Daily Calendar California Public Utilities Commission Wednesday, January 6, 1999 Page 33 Public Utilities Commission of the State of California Wesley M. Franklin, Executive Director Headquarters Southern California Office 505 Van Ness Avenue 107 So. Broadway, Room 5109 San Francisco, CA 94102 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (415) 703-2782 (213) 897-2973 Website: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov Daily Calendar Wednesday, January 6, 1999 ú Regular Commission Meetings ú Notices ú Subscription Information (Daily Calendar and Agenda) ú Commissioner Office Hours ú Public Meetings and Workshops ú Notice of Draft Resolutions (PU Code 311(g)) ú New Filings ú Petitions for Modification and Applications for Rehearing ú Draft Decisions/Proposed Decisions/Alternates/Presiding Officer's Decisions/ Arbitrator's Reports ú Advice Letter Filings ú Miscellaneous Transportation Items ú Miscellaneous Telecommunication Matters ú Adjournments/Resettings/Submissions ú Removals from Calendar ú New Settings ú Law and Motion Hearings ú Final Oral Argument ú Hearings ú Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting ú Notice of All-Party Meetings (PU Code 1701.3(c) ) ú Notice of Ex Parte Communications REGULAR COMMISSION BUSINESS MEETINGS January 7, 10 am San Francisco 1999 January 20, 10 am San Francisco 1999 February 4, 10 am San Francisco 1999 COMMISSION RATESETTING DELIBERATIVE MEETINGS (Not Open to the Public) Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered. January 19, 1:30 pm San Francisco 1999 February 1, 1:30 pm San Francisco 1999 February 16, 1:30 pm San Francisco 1999 NOTICES Delivery of Formal Pleadings for Filing Unless otherwise directed, all courier-delivered documents submitted for filing as part of the formal record in a proceeding should be hand-carried directly to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco; Room 5109, 107 South Broadway in Los Angeles; or Room 4006, 1350 Front Street in San Diego. All documents sent through the mail for formal filing should be addressed ONLY to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. Charge for Commission Documents To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Notice for Draft Agenda Items In compliance with Public Utilities Code Section 311.5, parties who wish to subscribe to receive draft agenda items may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003; 505 Van Ness Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94102; or by calling (415) 703-1798. The cost for a one-year subscription to the entire public agenda package (which excludes Executive Session materials) is $1,000. You may also order a partial agenda package (energy agenda items only or telecommunication agenda items only) at the cost of $500 per year. The package you receive via mail will include only those agenda items available at the time of the agenda distribution date, which is usually 10 to 12 days prior to the Commission meeting. If agenda items (including revisions) are not ready on the distribution date, they will be made available at no charge in the lobby outside the Commission Auditorium at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the Commission meeting, but not earlier. In addition, the Commission will make draft agenda items available for viewing and photocopying (at 20 cents per page) at the Commission's Central Files Office (Room 2002), 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, and in the Los Angeles, San Diego, and the following field offices: El Centro, Eureka, Sacramento and San Bernardino. Since the agenda package will be mailed to these locations, it will be available at these locations a day or two after the distribution date. These locations will not receive agenda items that are not ready on the distribution date. If an agenda item is held over to a subsequent Commission meeting, that agenda item and any revisions to that agenda item that were available on the morning of the initial Commission meeting (as well as any further available revisions) will be mailed in the Escutia package for the subsequent Commission meeting; the item and its revisions will also be available for viewing and photocopying in the Commission's Central Files Office and field offices as set forth above. Intervenors who have a financial hardship determination pending or granted shall be eligible to receive draft agenda item packets at no charge. The cost to receive the agenda only, without copies of draft agenda items, remains at $75 per year. Subscription Notice for Daily Calendar and/or Agenda Parties who wish to subscribe to the Daily Calendar and/or the Agenda may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003; 505 Van Ness Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94102; or by calling (415) 703- 1798. The subscription cost for the Daily Calendar is $225 per year. The Biweekly Daily Calendar is $50 per year. The Agenda is $75 per year. Checks are to be made payable to the Public Utilities Commission. COMMISSIONER OFFICE HOURS (For further information or to make an appointment, please contact Sandra Graham at (213) 897-3544). NONE PUBLIC MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS Public Meeting January 6 and 7, 1999 California Public Utilities 9 am - 5 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, 1st Floor Training Room Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) San Francisco The Administrative Committee of the Electric Education Trust (EE T) meets to discuss and implement a CBO outreach grant program and an educational efforts plan, address any recent Commission action on the September 24th work plan, adopt a plan to receive community input into the grant process, discuss the Commission's consumer protection report, consider subcommittee recommendations on program design, fax newsletters and CSD activities in support of the EET, discuss and plan public forum meetings tentatively planned for Spring 1999, and related matters. The contact person is William Schulte at (415) 702-2349. Public Meeting - Technical Advisory Committee January 6, 1999 Pacific Energy Center 9:30 am - 4 pm 851 Howard Street, 1st Floor San Francisco The Technical Advisory Committee for the California Board for Energy Efficiency will conduct a meeting. The following agenda items will be discussed: CPUC Draft Decision, Future Program Planning, Implementation of 1999 Programs, Res Contractors Program, Res Workshops, Shareholder Incentives, CREATE Program, Market Assessment and Evaluation (MA&E) Reports Submitted to CBEE, Coordination of Utility/Local Government Initiatives, Updates on 11/16 and 11/17 IOU Filings Comments by CBEE and Other Parties, 1999 DSM Program Plans, Long-term Planning of TAC, Cost Effectiveness Evaluation. For more information contact Wm. Stevens Taber, Jr., Chairman, at (415) 457-7498. Public Meeting January 8, 1999 California Public Utilities 1:30 pm - 4 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3212 (Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) San Francisco ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE CHCF-A, CHCF-B, and CTF AGENDA Introduction and Public Comments Approve Public Meeting Minutes Of 12/1/98 Status of the Selection of a Financial Institution(s) for Trusts for California High Cost Fund B and the California Teleconnect Fund Review and Approve CHCF-B Claims and Expenses Discuss Concerns Regarding Available Data Base For Reviewing CHCF-B Claims Status Report of CHCF-B Resolution adopting 1999 Budget and Surcharge Review and Approve CHCF-A Claims and Expenses Discuss financial condition of CHCF-A trust Status Report of CHCF-A Resolution adopting 1999 Budget Review and Approve CTF Expenses Status Report of the CTF Fund and Claims Process Discussion of Relationship of CTF Program with Federal E-rate Program Public Meeting January 11, 1999 Deaf and Disabled 10 am - 2 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The VIDEO RELAY TRIALS SUB-COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410/Voice or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Workshop Notice January 12, 1999 California Public Utilities 9 am - 4 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, training room (Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) San Francisco NXX CODE LOTTERY WORKSHOP The Telecommunications Division of the California Public Utilities Commission will be holding a second technical workshop on fine-tuning the NXX Code Lottery held each month at the CPUC. Decision 98-08-037 found there is a need for a fresh review of lottery procedures. In this second workshop, the lottery process will be reviewed to determine if there are ways to make the distribution of NXX codes among carriers more equitable, and more conducive to the development of competition. Specifically, the topic of increasing the percentage of initial codes assigned from the lottery from the current 60% to a higher amount will be explored. Participants should come prepared to address potential reform measures for the lottery, identify potential shortcomings and suggest ways to revise the lottery process to promote a more competitive market including potential revisions in the allocation between initial and growth codes. If you plan to attend the January 12, 1999 workshop please RSVP by January 8, 1999 to Mary Jo Borak, at 415/703-1879, Email: BOR@CPUC.CA.GOV or Risa Hernandez at 415/703-5331, Email: RHH@CPUC.CA.GOV If specialized accommodations for the disabled are needed, call the Public Advisor at (415) 703-2032 five working days in advance of the event. Public Meeting January 12, 1999 One Crow Canyon Court 10 am - 2 pm Building 7 - Conference Room San Ramon The Payphone Service Providers Enforcement Committee will conduct a monthly meeting. For more information, please contact Adam Thaler at (415) 703-1157. Public Meeting California Board for Energy Efficiency January 12, 1999 Sempra Energy (Formerly SDG&E 1 pm - 5 pm Electric Building) Teleconference 101 Ash Street Information: San Diego This meeting is accessible by teleconference. To call in dial: 1-888-550-5969. After the prompt, enter the access code followed by the pound sign. To obtain the access code, please contact Elizabeth Gunn, Board Coordinator, at (415) 703-1956 The California Board for Energy Efficiency (CBEE) will meet to discuss the following topics: Proposed Decision on Administrative Structures; Early 1999 Activities and Programs; Program Planning for 1999 and Utilities' November 16/17 Advice Letter Filings; Market Assessment and Evaluation (MA&E) Planning Process; Reporting Requirements; Board Functioning; Updates and Status Reports; Support Services; and Scheduling and Agenda Planning for Future Meetings. The meeting is open to the public. The contact person is Mark Thayer (619) 594-5510. For further information about the CBEE and this meeting consult the CBEE Web Page at www.cbee.org. Public Meeting California Board for Energy Efficiency January 13, 1999 Sempra Energy (Formerly SDG&E 9:30 am - 4 pm Electric Building) Teleconference 101 Ash Street Information: San Diego This meeting is accessible by teleconference. To call in dial: 1-888-550-5969. After the prompt, enter the access code followed by the pound sign. To obtain the access code, please contact Elizabeth Gunn, Board Coordinator, at (415) 703-1956 The California Board for Energy Efficiency (CBEE) will meet to discuss the following topics: Proposed Decision on Administrative Structures; Early 1999 Activities and Programs; Program Planning for 1999 and Utilities' November 16/17 Advice Letter Filings; Market Assessment and Evaluation (MA&E) Planning Process; Reporting Requirements; Board Functioning; Updates and Status Reports; Support Services; and Scheduling and Agenda Planning for Future Meetings. The meeting is open to the public. The contact person is Mark Thayer (619) 594-5510. For further information about the CBEE and this meeting consult the CBEE Web Page at www.cbee.org. Public Meeting January 14, 1999 Deaf and Disabled 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The EQUIPMENT PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (EPAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting - LIGB Meeting Notice January 19, 1999 Hilton Universal City and 10 am - 4 pm (PST) Towers 555 Universal Terrace Parkway and Universal City January 20, 1999 Note: Southern California 10 am - 4 pm (PST) location of meeting. Conference Call Note: If you experience Information problems trying to access this January 19, 1999 conference call please contact Dial (415) 356-1430 Confertech at 1-800-314-3558 Passcode = 2408347# and have them verify the Dial- in # and Passcode scheduled January 20, 1999 under Master Reservation Dial (415) 356-0687 #10383502 for CH2M HILL (Sharon Passcode = 2408347# Weinberg is the designated Chairperson) The Board will meet to discuss the following topics: report from the Chair; subcommittee reports; financial status report; discussion of ACR (Draft or Final) Ruling; discuss/decide future direction and status for the Board and LIGB Advisory Committee (AC) including disbanding formal AC role; revision of the LIGB budget for 1999; discussion of Legal opinion on conflict of interest and what action is needed; discussion paper on needs assessment per Commission's directions; discuss LIEE & CARE performance incentives; submit work paper; discuss pilot projects per Commission's orders; critique and discuss Commission Decision on the four technical advice letter filings; discuss and prepare budgets for consultants; set future meeting dates; set content of future meetings; revision of milestones schedule; process for taking action between Board meetings; and review and approval of meeting minutes. An agenda for the meeting is being developed and can be obtained from the LIGB's website at www.ligb.org. The meeting is open to the public. For more information contact Sharon Weinberg at (510) 251-2888, extension 2025. Public Meeting January 20, 1999 California Public Utilities Lottery begins at 1:30 Commission pm 505 Van Ness Avenue, training room (Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) San Francisco LOTTERY FOR TELEPHONE NUMBER PREFIX ASSIGNMENTS IN THE 209/559, 213/323, 310, 408/831, 415, 510, 619, 650, 714, 805, 818, AND 909 NUMBERING PLAN AREAS The Telecommunications Division of the California Public Utilities Commission will be conducting a lottery to determine allocations of central office codes (NXXs) in the 209/559, 213/323, 310, 408/831, 415, 510, 619, 650, 714, 805, 818, and 909 area codes pursuant to the provisions of D.96-09- 087. Applications should be submitted to the California Code Administrator prior to the close of business on January 12, 1999. All companies applying for central office codes must have a Jeopardy COCUS (Central Office Code Utilization Survey) on file with the California Code Administrator. For information on the Jeopardy COCUS filing, call (925) 363- 8736. For information on the lottery process, call (415) 703- 1879. If specialized accommodations for the disabled are needed, call the Public Advisor at (415) 703-2032 five working days in advance of the event. Companies who wish to have a sealed envelope prepared for them on an ongoing basis containing their confidential letter designations for each NPA lottery drawing, should submit such a request in writing prior to the close of business on January 12, 1999 to: Mary Jo Borak, Telecommunications Division, California Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. Public Meeting CANCELLED AS OF 12/16/98 January 22, 1999 Deaf and Disabled 10 am - 4 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The CALIFORNIA RELAY SERVICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CRSAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting January 25, 1999 DDTP 1999 JOINT MEETING 10 am - 4 pm Oakland Airport Hilton 1 Hegengerger Road Oakland NOTE: Contact Elana Kalisher before 15 (Room located on ground floor) January if you wish to attend the luncheon (12 pm - 1 pm) The ANNUAL DDTP JOINT MEETING (DDTPAC, CRSAC and EPAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting TIME CHANGED January 26, 1999 Deaf and Disabled 9 am - 3 pm Telecommunications Program Oakland Airport Hilton 1 Hegenberger Road, Pacific Room (Ground Floor) Oakland The CALIFORNIA RELAY SERVICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CRSAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting February 2, 1999 Deaf and Disabled 10 am - 4 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE (DDTPAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting February 11, 1999 Deaf and Disabled 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The EQUIPMENT PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (EPAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting February 25, 1999 Deaf and Disabled 10 am - 2 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street, Suite 555 Oakland The 711-SUB-COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting to discuss relay access. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting February 26, 1999 Deaf and Disabled 10 am - 4 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The CALIFORNIA RELAY SERVICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CRSAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. NOTICE OF DRAFT RESOLUTIONS (Pursuant to PU Code 311(g)) Draft Resolution Approving Interagency Memorandum Of Understanding Between The California Public Utilities Commission And The California Electricity Oversight Board Pursuant to the Daily Calendar Notice of December 18, 1998, a draft resolution (L-276) of the Legal Division, approving an Interagency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Concerning Responsibilities Related to the Electricity Industry Between the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the California Electricity Oversight Board will be on the agenda at the Commission meeting of January 20, 1999. Members of the public may obtain a copy of L-276 for review and submission of written comments, which are due January 8, 1999. An copy of the December 18, 1998, Calendar Notice, draft resolution and MOU is available on the Commission's web site: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/electric_restructuring/osb/index.htm Members of the public without access to the Commission's Web site may also contact Charlene Lundy at (415) 703-1186) at the Commission to request copies. Draft Resolution Increasing Household Goods Carrier Maximum Rates Available. A draft resolution of the Rail Safety and Carriers Division that increases the household goods carrier maximum rates contained in Maximum Rate Tariff 4 will be on the January 20, 1999 Commission meeting agenda. It is now available for public review and comment. For details on how to obtain a copy of the draft and file comments on it, refer to the notice that was published on this matter in the December 21, 1998 Daily Calendar. It is available through the Daily Calendar Archives on the Commission's web site: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/divisions/alj/alj_div_cal.htm NEW FILINGS 12/21/98 A98-12-025 Southern California Edison Company and San Diego Gas & Electric Company, for the nuclear decommissioning cost triennial proceeding to set contribution levels for the companies' nuclear decommissioning trust funds and address other related issues PETITIONS FOR MODIFICATION AND APPLICATIONS FOR REHEARING NONE DRAFT DECISIONS * PROPOSED DECISIONS * ALTERNATES * PRESIDING OFFICER'S DECISION * ARBITRATOR'S REPORTS 1/5/98 C98-05-055 Richard Minetto, Complainant, vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company, Sierra Pacific Energy Company, Defendants.; Presiding Officer's Decision of ALJ Barnett Case 98-05-055 (Filed May 29, 1998) This complaint alleges violations of our affiliate transaction rules. Held: violation occurred; $50,000 refund of costs to ratepayers. Sierra Pacific Power formed Sierra Pacific Energy, an ESP registered in California. SPP used SPP employees to solicit customers in California for SPE. SPP and SPE have shared employees, responses, and other assets in violation of the affiliate transaction guidelines. SPE did not operate independently of SPP; SPE never had any employees. ADVICE LETTER FILINGS To inquire about a filing, call the Energy Division (703- 1093), Telecommunications Division (703-1889) or Water Division (703-2028). To protest a filing, mail the original letter/telegram to the Chief of the appropriate division (i.e., "Chief, [Energy, Telecommunications or Water] Division"), to be received no later than 20 days after the date the Advice Letter was filed. "Effective TBD" means that the date is to be determined by further Commission action. A date listed as "anticipated effective" may be subject to change. An Advice Letter Supplement is not a new filing, and there is no protest period unless indicated. 12/16/98 Telecom 13 FIRSTWORLD ORNAGE COAST, Extends Promotion (effective TBD) 12/21/98 Telecom MCI METRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION 111 SERVICES, Revise On-Net Term Plan (effective TBD) 12/21/98 Telecom MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION, 253-A Supplements A.L.No.253, Introduce Pay Station Service charge (effective TBD) 12/21/98 Telecom 63 NEXTLINK OF CALIFORNIA, INC., Extends two Promotions, Combined Calling Plan and Voice Mail Optimizer Features Promotions, until 01-31-1999 (effective TBD) 12/21/98 Telecom 64 NEXTLINK OF CALIFORNIA, INC., INTRASTATE ACCESS CHARGES (effective TBD) 12/21/98 Telecom 21 TOUCH 1 COMMUNICATIONS INC., taxes & surcharges (effective TBD) 12/22/98 Telecom 9 ALLEGIANCE TELECOM OF CALIFORNIA INC., California Relay & Communication Devices Fund, California Universal Lifeline & California High Cost Fund B (effective TBD) 12/22/98 Telecom 6 BAKERSFIELD CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/22/98 Telecom 53 ICG TELECOM GROUP, INC., Add Language To Caller ID(Number Only);Change name of Digital Access Service Plan B to Inbound, Outbound, 2-Way Services; Add Language Describing Digital Access Service Plan C-Nat. Services; CHCF-B Fund (effective TBD) 12/22/98 Telecom 18 L.A. CELLULAR LONG DISTANCE, LLC., annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/22/98 Telecom 19 L.A. CELLULAR LONG DISTANCE, LLC., To Extend Two Utility Promotions (effective TBD) 12/22/98 Telecom 5 PAGING NETWORK OF LOS ANGELES, INC., Complies with Resolutions T-16244, T- 16245, T-16234 & decision D.98-12-173 (effective TBD) 12/22/98 Telecom 11 TEXAS GATEWAY TECHNOLOGIES INC, California Relay & Communication Devices Fund, California Universal Lifeline & California High Cost Fund B Surcharges (effective TBD) 12/22/98 Telecom 7 THE TELEPHONE CONNECTION OF L.A., INC., annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/22/98 Telecom 3 Z-TEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC., Modify the Local Calling Service-Measured Rates In Zones 1, 2 and 3 (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom FORESTHILL TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC., 188-A Supplements A.L.No.188, CHCF (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom FORESTHILL TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC., 190 annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom FORESTHILL TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC., 191 annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 3 FRONTIER LOCAL SERVICES, INC., annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 11 FRONTIER TELEMANGEMENT, annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom MCI METRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION 112 SERVICES, Annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION, 360 complies with resolutions (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 65 NEXTLINK OF CALIFORNIA, INC., Revise end-user charges for California Relay Service & Communications Device Fund pursuant to resolution T-16234 & D.98- 12-073 (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 66 NEXTLINK OF CALIFORNIA, INC., Introduces the San Diego Charter Customer Promotion (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 1- RCN TELECOM SERVICES OF CALIFORNIA, A INC, Supplements A.L.No.1, Intrastate charges applying to switched access service and end-user service (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom ROSEVILLE TELEPHONE COMPANY, Change 439 in Surcharge (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 40 TCG LOS ANGELES, annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 41 TCG LOS ANGELES, Introduce a New Promotional Program, "TCG AMERICA." (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 38 TCG SAN DIEGO, annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 39 TCG SAN FRANCISCO, annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 76 TELECONNECT COMPANY, complies with resolutions (effective TBD) 12/23/98 Telecom 22 TELIGENT, LLC, annual compliance filing (effective TBD) 12/24/98 Telecom 19 PTI COMMUNICAITONS, INC., adjustment in income applicable to ULTS, pursuant to resolution T-16245 (effective TBD) 12/24/98 Telecom 16 SPECTRUM II, INC., complies with resolutions T-16234, T-16257 & decision D.98-12-073 (effective TBD) 12/28/98 Telecom 24 COX CALIFORNIA TELCOM II, LLC., Compliance filing per resolutions (effective TBD) 12/30/98 Energy SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, 1143E Power Exchange Energy Cost. (anticipated effective 01/01/99) 12/30/98 Telecom 39 TCG SAN DIEGO, Introduce a new Promotional Program, "TCG AMERICA" (effective TBD) 12/30/98 Telecom 40 TCG SAN FRANCISCO, Introduce a new Promotional Program, "TCG AMERICA" (effective TBD) 12/30/98 Telecom 35 TELCO HOLDINGS, INC., Reduce (DEAF) Ca Relay Service & Comm Devices Fund from 0.25% to 0.18% (effective TBD) 12/31/98 Telecom PACIFIC BELL, Supplements 19761-A A.L.No.19761, Compliance Filing: Annual Price Cap (effective TBD) 12/31/98 Telecom PACIFIC BELL, Modification of a 19915 Customer Specific contract for SONET service (effective TBD) 12/31/98 Telecom PACIFIC BELL, Public office closures 19918 - Mission Street/SF (effective TBD) 12/31/98 Telecom PACIFIC BELL, Customer Specific 19919 contract for Centrex, ADN, HiCap, FRS, Super Trunk, PBX, PRI and DS3 service (effective TBD) 12/31/98 Telecom PACIFIC BELL, Express contract for 19921 SONET, ATM, DS3 & HiCap service (effective TBD) 12/31/98 Telecom PACIFIC BELL, Express Contract for 19922 ADN, HICAP, & FRS service (effective TBD) 12/31/98 Telecom PACIFIC BELL, To modify terms and 19924 conditions of the Pacific Bell Voice mail Series 100 Plus product (effective TBD) 01/04/99 Energy PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, 2130G|1837 Agreement forms. (anticipated E effective 02/13/99) 01/04/99 Energy SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, Gas 1131G rate change. (anticipated effective 01/01/99) 01/04/99 Energy SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, 1361E Tariff revision to allow bundled service customer interval meter ownership options. (anticipated effective 02/13/99) 01/04/99 Telecom GTE CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED, Toll and 8940 CentraNet Contract (effective TBD) 01/04/99 Water 32 POINT ARENA WATER WORKS, INC., To establish Schedule LC and to revise Rules 9 and 11. (effective TBD) 01/04/99 Water 33 POINT ARENA WATER WORKS, INC., To establish Schedule F, Facilities Fees for new connections for the purpose of generating funds to build new plant or replace plant that is deteriorating. (effective TBD) 01/04/99 Water 34 POINT ARENA WATER WORKS, INC., To cancel Section E of Rule 15, Main Extensions. (effective TBD) 01/04/99 Water 35 POINT ARENA WATER WORKS, INC., To establish an agreement with the Redwood Coast Fire Prot. Dist. for fire protection service. (effective TBD) 01/05/99 Telecom 11 FRONTIER LOCAL SERVICES, INC., annual compliance filing (anticipated effective ) ADVICE LETTER PROTESTS To inquire about a protest, call the Energy Division (703- 1093), Telecommunications Division (703-1889) or Water Division (703-2028). To obtain a copy of the protest, please direct your request to the protestor. 01/04/99 Energy PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, 1835E Revise Preliminary Statement Part BB, Competition Transition Charge Responsibility for All Customer and CTC Procedure for Departing Loads. Protest by New Energy Ventures. 01/04/99 Energy SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, 1359E Revision to Preliminary Statement, Competition Transition Charge Responsibility. Protest by New Energy Ventures. 01/04/99 Energy PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, 1835E Revise Preliminary Statement Part BB, Competition Transition Charge Responsibility for All Customer and CTC Procedure for Departing Loads. Protest by Enron Corporation. 01/04/99 Energy SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, 1142E Revision of Rule 23 - Requirements for new customer load to qualify for CTC exemption. Protest by Enron Corporations. 01/04/99 Energy SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, 1359E Revision to Preliminary Statement, Competition Transition Charge Responsibility. Protest by Enron Corporation. MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION ITEMS January 6, 1999 Filings with Rail Safety and Carriers Division NONE MISCELLANEOUS TELECOMMUNICATION MATTERS January 6, 1999 INVITATION FOR BID PUBLIC BID OPENING January 20, 1999 California Public Utilities 10:00 A. M. Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Training Room San Francisco, CA 94102 AGENDA: Introduction Procedure Bid Opening - Invitation For Bid Number IFB-1000. Financial Institution For Trust Accounts for California High Cost Fund- B and California Teleconnect Fund Protest Period Closing Comments/Questions ADJOURNMENTS * RESETTINGS * SUBMISSIONS A98-05- Correction to the daily calendar 004 Minkin-Pacific Gas and Electric A98-05- Company to establish the eligibility 006 and seek recovery of certain electric industry restructuring implementation costs as provided for in Public Utilities Code Section 376, and related matters, Evidentiary hearing held January 4 and continued to January 6 A98-11- Barnett-Pacific Gas and Electric 023 Company to establish performance based ratemaking for electric and gas utility distribution service effective January 1, 2000, Prehearing Conference held and continued to 10:00 am, April 30 C98-04- Bushey-The Utility Consumers' Action 004 Network vs. Pacific Bell, and related C98-06- matters, Hearing set for January 11, 003 reset for January 12 (also (EH) C98-06- January 21-22, January 25) 027 C98-06- 049 A98-05- Correction to the daily calendar 019 Barnett-San Diego Gas & Electric A98-05- Company for authority to increase its 021 authorized return on common equity, A98-05- and related matters, Closing Argument 024 is set for January 7 REMOVALS FROM CALENDAR NONE NEW SETTINGS NONE LAW AND MOTION Law and Motion Hearings are held before Administrative Law Judge Steven Kotz at 9:30 am in one of the Commission's San Francisco Office Hearing Rooms, unless otherwise noted. Law and Motion procedures are governed by Resolution ALJ 164. Copies of Resolution ALJ 164 are available from the Commission's Documents Desk (415) 703-1713 or from Central Files (415) 703-2045 1/12/99 9:30 NONE SCHEDULED a.m. 1/19/99 9:30 NONE SCHEDULED a.m. 1/26/99 9:30 NONE SCHEDULED a.m. FINAL ORAL ARGUMENT NONE HEARINGS Dates in parentheses following the word "also" are subject to change without notice. the assigned Commissioner's name is listed next to the proceedings as matter of record; the assigned Commissioner may not be present at the hearing. (PHC) = Prehearing Conference (FOA) = Final Oral Argument (EH) = Evidentiary Hearing (WS) = Workshop (PPH) = Public Participation (FPH) = Full Panel Hearing Hearing (IAM) = Initial Arbitration (AH) = Arbitration Hearing Meeting (M) = Mediation (CA) = Closing Argument 1/6/99 10:00 (EH)- Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ Minkin a.m. Company, to establish the eligibility Comr Bilas A.98-05- and seek recovery of certain electric 004 industry restructuring implementation costs as provided for in Public Utilities Code Section 376, A.98-05- (EH)-San Diego Gas & Electric 006 Company, for (1) a determination of eligibility for recovery under Public Utilities Code Section 376 of certain cost categories and activities, (2) a finding of reasonableness of the costs incurred through 12/31/97, (3) approval of an audit methodology for verifying the eligibility of Section 376 costs for recovery from A.98-05- 1998 through 2001, and (4) approval 015 of a section 376 balancing account mechanism to recover eligible costs, (EH)-Southern California Edison Company, to address restructuring implementation costs pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 376, in compliance with Ordering Paragraph 18 of D.97-11-074, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also January 7-8, (CA) 9:00 a.m., January 13) 1/7/99 10:00 (PHC)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ Malcolm a.m. Rulemaking to develop standards for Comr Conlon R.96-11- electric system reliability and Comr Neeper 004 safety pursuant to D96-09-073, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 1/7/99 2:00 p.m. (CA)-San Diego Gas & Electric Company ALJ Barnett A.98-05- for authority to increase its Comr Duque 019 authorized return on common equity, to adjust its existing ratemaking capital structure, to adjust its authorized embedded costs of debt and preferred stock, to decrease its A.98-05- overall rate of return and to revise 021 its electric distribution and gas rates accordingly, (CA)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company for authority to establish its authorized rates of return on common A.98-05- equity for electric distribution and 024 gas distribution and establish its unbundled rates of return for calendar year 1999 for electric distribution and gas distribution, (CA)-Southern California Edison Company for consideration of unbundled rate of return on common equity, capital structure, cost factors for embedded debt and preferred stock and overall rate of return for utility operations, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 1/8/99 2:00 p.m. (PHC)-Snow Valley, Inc. vs. Southern ALJ Bennett C.97-09- California Edison Company for unjust, Comr Knight 024 unreasonable and discriminatory rates and charges; for improper charges for construction of a power substation, Telephone Conference, Room 5012, San Francisco 1/8/99 9:30 a.m. (PHC)-County of Riverside Department ALJ Bennett C.97-03- of Environmental Health vs. Spring Comr Neeper 034 Crest Water and Power Company, for failure to comply with minimum water quality and quantity requirements as contained in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations Telephone Conference, Room 5012, San Francisco 1/11/99 10:00 (EH)-PCSTC, Inc., dba Pacific Coast ALJ Ryerson a.m. Sightseeing Tours, for certificate of Comr Bilas A98-03- public convenience and necessity to 035 operate as passenger stage corporation for scheduled and on-call service over the most direct routes: 1. Between Los Angeles International Airport and John Wayne Airport on the one hand, and places in the communities in Orange County and the other hand; and 2. Between John Wayne Airport in Orange County on the one hand, and places in the communities in Orange County on the other hand. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1031 et seq. of the Public Utilities Code, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles (also January 12-13) 1/11/99 10:30 (EH)-Isam M. Alziq to transfer and ALJ a.m. A&M United Group, L.L.C. to acquire a Rosenthal A.98-06- certificate of public convenience and Comr Conlon 051 necessity and certain other assets, pursuant to Section 851, et. seq. of the California Public Utilities Code, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles (also January 12-15) 1/11/99 1:00 p.m. (EH)-Dorothy Dominguez and Ralph A. ALJ Bennett C.98-08- Martinez vs. Great American Stageline Comr Duque 008 for refusal to allow passengers to board, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 1/11/99 1:30 p.m. (WS)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ Walwyn R.97-10- Rulemaking on the Commission's own Comr Bilas 016 motion into monitoring performance of operations support systems, I.97-10- (WS)-Commission Order Instituting 017 Investigation on the Commission's own motion into monitoring performance of operations support systems, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 1/12/99 9:00 a.m. (PHC)-Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ Stalder A.98-04- Company for Commission order finding Comr Duque 003 that its electric operations during the reasonableness period from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997 as well as certain of its gas operations during the reasonableness periods from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 and January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997, were prudent; made to seek recovery of costs related to the ISO-PX Implementation Delay Memorandum Account, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (EH) February 1-16) 1/12/99 10:00 (EH)- California Water Service ALJ Vieth p.m. Company for a general rate increase Comr Duque A.98-09- to increase revenues by $897,400 or 013 6.1% in the year 1999, $307,400 or 2.0%, in the year 2000, $369,000 or 2.3% in the year 2001, and $377,000 or 2.3% in the year 2002 in the East A.98-09- Los Angeles District, 014 (EH)-California Water Service Company for a general rate increase to increase revenues by $1,371,800 or 12.3% in the year 1999, $353,500 or 2.8% in the year 2000, $325, 100 or 2.5% in the year 2001, and $334,800 A.98-09- or 2.5% in the year 2002 in the Bear 015 Gulch district, (EH)-California Water Company for an order authorizing it to increase A.98-09- rates charged for water service in 016 the Hermosa-Redondo district, (EH)-California Water Service Company for an order authorizing it to increase rates charged for water service in the Visalia district, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also 9:00 a.m., January 13-15) 1/12/99 10:00 (PHC)-The Utility Consumers' Action ALJ Bushey a.m. Network vs. Pacific Bell for unlawful Comr Neeper C.98-04- and deceptive sales program and 004 practices, (PHC)-The Greenlining Institute and C.98-06- Latino Issues Forum vs. Pacific Bell, 003 for deceptive sales practices, false and deceptive advertising, unfair competition and invasion of privacy, (PHC)-The Utility Consumers' Action C.98-06- Network vs. Pacific Bell for unlawful 027 marketing and education of the Caller ID and related services, (PHC)-Telecommunications C.98-06- International Union, California Local 049 103, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, (PHC)-Investigation on the I.90-02- Commission's Own Motion into the 047 Establishment of a forum to consider rates, rules, practices and policies of Pacific Bell and GTE, California, Inc., Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (EH) January 21-22, January 25) 1/13/99 9:30 a.m. (EH)-Pacific Bell vs. MCI ALJ DeUlloa C.98-06- Telecommunications Corp., Inc., and Comr Knight 028 MCI Metro Access Transmission Services, Inc., for breach of the interconnection agreement, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also January 14-15) 1/13/99 10:00 (PHC)-Greg Roberts vs. Pacific Bell ALJ Ryerson a.m. and Southwestern Bell Corporation for Comr Neeper C.98-09- not providing repair services, 020 Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 1/13/99 1:00 p.m. (PHC)-Application of Southern ALJ Patrick A.98-05- California Edison Company to report Comr Conlon 014 on the valuation process for certain generation-related assets pursuant to A.98-05- D.97-11-074, 022 (PHC)-Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company to report assessments of inventory balances and to address appraisal of retained generation assets, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 1/14/99 10:00 (PHC)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ Bushey a.m. Investigation into the operations, Comr Duque I.98-08- practices and conduct of the Coral 004 Communications, Inc. (Coral) and Michael Tinari, President of the Coral; William Gallo, Senior Vice President of Coral; Devon Porcella, Vice President of Sales and Operations of Coral; Neal Deleo, Vice President Finance and MIS of Coral to determine whether the corporation or its principals have operated within California without having a certificate to operate from the Commission and whether they have charged California Subscribers for telecommunications services the subscribers never authorized, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 1/14/99 2:00 p.m. (PHC)-Application of Red and White ALJ McVicar A.98-11- Ferries, Inc., for a certificate of Comr Duque 011 Public Convenience and Necessity to establish and operate vessel common carrier service between San Francisco on the one hand, and the Alameda Gateway Area and the Port of Oakland, on the other hand, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 1/15/99 10:00 (PHC)-Rick E. Thurber vs. Pacific Gas ALJ Vieth a.m. and Electric Company and Pacific Comr Duque C.98-09- Bell, for permitting foreign 036 attachments as signs, posters, banners, decorations, wires, etc. upon their facilities, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 1/15/99 9:30 a.m. (PHC)-In the Matter of the ALJ Stalder A.95-08- Application of SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY Comr Conlon 038 (U-168-W), a corporation, for an order authorizing it to increase rates charged for water service, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 1/18/99 10:00 (EH)-Rulemaking on the Commission's ALJ Walwyn a.m. Own Motion to Govern Open Access to Comr Bilas R.93-04- Bottleneck Services and Establish a Comr Duque 003 Framework for Network Architecture Development of Dominant Carrier Networks, I.93-04- (EH)-Investigation of the 002 Commission's Own Motion into Open Access and Network Architecture Development of Dominant Carrier Networks, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also January 19-22) 1/19/99 10:00 (EH)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ a.m. Rulemaking on the Commission's own Weissman R.98-01- motion to assess and revise the Comr Knight 011 regulatory structure governing California's natural gas industry, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also January 20-22, January 25-29, (OA) 1:00 p.m., February 10, (EH) March 1-5) 1/20/99 9:00 a.m. (PHC)-Wesley Crawford Muhammad and ALJ Stalder C.98-07- Shontelle Crawford Muhammad vs. Comr Neeper 031 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, requesting to refund overcharged amounts, increase discounts, and to restore Medical baseline and LIRA baseline, Tax Service Center, Franchise Tax Board, Large Training Room, 1800 30th Street, Bakersfield Please ask for Linda Turner 1/22/99 10:00 (ECP)-Idowu S. Famuyiwa, Pako ALJ Wright a.m. Construction vs. Southern California C.98-12- Edison Company, Edison International 010 Co. for overcharges and disconnection of services, Library Lecture Hall, 101 West Manchester Blvd., Inglewood 1/25/99 10:00 (EH)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company ALJ Barnett a.m. for authorization to sell the El Comr Conlon A.98-04- Dorado Hydroelectric Project to El 016 Dorado Irrigation District, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also January 26-29) 1/26/99 9:30 a.m. (PHC)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ Bennett I.98-03- Investigation on the Commission's own Comr Duque 013 motion into whether existing standards and policies of the Commission regarding drinking water quality adequately protect the public health and safety with respect to contaminants such as Volatile Organic Compounds, Perchlorate, MTBEs, and whether those standards and policies are being uniformly complied with by Commission regulated utilities; compliance filing by utilities is due in 120 days from the date of the order, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 1/26/99 10:00 (PHC)-Order Instituting Rulemaking on ALJ Patrick a.m. the Commission's Own Motion to Comr Conlon R.92-03- consider the line extension rules of 050 electric and gas utilities; and compliance with Ordering Paragraph 6 of D.98-09-070, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/8/99 10:00 (PHC)-Order Instituting investigation ALJ a.m. into the power outage that occured on O'Donnell I.98-12- December 8, 1998 on Pacific Gas and 013 Electric Company's electric system, Commission Auditorium, San Francisco (also (EH) April 5, 1999) 2/9/99 10:00 (EH)-Southern California Water ALJ Walker p.m. Company for authority to assess a Comr Duque A.98-06- reservation fee for fire protection 005 for persons occupying or owning property within the service territory of the Desert District, February 10, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco) 2/9/99 1:30 p.m. (PHC)-Application of Pacific Gas and ALJ A.98-07- Electric Company to construct the Gottstein 007 Northeast San Jose Transmission Com Duque Reinforcement Project, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/9/99 2:00 p.m. (PHC)-Order Instituting Rulemaking to ALJ Econome R.97-04- establish standards of conduct Comr Bilas 011 governing relationship between energy Comr Knight utilities and their affiliates, I.97-04- (PHC)- Order Instituting Rulemaking 012 to establish standards of conduct governing relationship between energy utilities and their affiliates, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/11/99 9:00 a.m. (OA)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ Bushey R.97-10- Rulemaking on the Commission's own Comr Duque 049 motion to set rules and to provide Comr Neeper guidelines for the Privatization and Excess Capacity as it relates to investor owned water companies, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/16/99 9:00 a.m. (EH)-Energy Alternatives vs. Pacific ALJ Bennett C.97-09- Gas and Electric Company for failure Comr Bilas 030 to conduct an open and fair bidding process with respect to the awarding of the Energy Partners program administrative contract for 1997, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also February 17) 2/22/99 9:00 a.m. (EH)-Commission Order Instituting ALJ McVicar I.98-09- Investigation into the operations and Comr Duque 007 prectices of Pacific Gas and Electric Comr Neeper Company in connection with compliance with PU Code Section 451, General Order 95, and other applicable standards governing tree-line clearances, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also February 23-26, March 1-5) 2/24/98 9:30 a.m. (PHC)-Utility Audit Company, Inc., ALJ Econome C.93-07- vs. Southern California Gas Company Comr Bilas 046 for charging excessive rates for gas service relating to the multi-family sites and master meter accounts C.94-02- listed in complaint, 009 (PHC)-Utility Audit Company, Inc., vs. Southern California Gas Company for three years of overcharges relating to multi-family sites and master meter accounts; requests refunds plus interest, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/25/99 10:00 (EH)-Application of RIDESHARE PORT ALJ Bushey 1.m. MANAGEMENT, L.L.C. dba PRIME TIME Comr Duque A98-07- SHUTTLE, to provide on-call door-to- 043 door passenger stage service to the extent required to enter into a concessionaire agreement with Los Angeles International Airport, (EH)-Application of Xpress Management A.98-09- Systems L.L.C. to provide on-call 001 door-to-door passenger stage service to the extent required to enter into a concessionaire agreement with Los Angeles World Airport (LAX), Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles (also February 26) 3/1/99 10:00 (EH)-San Diego Gas & Electric Company ALJ Barnett a.m. for authority to sell electrical Comr Conlon A.97-12- generation facilities and power Comr Bilas 039 contracts, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also March 2-5, March 8-11 3/8/99 9:00 a.m. (EH)-Southern California Edison ALJ Stalder A.89-03- Company for certificate to construct Comr Duque 026 and operate 220KV transmission line between Kramer substation and Victor Substation in San Bernardino County, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also March 9-12) 03/15/99 10:00 (EH)-Southern California Gas Company ALJ a.m. for authority to revise its rates Gottstein A.96-03- effective January 1, 1997 in its Comr Conlon 031 Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding for a total reduction in annual revenues of approximately $147.9 million (5.7%), A.96-04- (EH)-San Diego Gas & Electric Company 030 for authority to revise its rates effective January 1, 1997 in its Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding for an approximately $42 million decrease over presently authorized revenues, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also 9:00 a.m., March 16-19) 3/23/99 10:00 (PHC)-San Diego Gas and Electric ALJ Barnett a.m. Company and Southern California Gas Comr Bilas A.98-07- Company for approval of a gas 005 transmission service tariff, (PHC)-Southern California Gas Company A98-10- for authority to revise its rates 012 effective August 1, 1999 in its biennial cost allocation proceeding, (PHC)-Application of San Diego Gas & A.98-10- Electric Company for Authority to 031 revise its gas rates effective August 1, 1999, in its biennial cost allocation proceeding. Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (second PHC) 10:00 a.m., (EH) 1:30 p.m., April 5, (EH) April 6-9, April 12-16, April 19- 23, April 26-30) 3/29/99 10:00 (EH)-The Utility Reform Network and ALJ a.m. Utility Consumers' Action Network vs. O'Donnell C.97-09- SBC Communications Inc., Pacific Comr Conlon 043 Telesis Group and Pacific Bell for Comr Neeper violation of the service quality requirements of D97-03-067 and the Public Utilities Code and for attempting to mislead the Commission with respect to Pacific Bell's service quality performance, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also March 30, April 2) 4/1/99 9:00 a.m. (EH)-Ralph Azevedo, Ronald Azevedo, ALJ Bushey C.98-09- and Albert Ferari, vs. Union Pacific Comr Neeper 011 Railroad Company and California Northern Railroad Company for replacement and/or maintenance of fence line, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 4/16/99 10:00 (PHC)-Bayside Village, The Fillmore ALJ Bushey a.m. Center, and North Point Apartments Comr Knight C.95-08- vs. Pacific Bell for failure to take 039 responsibility for all building cross connects, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 4/30/99 10:00 (PHC)-Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ Barnett a.m. Company to establish performance Comr Duque A.98-11- based ratemaking for electric and gas 023 utility distribution service effective January 1, 2000, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/24/99 10:00 (EH)-In the Matter of the Application ALJ Galvin a.m. of Pacific Bell a corporation, for Comr Duque A98-07- Authority to Categorize Centrex as a 020 Category III Service, (EH)-In the Matter of the Application A.98-07- of Pacific Bell a corporation, for 029 Authority to Categorize Toll-Free (8XX) and Business MTS IntraLATA Toll Services as Category III Services, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also May 25-28, June 1-4) 6/14/99 10:00 (PHC)-Application of Pacific Gas and ALJ Minkin a.m. Electric Company for Review and Comr Duque A98-09- Recovery of the Costs and Revenues in Comr Conlon 003 the Transition Cost Balancing Account (U 39 E), (PHC)-Application of Southern A98-09- California Edison Company to Review 008 and Recovery Transition Cost Balancing Account Entries from January 1, 1998 through June 30, 1998 and Various Generation-Related Memorandum Account Entries, A98-09- (PHC)-Application of San Diego Gas & 009 Electric Company in the Annual Transition Cost Proceeding Regarding the Transition Cost Balancing Account (TCBA), Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (EH) 6/21-25, 6/28-30, 7/1-2, 7/5-8, (CA) 7/9, 9:00 a.m. `NOTICE OF DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR EX PARTE MEETING On September 20, 1996, the Commission adopted Resolution ALJ 169 regarding the "Filing of Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting". The resolution implements an interim procedure whereby a party whose written request for an ex parte meeting with a Commissioner has been denied will be allowed to file a notice of such denial. Copies of Resolution ALJ 169 are available from the Commission's Central Files Office at 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2002, San Francisco; telephone (415) 703-2045. Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. NONE FILED NOTICE OF ALL-PARTY MEETINGS (PU Code 1701.3(c) ) NONE NOTICE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. 12/11/98 A97-12-048 Southern California Gas Company, for authority to unbundle core interstate pipeline transportation. Summary: On December 8, 1998, Southern California Gas Co. ("SoCalGas") representatives met in consecutive meetings at CPUC with Robert Lane, advisor to Commissioner Knight, and Michelle Cook, advisor to Commissioner Duque, and urged PUC to adopt the multiparty settlement submitted in this proceeding should the Commission not consider it subject to Senate Bill 1602. The SoCalGas representatives, Jan Van Lierop and Brian Cherry, said the proposed alternate decision creates an unfair and artificial price advantage for core aggregators over core procurement customers. Filer: Southern California Gas Company Contact: Michelle Azuela- Phone: (213) 895-5103 Bennett 12/14/98 A98-10-012 Southern California Gas Company, for authority to revise its rates effective August 1, 1999, in its biennial cost allocation proceeding Summary: On December 8, 1998, Southern California Gas ("SoCalGas") representatives initiated a meeting at CPUC with Michelle Cook, advisor to Commissioner Duque. The representatives, Jan Van Lierop and Brian Cherry, asked that PUC adopt the multiparty settlement submitted in the core capacity unbundling proceeding should the commission not consider that proceeding subject to Senate Bill 1602. They stated the settlement would resolve certain stranded cost issues that would not have to be re-visited in SoCalGas' 1999 BCAP application (A98-10-012). All communications were oral. Filer: Southern California Gas Company Contact: Michelle Azuela- Phone: (213) 895-5103 Bennett SUMMARY: On December 9, 1998, Southern California Gas ("SoCalGas") representatives Jan Van Lierop and Brian Cherry initiated a meeting at CPUC with David Gamson advisor to Commissioner Neeper. The utility representatives asked that PUC adopt the multiparty settlement submitted in the core capacity unbundling proceeding (A97-12-048) should the commission not consider that proceeding subject to Senate Bill 1602. They stated that the settlement would resolve certain stranded cost issues that would not have to be revisited in SoCalGas' 1999 BCAP application (A98-10-012). All communications were oral. Filer: Southern California Gas Company Contact: Michelle Azuela- Phone: (213) 895-5103 Bennett 12/14/98 A97-12-048 Southern California Gas Company, for authority to unbundle core interstate pipeline transportation. Summary: On December 9, 1998, Southern California Gas ("SoCalGas") representatives Jan Van Lierop and Brian Cherry initiated a meeting at CPUC with David Gamson advisor to Commissioner Neeper. The utility representatives urged the Commission to adopt the multiparty settlement submitted in this proceeding should the commission not consider this proceeding subject to Senate Bill 1602. They stated the proposed decision in this case creates an unfair and artificial price advantage for core aggregators over core procurement customers. All communications were oral. Filer: Southern California Gas Company Contact: Michelle Azuela- Phone: (213) 895-5103 Bennett SUMMARY: On December 9, 1998, Southern California Gas ("SoCalGas") representatives Jan Van Lierop and Brian Cherry initiated a meeting at CPUC with Maryam Ebke, advisor to Commission President Bilas. The utility representatives urged the Commission to adopt the multiparty settlement submitted in this proceeding should the commission not consider this proceeding subject to Senate Bill 1602. They stated the proposed decision in this case creates an unfair and artificial price advantage for core aggregators over core procurement customers. All communications were oral. Filer: Southern California Gas Company Contact: Michelle Azuela- Phone: (213) 895-5103 Bennett 12/15/98 A97-10-024 Southern California Edison Company for authority to recover capital additions to its fossil generating facilities made between 1/1/96 and 12/31/96. Summary: On December 10, 1998, in consecutive meetings at CPUC with two (2) PUC officials, a Southern California Edison Co. ("Edison") representative conveyed oral communications regarding the alternate decision ("alternate") of Commissioner Duque. Mike Hoover of Edison met with: (1) Commission President Bilas and his advisor, Maryam Ebke, and (2) Commissioner Neeper and his advisor, David Gamson. The same points were communicated in each session. Mr. Hoover said the alternate would change the methodology for calculating cost effectiveness in a capricious manner that would not make economic sense. He stated the alternate's rationale for using a seven year payback period was incorrect because it mischaracterized Edison's proposals for cost recovery for the utility's fossil plants in 1994 and 1995. Mr. Hoover said to his knowledge that Edison never proposed that cost recovery should be limited to the transition cycle, and noted that Edison could not have known how the restructuring process would ultimately unfold in AB 1890. The Edison representative said that cost effectiveness analyses of capital additions must be based on a 15 to 20 year useful life of the equipment in question, and that the Test Year 1995 general rate case proceeding adopted that assumption. Mr. Hoover further stated that some capital additions were necessary for reliability purposes notwithstanding they were not cost effective using the 7 year payback period, and he cited boiler feed tubes and air compressors at certain Edison facilities as examples. Mr. Hoover said Edison was the only utility to divest all of its fossil fired generation of the new market with a selling price of almost two times book value, and that it would be illogical to assume that purchasers of plants only used a 5 year period to determine purchase price. He concluded by saying it would be unfair and even punitive to impose a new criteria after the fact based on a misunderstanding of Edison's filing. Filer: Southern California Edison Company Contact: Anthony Vincent Phone: (626) 302-2304 Archer Summary: On December 10, 1998, at an "all party meeting" at CPUC, a Southern California Edison Co. ("Edison") representative conveyed oral communications regarding the alternate decision ("alternate") of Commissioner Duque. Mike Hoover was Edison's representative. In addition to Commissioner Duque and his advisor, Michelle Cooke, others present were two representatives from the Office of Ratepayer Advocates ("ORA") and one from The Utility Reform Network ("TURN"). Mr. Hoover said the alternate would change the methodology for calculating cost effectiveness in a capricious manner that would not make economic sense. He stated the alternate's rationale for using a seven year payback period was incorrect because it mischaracterized Edison's proposals for cost recovery for the utility's fossil plants in 1994 and 1995. Mr. Hoover said to his knowledge that Edison never proposed that cost recovery should be limited to the transition cycle, and noted that Edison could not have known how the restructuring process would ultimately unfold in AB 1890. The Edison representative said that cost effectiveness analyses of capital additions must be based on a 15 to 20 year useful life of the equipment in question, and that the Test Year 1995 general rate case proceeding adopted that assumption. Mr. Hoover further stated that some capital additions were necessary for reliability purposes notwithstanding they were not cost effective using the 7 year payback period, and he cited boiler feed tubes and air compressors at certain Edison facilities as examples. Mr. Hoover said Edison was the only utility to divest all of its fossil fired generation of the new market with a selling price of almost two times book value, and that it would be illogical to assume that purchasers of plants only used a 5 year period to determine purchase price. He concluded by saying it would be unfair and even punitive to impose a new criteria after the fact based on a misunderstanding of Edison's filing. Filer: Southern California Edison Company Contact: Anthony Vincent Phone: (626) 302-2304 Archer 12/18/98 A98-05-027 U.S. Generating Company, for authorization to (1) obtain debt capital not to exceed $30,000,000, and (2) obtain exemption from the competitive bidding rule. Summary: On December 16, 1998, Frank De Rosa of U.S. Generating Co. called James Hendry, advisor to Commissioner Conlon, and asked him if he needed any filings or documentation on Southern California Edison's application seeking approval of its settlements under the BRPU. Upon Mr. Hendry's response, Mr. De Rosa then faxed him a one page schematic entitled "Edison Settlement Chronology." There were various transactions listed on the schematic with a time line (left to right) from 12/93 to 5/97. The schematic was attached to the filer's Notice of Ex Parte Communications. Filer: U.S. Generating Company Contact: Carolyn Weihl Phone: (415) 675-6409 12/22/98 A97-10-024 Southern California Edison Company for authority to recover capital additions to its fossil generating facilities made between 1/1/96 and 12/31/96. Summary: On December 17, 1998, Southern California Edison Co. ("Edison") representatives conveyed the same oral ex parte communications to three (3) PUC officials in three (3) separate encounters. The communications occurred at CPUC headquarters. Edison's Bruce C. Foster first telephoned Ann Watson, advisor to Commission President Bilas and then conveyed the communications to Commissioner Conlon in person. Edison's Mike Hoover also conveyed the same message in person to PUC advisor Robert Lane. The content was of the communication was there had been last minute changes to the administrative law judge's proposed decision on Edison's 1996 capital additions application that would result in a significant disallowance. Filer: Southern California Edison Company Contact: Anthony Vincent Phone: (626) 302-2304 Archer