Public Utilities Commission of the State of California Wesley M. Franklin, Executive Director Headquarters Southern California Office 505 Van Ness Avenue 107 So. Broadway, Room 5109 San Francisco, CA 94102 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (415) 703-2782 (213) 897-2973 Website: Daily Calendar Wednesday, February 3, 1999 ? Regular Commission Meetings ? Notices ? Subscription Information (Daily Calendar and Agenda) ? Commissioner Office Hours ? Public Meetings and Workshops ? Notice of Draft Resolutions (PU Code § 311(g)) ? New Filings ? Petitions for Modification and Applications for Rehearing ? Draft Decisions/Proposed Decisions/Alternates/Presiding Officer’s Decisions/ Arbitrator’s Reports ? Advice Letter Filings ? Miscellaneous Transportation Items ? Miscellaneous Telecommunication Matters ? Adjournments/Resettings/Submissions ? Removals from Calendar ? New Settings ? Law and Motion Hearings ? Final Oral Argument ? Hearings ? Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting ? Notice of All-Party Meetings (PU Code §1701.3(c) ) ? Notice of Ex Parte Communications REGULAR COMMISSION BUSINESS MEETINGS February 4, 1999 10 am San Francisco February 18, 1999 10 am San Francisco March 4, 1999 10 am San Francisco REGULAR COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETINGS February 9, 1999 4 pm San Francisco February 16, 1999 4 pm San Francisco February 23, 1999 4 pm San Francisco March 2, 1999 4 pm San Francisco March 9, 1999 4 pm San Francisco March 16, 1999 4 pm San Francisco March 23, 1999 4 pm San Francisco March 30, 1999 4 pm San Francisco For further information contact the Public Advisor (415) 703-2074, E-mail: COMMISSION RATESETTING DELIBERATIVE MEETINGS (Not Open to the Public) Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered. February 16, 1999 1:30 pm San Francisco March 1, 1999 1:30 pm San Francisco March 15, 1999 1:30 pm San Francisco NOTICES Delivery of Formal Pleadings for Filing Unless otherwise directed, all courier-delivered documents submitted for filing as part of the formal record in a proceeding should be hand-carried directly to the Commission’s Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco; Room 5109, 107 South Broadway in Los Angeles; or Room 4006, 1350 Front Street in San Diego. All documents sent through the mail for formal filing should be addressed ONLY to the Commission’s Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. Charge for Commission Documents To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Notice for Draft Agenda Items In compliance with Public Utilities Code Section 311.5, parties who wish to subscribe to receive draft agenda items may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003; 505 Van Ness Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94102; or by calling (415) 703-1798. The cost for a one-year subscription to the entire public agenda package (which excludes Executive Session materials) is $1,000. You may also order a partial agenda package (energy agenda items only or telecommunication agenda items only) at the cost of $500 per year. The package you receive via mail will include only those agenda items available at the time of the agenda distribution date, which is usually 10 to 12 days prior to the Commission meeting. If agenda items (including revisions) are not ready on the distribution date, they will be made available at no charge in the lobby outside the Commission Auditorium at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the Commission meeting, but not earlier. In addition, the Commission will make draft agenda items available for viewing and photocopying (at 20 cents per page) at the Commission’s Central Files Office (Room 2002), 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, and in the Los Angeles, San Diego, and the following field offices: El Centro, Eureka, Sacramento and San Bernardino. Since the agenda package will be mailed to these locations, it will be available at these locations a day or two after the distribution date. These locations will not receive agenda items that are not ready on the distribution date. If an agenda item is held over to a subsequent Commission meeting, that agenda item and any revisions to that agenda item that were available on the morning of the initial Commission meeting (as well as any further available revisions) will be mailed in the Escutia package for the subsequent Commission meeting; the item and its revisions will also be available for viewing and photocopying in the Commission’s Central Files Office and field offices as set forth above. Intervenors who have a financial hardship determination pending or granted shall be eligible to receive draft agenda item packets at no charge. The cost to receive the agenda only, without copies of draft agenda items, remains at $75 per year. Subscription Notice for Daily Calendar and/or Agenda Parties who wish to subscribe to the Daily Calendar and/or the Agenda may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003; 505 Van Ness Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94102; or by calling (415) 703-1798. The subscription cost for the Daily Calendar is $225 per year. The Biweekly Daily Calendar is $50 per year. The Agenda is $75 per year. Checks are to be made payable to the Public Utilities Commission. COMMISSIONER OFFICE HOURS (For further information or to make an appointment, please contact Sandra Graham at (213) 897-3544). Date/Time Commissioner Location NONE PUBLIC MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS Public Meeting - REVISED NOTICE February 3, 1999 9 am - 6 pm Electric Education Trust Administrative Committee The Ontario Airport Marriott 2200 East Holt Boulevard Ontario The Administrative Committee of the Electric Education Trust (EET) meets to discuss and adopt (1) a community outreach effort to solicit ideas for a CBO grant program, (2) specific activities of a non-CBO customer-education program for electric restructuring, (3) the design and objectives of preliminary research to identify target audiences for both programs, (4) revised budgets for both programs, (5) elements of evaluation for CBO grantees, (6) a proposal to procure the preliminary research, (7) a proposal to procure a CBO grant administrator, (8) a location for the web site, (9) rules for the participation of local governments in the CBO grant program and the non-CBO education program, and (10) nominations to an advisory panel for scoring grant proposals. The contact person is William Schulte at (415) 703-2349. Public Meeting February 5, 1999 10 am - 2 pm Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The VIDEO RELAY TRIALS SUB-COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real- time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting - Joint Sub-Committee Meetings February 8, 1999 (Tentative) 10 am - 4 pm Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The INVITATION FOR BID (IFB) SUB-COMMITTEE and the SPEECH-TO-SPEECH SUB-COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting: California Board for Energy Efficiency February 8, 1999 10 am - 5 pm Teleconference Information: This meeting is accessible by teleconference. To call in,dial: 1-888-550-5969. After the prompt, enter the access code followed by the pound sign. California Energy Commission First Floor, Hearing Room A 1516 9th Street Sacramento To obtain the access code, please contact Elizabeth Gunn, Board Coordinator, at (415) 703-1956, or by e-mail at The California Board for Energy Efficiency (CBEE) will meet to discuss the following topics: Commission Decision on Administrative Structures; Early 1999 Activities and Programs, Including Draft Resolution Extending Bridge Funding; Program Planning for 1999 and Utilities' November 16/17 Advice Letter Filings, Including Program Descriptions for Non-Residential Programs; Market Assessment and Evaluation (MA&E); Reporting Requirements; Response to Energy Division Letter; CBEE Work Plan and Schedule for 1999; Organizational Planning and Staffing; Board Compensation; CBEE Web Site Revisions; Updates and Status Reports from Committees; and Scheduling and Agenda Planning for Future Meetings. The meeting is open to the public. The contact person is Mark Thayer (619) 594-5510. For further information about the CBEE and this meeting consult the CBEE Web Page at Public Meeting - LIGB (revised - website) February 9 & 10, 1999 10 am -4 pm PG&E Energy Center 851 Howard Street (between 4th and 5th Streets) Green Room San Francisco The Board will meet to discuss the following topics: report from the Chair; discussion of Draft ACR; discussion of LIGB response to working copy of draft Assigned Commissioner Ruling; discussion of 1999 tasks for the LIGB, including pilot projects and need assessment; 1998 audit; and review and approval of meeting minutes. An agenda for the meeting is being developed and can be obtained from the LIGB’s website at . The meeting is open to the public. For more information contact Sharon Weinberg at (510) 251-2888, extension 2025. Public Meeting February 10, 1999 9:30 am - 3:30 pm California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 (Corner of Van Ness and McAllister Street) San Francisco The ULTS Marketing Board (ULTSMB) will hold its regular meeting to discuss the following: Review/Approve Meeting Minutes, Review/Approve Administrative Report and Action Items, Review/Approve Administrative Expenses, Review ULTSMB Correspondences, PUC Report and Action Items, Review/Approve Errors and Omissions Insurance, Review Previous Studies and Data, Announcements, Set Agenda Items for Future Discussion and Hear Public Comments. Executive Session: The ULTSMB will meet in Executive Session to discuss and render final approval of the Interim Marketing Program RFP and Contract, Review Marketing Program Timeline and Release Date, Brief the RFP Selection Committee, and Discuss the Bidder’s Conference. This meeting is open to the public. The Board reserves the right to limit the time allocated to public comments and each speaker. If you would like to join the meeting by phone conference or in person, and/or receive a full meeting packet, please notify the ULTS Trust Office at (510) 452- 2757. Public Meeting - Technical Advisory Committee (REVISED AS OF 2/2/99) February 10, 1999 9:30 am - 4 pm Pacific Energy Center 851 Howard Street, 1st Floor San Francisco The Technical Advisory Committee for the California Board for Energy Efficiency will conduct a meeting. The following agenda items will be discussed: Comments on the 1/23/99 Revised Proposed Decision on Long-Term Program Administration, Comments on Detailed 1999 Nonresidential Program Descriptions Provided by Utilities to CBEE, CBEE Response to TAC Recommendations of 1/6/99, Informing CBEE of Marketing Efforts of ESCO’s on 1998 SPC, Lunch: Outreach Discussion Group Meeting, Presentation by Gary Anderson on Rules for Bidding Load Management as an Ancillary Service. For more information contact Wm. Stevens Taber, Jr., Chairman, at (415) 457-7498. Workshop Notice February 10, 1999 10 am – 5 pm and if necessary February 11, 1999 9 am – 5 pm California Public Utilities Commission First Floor Training Room 505 Van Ness San Francisco Pursuant to Ordering Paragraph 11 in D.98-12-069, in Rulemaking (R) 93-04-003 and Investigation (I) 93-04-002, and R 95-04-043/I.95-04-044, the Telecommunications Division will direct a workshop to review the unbundled switching routing requests which Pacific Bell has denied on the basis of technical infeasibility. The purpose of the workshop is to determine which custom routing functions have already been tested and to review the outcome of the tests so that previous tests will not have to be repeated. For more information contact Telecommunications Division staff member Karen Jones at (415) 703- 1955. Parties are request to provide the Telecommunications Division and parties on the service list for this 271 proceeding with information on technical trials which have already been performed and the outcome of each test. The written information should include the specific routing function being tested, who performed the test, where and how it was performed, and the outcome. The information on technical trials is due Friday, January 29, 1999. Submittals should be sent either by e-mail or by overnight mail. Submittals must also be filed in the Docket Office. To the extent that parties believe that any of the information on technical trials involves proprietary information, those parties should file a motion for confidential treatment pursuant to Resolution ALJ-164 by January 22, 1999. Public Meeting February 11, 1999 10 am -4 pm Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The EQUIPMENT PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (EPAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting February 17, 1999 1:30 pm -4 pm California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 (Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) San Francisco The Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS) Administrative Committee will hold its regularly scheduled monthly meeting to address the following: Review/Approve Meeting Minutes, Review/Approve Telephone Claims, Review/Approve ULTS/ULTSMB Administrative Expenses and Authorize Administrative Transfer, PUC Report and Action Items, Review/Acceptance of the Amervest Report, Review/Approve Administrative Report and Action Items, set Agenda for future meetings, and Hear Public Comments. This meeting is open to the public. The Board reserves the right to limit the time allocated to public comments and each speaker. If you would like to join the meeting by phone conference and/or receive a meeting packet please notify the ULTS Trust Officer at (510) 452-2757. Public Meeting - Joint Sub-Committee Meetings February 22, 1999 10 am - 4 pm Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The IFB SUB-COMMITTEE and the SPEECH-TO-SPEECH SUB-COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting - Joint Sub-Committee Meetings February 24, 1999 (Tentative) 10 am - 4 pm Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The INVITATION FOR BID (IFB) SUB-COMMITTEE and the SPEECH-TO-SPEECH SUB-COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting - TIME CHANGED February 25, 1999 10 am - 3 pm Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street, Suite 555 Oakland The 711-SUB-COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting to discuss relay access. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Workshop Notice February 25, 1999 1 pm - 5 pm State Building 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3212 San Francisco The Telecommunications Division will conduct a workshop required by Ordering Paragraph 5 of Decision 98-12-023. As ordered, the subject of the workshop will be methods of determining the value of the post-NRF facilities that will convert to INC upon reconfiguration of the MPOEs on Irvine Apartment Communities’ affected properties. Those attending the workshop should be prepared to propose a valuation method and to discuss alternative methods suggested. Pursuant to D.98-12-023, the Telecommunications Division will make a recommendation to the Commission based on the discussion in the workshop. For more information, please contact Lorann King at (415) 703-3473 or Mike Amato at (415) 703-1863. Public Meeting February 26, 1999 10 am - 4 pm Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The CALIFORNIA RELAY SERVICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CRSAC) of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. NOTICE OF DRAFT RESOLUTIONS (Pursuant to PU Code § 311(g)) NONE NEW FILINGS 1/27/99 A99-01-041 CenturyTel Long Distance, Inc., for registration as an interexchange carrier telephone corporation pursuant to the provisions of Public Utilities Code Section 1013 2/1/99 I95-04-044 Pet. #133, US Data Highway Corp., for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide local exchange services as a facilities-based and resale-based competitive local carrier PETITIONS FOR MODIFICATION AND APPLICATIONS FOR REHEARING NONE DRAFT DECISIONS * PROPOSED DECISIONS * ALTERNATES * PRESIDING OFFICER’S DECISION * ARBITRATOR’S REPORTS NONE ADVICE LETTER FILINGS NONE MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION ITEMS February 3, 1999 Filings with Rail Safety and Carriers Division 02/01/99 TCP 12339-B Carlos Anzaldo, DBA Anza Tours, Address: 2124 Coyote Avenue, Calexico, CA 92231, Telephone: (760) 357-9603, Terminal address: 313 Via Cavour, Chula Vista, California 91910, Telephone : same, application filed for new Class B authority MISCELLANEOUS TELECOMMUNICATION MATTERS February 3, 1999 NONE ADJOURNMENTS * RESETTINGS * SUBMISSIONS A98-12-005 Mattson- GTE Corporation (GTE) and Bell Atlantic Corporation (Bell Atlantic) to transfer control of GTE’s California utility subsidiaries to Bell Atlantic, which will occur indirectly as a result of GTE’s merger with Bell Atlantic, Prehearing Conference held and completed C98-12-010 Wright-Idowu S. Famuyiwa, Pako Construction vs. Southern California Edison Company, Edison International Co. for overcharges and disconnection of services, (ECP) Hearing held and completed REMOVALS FROM CALENDAR A98-07-007 Gottstein- Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company to construct the Northeast San Jose Transmission Reinforcement Project, Hearing set for February 9, 1999, removed from calendar NEW SETTINGS 2/23/99 ALJ Wright 10:00 a.m. C.99-01-040 (ECP)-Rodney George vs. Sprint PCS State Office Building, 1350 Front Street, B103, San Diego 3/2/99 ALJ McVicar Comr Bilas 10:00 a.m. A.99-01-018 (PHC)-Antone Sylvester Tug Service, Inc., for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a common carrier of property by vessel between points in the Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Redondo Beach Harbor areas on the one hand, and on the other points on Santa Catalina Island, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 3/22/99 ALJ Patrick Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. A.98-05-014 A.98-05-022 (EH)-Southern California Edison Company (U 338-E) to report on the valuation process for certain generation-related assets pursuant to D.97-11-074, (EH)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company to report assessments of inventory balances and to address appraisal of retained generation assets, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also March 23-24) LAW AND MOTION Law and Motion Hearings are held before Administrative Law Judge Steven Kotz at 9:30 am in one of the Commission’s San Francisco Office Hearing Rooms, unless otherwise noted. Law and Motion procedures are governed by Resolution ALJ 164. Copies of Resolution ALJ 164 are available from the Commission’s Documents Desk (415) 703-1713 or from Central Files (415) 703-2045 2/2/99 9:30 a.m. NONE SCHEDULED 2/9/99 9:30 a.m. NONE SCHEDULED 2/16/99 9:30 a.m. NONE SCHEDULED FINAL ORAL ARGUMENT NONE HEARINGS Dates in parentheses following the word “also” are subject to change without notice. the assigned Commissioner’s name is listed next to the proceedings as matter of record; the assigned Commissioner may not be present at the hearing. (PHC) = Prehearing Conference (FOA) = Final Oral Argument (EH) = Evidentiary Hearing (WS) = Workshop (PPH) = Public Participation Hearing (FPH) = Full Panel Hearing (IAM) = Initial Arbitration Meeting (AH) = Arbitration Hearing (M) = Mediation (CA) = Closing Argument 2/3/99 ALJ Stalder Comr Duque 9:00 a.m. A.98-04-003 (EH)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Commission order finding that its electric operations during the reasonableness period from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997 as well as certain of its gas operations during the reasonableness periods from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 and January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997, were prudent; made to seek recovery of costs related to the ISO-PX Implementation Delay Memorandum Account, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also February 4-16) 2/4/99 ALJ Reed ALJ Walwyn Comr Bilas 9:30 a.m. R.97-10-016 I.97-10-017 (WS)-Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission’s Own Motion into Monitoring Performance of Operations Support Systems. Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission’s Own Motion into Monitoring Performance of Operations Support Systems, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also February 5, February 8-11) 2/4/99 ALJ Vieth Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. A.98-09-013 A.98-09-014 A.98-09-015 A.98-09-016 (EH)- In the matter of the application of CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY (U 60 W), a corporation, for an order authorizing it to increase rates charged for water service in the EAST LOST ANGELES district, and related matters, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also 9:00 a.m., February 5-8) 2/8/99 ALJ O’Donnell 10:00 a.m. I.98-12-013 (PHC)-Order Instituting investigation into the power outage that occured on December 8, 1998 on Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s electric system, Commission Auditorium, San Francisco (also (EH) April 5, 1999) 2/8/99 ALJ Econome Comr Bilas 10:00 a.m. A.97-06-021 (PHC)-Southern California Edison Company for authority to adopt a revenue-sharing mechanism for certain other operating revenues, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/8/99 ALJ Bushey Comr Duque 2:00 p.m. A98-11-031 (PHC)-Red & White Ferries, Inc for an exemption from sections 816-830 and 851-854 of the California Public Utilities Code, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/9/99 ALJ Econome Comr Bilas Comr Knight 2:00 p.m. R.97-04-011 I.97-04-012 (PHC)-Order Instituting Rulemaking to establish standards of conduct governing relationship between energy utilities and their affiliates, (PHC)- Order Instituting Rulemaking to establish standards of conduct governing relationship between energy utilities and their affiliates, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/10/99 ALJ Walker Comr Duque 9:00 a.m. A.98-09-040 (PHC)- Southern California Water Company for authority pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 454 to restructure the water rates of its Barstow, Calipatria- Niland, Claremont, Desert, Orange County, San Dimas, San Gabriel and Wrightwood Districts into region wide tariffs, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/10/99 ALJ Bennett Comr Neeper 10:00 a.m. C.97-03-034 (EH)-County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health vs. Spring Crest Water and Power Company, for failure to comply with minimum water quality and quantity requirements as contained in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations, County Administrative Center, Hearing Room-2d Floor, 82675 Highway 111, Indio 2/11/99 ALJ Bushey Comr Duque Comr Neeper 9:00 a.m. R.97-10-049 (OA)-Commission Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission’s own motion to set rules and to provide guidelines for the Privatization and Excess Capacity as it relates to investor owned water companies, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/11/99 ALJ Econome Comr Bilas 9:30 a.m. A.98-11-012 (PHC)-Lodi Gas Storage, LLC for a certificate of public convenience and necessity for construction and operation of gas storage facilities, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/11/99 ALJ Rosenthal Comr Neeper 1:00 p.m. A.98-04-001 (PHC)-City of Palmdale to construct Blackbird Drive a public street across the railroad tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the Metropolitan Transportation authority in the City of Palmdale, County of Los Angeles, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 2/11/99 ALJ Bennett Comr Knight 10:00 a.m. C97-09-024 (EH)-Snow Valley, Inc. vs. Southern California Edison Company for unjust, unreasonable and discriminatory rates and charges; for improper charges for construction of a power substation Riverside County, Board Room. 4080 Lemon St., 14th Floor, Riverside 2/16/99 ALJ Bennett Comr Bilas 9:00 a.m. C.97-09-030 (EH)-Energy Alternatives vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company for failure to conduct an open and fair bidding process with respect to the awarding of the Energy Partners program administrative contract for 1997, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also February 17) 2/17/99 ALJ Rosenthal Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. A98-06-051 (PHC)-A&M United Group, LLC, a Limited Liability Company, to acquire and Isam M. Alziq to transfer a passenger stage certificate of public convenience and necessity and certain other assets, pursuant to section 851 et. seq. of the California Public Utilities Code, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/17/99 ALJ DeUlloa Comr Neeper 1:30 p.m. A.98-08-001 (PHC)-In the matter of the application of Airporter, Inc., doing business as Santa Rosa Airporter, to amend and modify its passenger stage certificate #9023, by removing the “reservation only restrictions” for five listed cities in Marin County, and to expand its authorized services to all points in the cities of Novato, Marinwood, Terra Linda, San Rafael, Corte Madera, and Mill Valley for both routes 1 (SFO) and 2 (Oak), with retention of the current “Half Mile proximity restriction” within these cities, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/18/99 ALJ Barnett Comr Conlon 9:30 a.m. A.98-04-016 (EH)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company for authorization to sell the El Dorado Hydroelectric Project to El Dorado Irrigation District, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/18/99 ALJ DeUlloa Comr Neeper 1:00 p.m. C.98-10-038 (PHC)-Randall Welty vs. Southern California Edison Company for incorrect billing, Pomona Unified School District, Education Center, Room 116, 800 South Garey Avenue, Pomona 2/19/99 ALJ Vieth Comr Neeper 9:00 a.m. C.98-11-025 (PHC)-Pacific Bell vs. Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. for violation of interconnection agreement, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/19/99 ALJ O’Donnell Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. A.98-12-025 (PHC)-Southern California Edison Company and San Diego Gas and Electric Company for the nuclear decommissioning cost triennieal proceeding to set contribution levels for the companies’ nuclear decommissioning trust funds and address other related issues, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/22/99 ALJ Walwyn Comr Bilas Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. R.93-04-003 I.93-04-002 (EH)-Rulemaking on the Commission’s Own Motion to Govern Open Access to Bottleneck Services and Establish a Framework for Network Architecture Development of Dominant Carrier Networks, (EH)-Investigation of the Commission’s Own Motion into Open Access and Network Architecture Development of Dominant Carrier Networks, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also February 23-26) 2/23/99 ALJ Wright 10:00 a.m. C.99-01-040 (ECP)-Rodney George vs. Sprint PCS State Office Building, 1350 Front Street, B103, San Diego 2/24/98 ALJ Econome Comr Bilas 9:30 a.m. C.93-07-046 C.94-02-009 (PHC)-Utility Audit Company, Inc., vs. Southern California Gas Company for charging excessive rates for gas service relating to the multi-family sites and master meter accounts listed in complaint, (PHC)-Utility Audit Company, Inc., vs. Southern California Gas Company for three years of overcharges relating to multi-family sites and master meter accounts; requests refunds plus interest, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/24/99 ALJ DeUlloa Comr Neeper 1:30 p.m. C.98-10-025 (PHC)-James D. Korn vs. Pacific Bell for acting as billing and/or collection agent for other companies; and for slamming practices, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 2/25/99 ALJ Bushey Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. A98-07-043 A.98-09-001 (EH)-Application of RIDESHARE PORT MANAGEMENT, L.L.C. dba PRIME TIME SHUTTLE, to provide on-call door-to-door passenger stage service to the extent required to enter into a concessionaire agreement with Los Angeles International Airport, (EH)-Application of Xpress Management Systems L.L.C. to provide on-call door-to-door passenger stage service to the extent required to enter into a concessionaire agreement with Los Angeles World Airport (LAX), Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles (also February 26) 2/25/99 ALJ DeUlloa Comr Neeper 1:30 p.m. C.98-11-027 (PHC)-Reuben Bercovitch and Blanche Bercovitch vs. Sempra Energy, State Office Building, 1350 Front St., B102, San Diego 3/2/99 ALJ McVicar Comr Bilas 10:00 a.m. A.99-01-018 (PHC)-Antone Sylvester Tug Service, Inc., for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a common carrier of property by vessel between points in the Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Redondo Beach Harbor areas on the one hand, and on the other points on Santa Catalina Island, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 3/4/99 ALJ Malcolm Comr Conlon Comr Neeper 11:00 a.m. R.96-11-004 (PHC)-Commission Order Instituting Rulemaking to develop standards for electric system reliability and safety pursuant to D96-09-073, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 3/8/99 ALJ Stalder Comr Duque 9:00 a.m. A.89-03-026 (EH)-Southern California Edison Company for certificate to construct and operate 220KV transmission line between Kramer substation and Victor Substation in San Bernardino County, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also March 9-12) 03/15/99 ALJ Gottstein Comr Conlon 10:00 a.m. A.96-03-031 A.96-04-030 (EH)-Southern California Gas Company for authority to revise its rates effective January 1, 1997 in its Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding for a total reduction in annual revenues of approximately $147.9 million (5.7%), (EH)-San Diego Gas & Electric Company for authority to revise its rates effective January 1, 1997 in its Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding for an approximately $42 million decrease over presently authorized revenues, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also 9:00 a.m., March 16-19) 3/16/99 ALJ McVicar Comr Duque Comr Neeper 9:00 a.m. I98-09-007 (EH)-Investigation on the Commission's Own Motion into the operations and practices of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company in connection with Public Utilities Code Section 451, General Order 95, and other applicable standards governing tree-line clearances, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (EH) March 17-19, March 22-26, March 29-31, April 1-2) 3/22/99 ALJ Patrick Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. A.98-05-014 A.98-05-022 (EH)-Southern California Edison Company (U 338-E) to report on the valuation process for certain generation-related assets pursuant to D.97-11-074, (EH)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company to report assessments of inventory balances and to address appraisal of retained generation assets, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also March 23-24) 3/23/99 ALJ Weissman Comr Bilas 9:00 a.m. R.98-01-011 (OA)- Commission Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission’s own motion to assess and revise the regulatory structure governing California’s natural gas industry, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also (EH) March 29-31, April 1-2) 3/23/99 ALJ Barnett Comr Bilas 2:00 p.m. A.98-07-005 A98-10-012 A.98-10-031 (PHC)-San Diego Gas and Electric Company and Southern California Gas Company for approval of a gas transmission service tariff, (PHC)-Southern California Gas Company for authority to revise its rates effective August 1, 1999 in its biennial cost allocation proceeding, (PHC)-Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company for Authority to revise its gas rates effective August 1, 1999, in its biennial cost allocation proceeding. Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (second PHC) 10:00 a.m., (EH) 1:30 p.m., April 5, (EH) April 6-9, April 12-16, April 19-23, April 26- 30) 3/30/99 ALJ Bennett Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. C.98-08-008 (EH)-Dorothy Dominguez and Ralph A. Martinez vs. Great American Stageline for refusal to allow passengers to board, Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 4/1/99 ALJ Bushey Comr Neeper 9:00 a.m. C.98-09-011 (EH)-Ralph Azevedo, Ronald Azevedo, and Albert Ferari, vs. Union Pacific Railroad Company and California Northern Railroad Company for replacement and/or maintenance of fence line, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 4/8/99 ALJ Patrick Comr Conlon 10:00 a.m. R.92-03-050 (PHC)-Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission’s Own Motion to consider the line extension rules of electric and gas utilities; and compliance with Ordering Paragraph 6 of D.98-09-070, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 4/16/99 ALJ Bushey Comr Knight 10:00 a.m. C.95-08-039 (PHC)-Bayside Village, The Fillmore Center, and North Point Apartments vs. Pacific Bell for failure to take responsibility for all building cross connects, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 4/29/99 ALJ Bennett Comr Neeper 9:00 a.m. A.98-05-053 (PHC)-Application of the Southern California Edison Company (U 338-E) for Review of the Reasonableness of Southern California Edison Company’s Operations During the Period from April 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (EH) May 18-21, May 24-28) 4/30/99 ALJ Barnett Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. A.98-11-023 (PHC)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company to establish performance based ratemaking for electric and gas utility distribution service effective January 1, 2000, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 4/30/99 ALJ Barnett Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. A.98-11-023 (PHC)-Pacific Gas and Electric Company to establish performance-based ratemaking for electric and gas utility distribution service effective January 1, 2001, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also (EH) August 9-13, August 16-20, August 23-27, August 30-31, September 1-3, September 6-10, September 13-17, September 20-24, September 27-30, October 1) 5/24/99 ALJ Galvin Comr Duque 10:00 a.m. A98-07-020 A.98-07-029 (EH)-In the Matter of the Application of Pacific Bell a corporation, for Authority to Categorize Centrex as a Category III Service, (EH)-In the Matter of the Application of Pacific Bell a corporation, for Authority to Categorize Toll-Free (8XX) and Business MTS IntraLATA Toll Services as Category III Services, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also May 25-28, June 1-4) 6/14/99 ALJ Barnett Comr Conlon Comr Bilas 10:00 a.m. A.97-12-039 (EH)-San Diego Gas & Electric Company for authority to sell electrical generation facilities and power contracts, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also June 15-18)1 6/14/99 ALJ Minkin Comr Duque Comr Conlon 10:00 a.m. A98-09-003 A98-09-008 A98-09-009 (PHC)-Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Review and Recovery of the Costs and Revenues in the Transition Cost Balancing Account (U 39 E), (PHC)-Application of Southern California Edison Company to Review and Recovery Transition Cost Balancing Account Entries from January 1, 1998 through June 30, 1998 and Various Generation-Related Memorandum Account Entries, (PHC)-Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company in the Annual Transition Cost Proceeding Regarding the Transition Cost Balancing Account (TCBA), Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (EH) June 21-25, June 28-30, July 1-2, July 5-8, (CA) 9:00 a.m., July 9 NOTICE OF DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR EX PARTE MEETING On September 20, 1996, the Commission adopted Resolution ALJ 169 regarding the “Filing of Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting”. The resolution implements an interim procedure whereby a party whose written request for an ex parte meeting with a Commissioner has been denied will be allowed to file a notice of such denial. Copies of Resolution ALJ 169 are available from the Commission’s Central Files Office at 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2002, San Francisco; telephone (415) 703-2045. Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. NONE FILED NOTICE OF ALL-PARTY MEETINGS (PU Code § 1701.3(c) ) NONE NOTICE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. NONE Daily Calendar California Public Utilities Commission Wednesday, February 3, 1999 Page 21 The Commission’s policy is to schedule hearings (meetings, workshops, etc.) in locations that are accessible to people with disabilities. To verify that a particular location is accessible, call (415) 703-1203. If specialized accommodations for the disabled are needed, e.g. sign language interpreters, those making the arrangements must call the Public Advisor at (415) 703-2074 or TDD# (415) 703-2032 five working days in advance of the event.