wong, advisor to Cmmr. Bilas in six separate meetings in San Francisco. Also present was Jerome Candelaria, attorney for the California Cable Television Association. Written materials consisting of a letter and transcripts excerpts (attached to the notice) were used. The letter encouraged the Commission to carefully consider the competitive and consumer impacts of a possible 619 area code overlay. The letters further urged the Commission to support the Administrative Law Judge's proposed decision for a three - way split. Filer: Cox California Telcom, LLC Contact: La Tanya Linzie Phone: (510) 923-6220 6/5/98 A96-06-049 Southern Gas Company, for authority to offer on a tariffed basis, a new service consisting of the installation of automatic earthquake gas shut-off valves owned by her persons. Summary: On June 2, Eleanor Youngsmith, attorney for the Consumer Services Division (CSD), met with ALJ Patrick in San Francisco. On the same date, Youngsmith had a telephone conversation with ALJ Patrick. During the meeting, Youngsmith delivered to ALJ Patrick a number of letters from non- parties. The letters contained comments on the proposed decision. Youngsmith expressed hope that the ALJ Division would not stand in the way of the agreement between the staff and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas). Youngsmith also noted that the only reason the staff agreed to temporarily withdraw its opposition to the proposed new rules was because the CSD had entered into an agreement with SoCalGas. Youngsmith explained that the agreement provided that SoCalGas would be given an opportunity to implement its newly proposed criteria on an interim six-month basis, in order to gain facts, and provide information to the CSD, so that a determination could be based on evidence of whether the proposed new program increased public safety. During the telephone conversation, Youngsmith mentioned the 50 already known safety incidents alleged in the staff's report in addition to numerous safety incidents SoCalGas has detected in its inspection of some of the valves installed by contractors. Youngsmith noted that the staff believes that all of the earthquake gas shut-off valves already installed by contractors should be inspected as soon as possible. Filer: CSD-Youngsmith Contact: Susie Toy Phone: (415) 703-1858